I don't even know what that is! T_T
Really? Who?Chuunibyou is an adaptation too, even if half of the characters were made up for the show.
You have certainly picked out the best characters. And if I remembering correctly, there is a couple of K-ON! references to be found in there.
Really? Who?
It's about mahjong and yuri. I've been meaning to watch it myself sometime. If it successfully replaces the power levels of The Legend of Koizumi with yuri then it's pretty much all I could ever ask for out of an anime about mahjong. Not that The Legend of Koizumi wasn't fucking awesome, because it was. I'm just sad they never made a full series out of it.
Your avatar is awesome. Hairclip girl sucks so much.
She has to redeem herself. She has to.
All this yuri talk.
Damn, I could really do without Sanae. One crazy girl's enough. Kumin is cool though.Kumin (Pillow girl)
Sanae (Rikka's friend with twin tails)
Damn, I could really do without Sanae. One crazy girl's enough. Kumin is cool though.
Is yuri innuendo truly the best innuendo?
Her long hair is so beautiful. I'm perfectly okay with down. I don't really know what up means in this case anyways, she just puts them into twintails. It's not as if she pulls her bangs back or anything.
Putting your hair into a pony tail or twin tails is often called tying your hair up, and when you take out your pony tail it's called letting your hair down.
I already think that she looks out of sorts with the rest of the group. Whenever she lets her hair down, she looks even younger, which I find disconcerting.
I know what you're referring to. She also has her hair down a lot when Ui and Jun sleep over.Okay. Well, there was one scene in season 2 I think where Azunyan went to school without doing her hair first. I really liked that scene. You are more likely to find it first, since I'm watching baseball right now.
That could be. I also have a thing for Ritsu having her hair down, and Mio's hair tied up is kinda cute. Though in Mio's case, I still prefer it down like it normally is.I prefer it down, but I think both work. Maybe I like her hair down so much because it's usually tied up.
Odd, I think she looks more mature with her hair down.I already think that she looks out of sorts with the rest of the group. Whenever she lets her hair down, she looks even younger, which I find disconcerting.
edit: pomf
In place of your redacted post, I give you Halloween Mugi:
Post one and not the rest? for shame.
Considering the fact that the supermarket I go to already has a display set up with gingerbread houses and candy canes, no, I wouldn't say you're early.A little early for Holloween, but oh well.
Considering the fact that the supermarket I go to already has a display set up with gingerbread houses and candy canes, no, I wouldn't say you're early.
Holiday creep is ridiculous sometimes
My brother works at Macy's and he's said they've had there Christmas stuff out since like the beginning of this month. He's quite sick of X-mas music now.
Yeah, it's ridiculous. I was at the mall a few weeks ago and all the department stores had their Christmas stuff up already. Are they just going to skip Halloween and Thanksgiving or something?
Pretty much no one cares about Halloween here, stores tried to push it a while ago, and they still try to some extent but most people don't care which is good!
Jeez that cat must be tiny as hell if it's small next to Azusa.
But what about all the sexy outfits girls wear on Halloween? That has to count for something!
Well, um... 2D girls dress up too, but I guess they dress up all the time and for any occassion...Are you talking about real girls ? If so, i'm not interested.
Also have some more Ritsu.
In place of your redacted post, I give you Halloween Mugi:
Isn't that from the Romeo and Juliet episode?
I'm going to be a rebel and kick off Christmas early.