K-ON! - The Movie
Pure-distilled K-ON! over a feature length time? Yes please!
This is a movie that was clearly adheres to the three act structure, quite literally, with each being quite distinctive with its setting. The London trip being the middle section of this. But this foray didn't really play out as the big set-piece it was supposed to be (or to be more accurate, how I often saw it positioned in promotional materials), but more of a brief (if pretty) interlude, interspersed with a couple of songs. As for the music, it always feels like a treat when we actually get to see the band give a full performance, not least because it very rarely happened during the preceding two seasons! So in that regard it was nice to see, although the circumstances leading up the performances are ludicrous, particularly the first, which feels kind of out of place, given that their ability as a band is generally downplayed. But music! So I can't pretend to act all incredulous for too long!
Although the onus is never really on London as the setting, that doesn't mean that KyoAni don't take the time to include some
glorious background art along the way. It would have been easy to consign this section simply to familiar landmarks and settings, and although it does visit a good amount of those, it actually feels (and looks) like an authentic London. Much of the fun here is derived from simply watching everyone react to being placed in an alien environment. The language barrier is good comedy, and watching Yui and Ritsu squirm under the pressure won't stop being fun!
Like the additional episodes at the end of K-ON!! There is a weird feeling that echoes throughout most the piece, mainly because there is an already a sense of finality to everything. And this is something that all three acts take cues from, as the main through-line of the entire film is giving Azusa a fitting farewell. It’s a clever conceit, not least of all because I can see how this serves to accommodate newcomers. Although I think that the strengths mainly come from the long-established character relationships, and how nearly everything is a reference to a previous action or detail regarding the series proper. And that brings us onto the finale, which is nothing if not overt in its dedication to delivering that emotional and satisfying conclusion.
In placing the final act around the group’s graduation, the film is treading familiar territory, but it makes it work through offering a new perspective on the proceedings. As we are likely to already be intimate with the material, you are free to enjoy all the little embellishments that have added here. It is unabashed fan-service, but it serves to add yet another layer onto the (already) bittersweet series finale. All roads lead to Azusa, so come time for her farewell song, the sweet ballad is punctuated with an even greater emotional resonance that it had been previously.
And it took some unexpected turns along the way, such as the focus on the Yui & Azusa dynamic. It was very cool that they turned what was such an intrinsic aspect of the show, and had their fun poking fun at it. We are so used to seeing Yui being, well, Yui, that we never give it a second-thought, but to deconstruct the affection she lavishes on Azusa, and then to see it from an a different perspective (a deeply paranoid Azusa), it takes on a
whole other subtext.
The movie never really gets bombastic with its feature status, but that would betray what I come to love about K-ON! Even in this most grand of farewells, it is content to slip right back into its lazy atmosphere, that which we have become so comfortable and familiar with. So in essence, this is a feature-length episode, but when it accentuates all that with that extra layer of polish, both visually and musically, much like The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya before it, this plays like a love-letter to the franchise as a whole.
The graduation episodes may have been the zenith for K-ON! but the appreciation for the characters shines through here, and it just effortlessly moves along through their interactions alone. It's an oddly nostalgic piece that evokes memories of everything that it proceeds, but it succeeds precisely because it knows what notes to hit.
Random notes:
I'm full of sentiment for the whole series, and now I'm finally at the end! Who knew that such an unassuming show would be almost transformative in its calming touch and approach. It's an emboldening and inspiration piece of work, and I dare say that there is no higher praise than that.