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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

No need to apologize.


What the hell happened? We're getting pedantic about donuts now!?

It's really late here (early), and I'm trying to decide whether or not to pull the trigger on watching the K-ON! movie.
What the hell happened? We're getting pedantic about donuts now!?

The British way in spelling things is dumb. The purge of the useless "u" and other nonsense is the best thing to come out of the American Revolution.
It's really late here (early), and I'm trying to decide whether or not to pull the trigger on watching the K-ON! movie.
You should be fully awake and alert when you watch the movie.
Or not.


You should be fully awake and alert when you watch the movie.
Or not.

Which is my logic entirely, I can stay up and play games fine, because that requires you to be engaged, but films? Nope.

The British way in spelling things is dumb. The purge of the useless "u" and other nonsense is the best thing to come out of the American Revolution..

In many ways it's horribly convoluted, but we have a word for everything, so, eh.
Though I'd still love K-ON! College more, even if Mio and friends being out in the real world isn't exactly kosher with the moe consuming otakus.
Or they could do both at the same time.
If I were KyoAni, I would do one at a time to maximize profits.

I was just thinking they might not have enough source material to get a full 26 out of each side, but I guess they really don't need to. I'd take anything really.
As long as they intersect with each other I'm game.

Madman Entertainment has officially licensed the K-On movie for Australia. Now we just need to wait for Sentai to do the same for the US.

Which hopefully isn't to much longer.


I was just thinking they might not have enough source material to get a full 26 out of each side, but I guess they really don't need to. I'd take anything really.
As long as they intersect with each other I'm game.

First ~15 min for high school section, second ~15 min for college section, done.
First ~15 min for high school section, second ~15 min for college section, done.

But that might not let each section get enough time to develop like the show has done before. I was more thinking like have them alternate between the two, but maybe it is best to split cour them.
First ~15 min for high school section, second ~15 min for college section, done.
And the commercial bump with the cassette tape would make sense for the transition!! Wow, this actually sounds like it could work on some level...

Thing is, I can't shake the feeling that it wouldn't necessarily have the "Heart" that the original series had. In the back of my head the manga restart seemed like a cash-in as an observer outside looking in before this year when I finally got into the show. I'd want it done right, divert from the new manga if necessary. What did you guys think as the manga was rolling out?
And the commercial bump with the cassette tape would make sense for the transition!! Wow, this actually sounds like it could work on some level...

Thing is, I can't shake the feeling that it wouldn't necessarily have the "Heart" that the original series had. In the back of my head the manga restart seemed like a cash-in as an observer outside looking in before this year when I finally got into the show. I'd want it done right, divert from the new manga if necessary. What did you guys think as the manga was rolling out?

I haven't read up to that point yet, but the main problem I've read about it is that the new characters don't seem all that new. Like Sumire is more or less a Mugi'd Mio. Though I'm sure the people at KyoAni could make the new characters more interesting. But that's with the High school characters, I'm not really well versed with K-ON! College, because of reasons.
Well, after a few rather badly animated and vaguely incomprehensible episodes, it looks like To aru Majutsu no Index has settled into a coherent story arc and the animation seems to be a bit better now too. I have to say that these lip flaps are still the creepiest lip flaps I've seen in some time. Their faces just look wrong when they are speaking. The whole thing still seems like a bunch of random tropes thrown into a blender and set to puree though.

I plan to keep writing a bit later. I'm moving to Microsoft Word now for this thing. I suppose that one day it would inevitably have come to this and I would start writing bad fan fiction doujins. I've never been able to draw a damn thing after all.


Awww yeah, Unknown getting into some Indexu. My shit right there.

So...when is they gonna make a K-ON! Afterschool movie starring Yui's kid, Mui who's nickname is Gittah who so happens end up in the exact same school she went to and attends class with the other HTT's kids and they start up the Light Music Club again with Azusa as the Sawa-chan of this generation?
Awww yeah, Unknown getting into some Indexu. My shit right there.

Don't get too excited. I'm not sure how much longer I'll stay with it. Touma sucks pretty bad, and I only started watching because I wanted to see what the deal was with Mikoto (the winner of ISML 2011). The first arc was kind of bad, if the second arc is bad too I'll just drop it and watch Railgun instead. The spinoff series is all about Mikoto.


Don't get too excited. I'm not sure how much longer I'll stay with it. Touma sucks pretty bad, and I only started watching because I wanted to see what the deal was with Mikoto (the winner of ISML 2011). The first arc was kind of bad, if the second arc is bad too I'll just drop it and watch Railgun instead. The spinoff series is all about Mikoto.

Don't you drop Index. You'll regret it for the rest of your life and have nightmares every night.

I never saw Railgun so no comment on that series. Wonder if it has Last Order, cause Last Order > Biribiri.


The celebrate Azusa's Birthday I guess I'll give away something. If any of the regulars here want a Steam code for Prototype, PM me.

Eh, I won't play it, so I'll pass. As always, I appreciate the sentiment!

Nobody else seems to have shown any interest and I got no PMs. You sure you don't want a game to just take up some space in your Steam library?


I think it's well done, nice job, chet.


I'm good at making avatars and signatures (little good that does me here) but I have no gif skills. What programs you use Chet?
Assassin's Creed x K-ON!: Another A

Prologue – Part II

Lucy waited for Desmond to skim the first page of the dossier. After a minute of silence: “Well? Anything stand out to you?” Desmond glared dutifully at the first page of the entry again. No, nothing stood out to him. He said nothing.

Lucy interrupted his confusion immediately, as if expecting him to have failed her test. “I guess you never learned how to read these things. Let’s start from the very beginning. First, look at the basic information.”

Desmond read:
Sex: F
Ht: 150cm
Wt: 46kg
Parents: Deceased (Mother – Order, Father – Record Unknown)
DOB: November 11th (Year Redacted)
Place of Birth: Jing’an, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

He squinted at the basic demographic information. Lucy’s voice was fading in and out again. “All right, Desmond. Three things should have immediately jumped out at you. Can you try to name one?”

Again, Desmond failed to hide the irritation in his voice: “No. Maybe you should just tell me rather than play Twenty Questions.” Lucy paused for a moment. “Sure. First, you should have noticed that her parents are both marked as Deceased.” Desmond replied, “Is that unusual for a member of the Order? I would not think an Assassin came from a normal family.” Lucy’s answer was crisp: “No, it’s not unusual. After all, the Order has for the past few hundred years primarily recruited members from orphanages or shelters. However, what you should have noticed was that Azusa’s mother was a deceased member of the Order.”

Desmond stared. “What? Do you mean th-?” Lucy interrupted him. “Yes, I mean that Azusa’s mother was an Assassin.” Before Desmond could reply, she continued, “Now, the second thing which you should immediately have noticed was that her Father, also deceased, is marked as ‘Record Unknown.’ I’ll be lenient here, since you weren’t to have known this. ‘Record Unknown’ denotes that Azusa’s father was a Templar.

This time, Lucy could not have mistaken Desmond’s long silence for anything but confusion. She continued without waiting for a response. “We believe that the Templar in question was her final assigned mark. She was dispatched to find him in Shanghai, meet him by circumstance, grow close to him over an indeterminate period of time, and execute the hit from close range. For sensitive reasons, he could not be have been killed by an individual that he didn’t know. It had to look like an inside job.”

At this point, Desmond could tell that Lucy was on a roll. He let her continue without interruption. “Finally, the last thing you should have noticed should have immediately become obvious to you from the short story I just told you. Azusa was born in Shanghai. Do you know what this means?”

Desmond was suddenly having difficulty controlling his jaw. Lucy waited patiently for him to remember how to speak. “D-do you mean…Azusa is the illegitimate love-child of this Templar?” Lucy’s voice was now completely businesslike. “Yes, we believe this is the case. Actually, we are extremely sure of this probability simply because the Order was the ones who extracted her from a hospital in Shanghai when she was four months old. Fortunately, we were able to place her with an adoptive family in Japan fairly quickly. The Order maintains such families in several locations around the world for placing the orphaned children of Assassins. Though you would not know this, it is why despite being half-Chinese and half-Japanese, she bears only a Japanese name. Nakano is the family name of her adoptive parents.”

Lucy waited for Desmond to work some of the information through his mind. Then: “Any questions so far?” Desmond’s jaw still felt a bit loose, but presently he answered. “Do you believe her mother was killed by the Templar?” Lucy replied, “That’s a bit more of the story than I want to tell right now. It’s in the dossier, on page 5. For now, let’s lay that question aside until we reach that point. Any other questions?”

Desmond thought for a moment. “Just one, actually. Does she know of her mixed ancestry?” Lucy seemed surprised by this question. “No, she doesn’t. What would cause you to ask that question?” Now it was Desmond’s turn to explain something. “Because Altaïr was born of a Christian mother and a Muslim father.” Lucy remained silent. She knew this, but wondered where he was heading with it. Desmond continued: “In those days, it was common for Assassins to bear children. And the only Creed that mattered was that of the Order. It seems that is not so today.” Lucy said thoughtfully, “Yes, that is the case. And yet I wonder what Azusa would think of this if she knew.”

Outside, the driver brought the truck to a halt at the border checkpoint. Desmond put the tablet on the floor, and stood up to stretch his legs. Presently, he picked the tablet back up. Lucy asked, “Ready to move on?” Desmond replied, “Yeah.” After a few minutes, the truck crossed the Swiss border and continued into the night. The rain still had not stopped, nor had the truck stopped rattling. Desmond sat on the floor again and read on.


hm i missed the caturday. in my defense, i was watching k-on!! ep 11 yesterday while eating lunch. that ep is one of my favorites since i know very well the pain of heat and how good an air conditioned is (especially since my country is hot all year round and doesn't have other seasons outside sunny and rainy)

now, today i'm gonna be playing the new paper mario and will stream it. i wonder if i'll like the game or not..


File -> Import -> Video frame to layers
Then to save it you go to Save for Web & Devices...

You have just taught me something very dangerous.

Assassin's Creed x K-ON!: Another A

Prologue – Part II

Unlike me, you actually follow-up on your stories, kudos. Your grammar is also much better than mine, I'm jealous. Good job on the story so far.

today i'm gonna be playing the new paper mario

RIP Chet. I await your resurrection.
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