All the brony haters should check out this thread instead. o_o
One day I will own those headphones.Build on the relationship between her and Yui.
Luckily, the only problem I have at the moment is trying to figure out what to do so late at night other than post here and talk on Skype.
Just letting you know I'm still reading this. So far I'm liking it.Assassin's Creed x K-ON!: Another A
Stage.01: Hematogenesis Part II
They already do!All the brony haters should check out this thread instead. o_o
To echo what Billiechu said, she only posted once here before, and that was right before she got banned.Just stoppin' by real quickly here:
There's no other way to put this but, am I correct in assuming aguirre was an active poster in this thread?
Someone who lurks here had something to ask aguirre, would really appreciate if anyone has his contact details (Skype, AIM or whatever).
Horrible pun.So is it safe to assume that Chet is now...
stuck playing Paper Mario?GET IT?!
Horrible pun.
Stickers.There's a pun?
I will check that new Papa Mario out once I finish FFVI.
One day I will own those headphones.
Horrible pun.
I have never owned a real quality pair of headphones.
Since I pretty much listen to music non-stop, it's gonna be a spiritual experience when I do.
They are genuinely excellent headphones.
It was okay until a certain point where it completely jumped the shark. Now it's growing more ridiculous every second, like Code Geass where it's a trainwreck and they keep sending more trains.
Just letting you know I'm still reading this. So far I'm liking it.
So is it safe to assume that Chet is now...
stuck playing Paper Mario?GET IT?!
Good for you! I've never been one to be very athletic, as I had asthma problems as a kid, but I like to go for walks and ride my bike every so often.
I will also one day like to have her phone too. Marketing at work.
Thanks Chet! Running is sort of my way to get away from stuff and clear my head. I know some people (rightfully) think that all this running is crazy, but I enjoy doing it and seeing what I can accomplish. I actually started doing it to lose weight in college 10 years ago (was obese through HS and 1st year of college) and ended up liking it more than I thought I would.
I need to get some more HTT in my running playlists though...just had the OP/ED's for the race mixed in with some J-Pop, K-Pop and video game music.
All the brony haters should check out this thread instead. o_o
Yeah I like to walk outside just to clear my mind. Also helps if it's raining/snowing, but I can't really control that. heheheThanks Chet! Running is sort of my way to get away from stuff and clear my head. I know some people (rightfully) think that all this running is crazy, but I enjoy doing it and seeing what I can accomplish. I actually started doing it to lose weight in college 10 years ago (was obese through HS and 1st year of college) and ended up liking it more than I thought I would.
I need to get some more HTT in my running playlists though...just had the OP/ED's for the race mixed in with some J-Pop, K-Pop and video game music.
What's the phone? I only recognised Ritsu's because it was a Sony Ericsson, and I used to own the same model. At least, that what I assumed it was.
AKG are generally excellent, you can't go wrong with those. I'd only pay that sort of money (the K701's specifically) if you're an audiophile, though. Trying to justify to people why I spend so much money on headphones is always fun!
I love the meditative effect of running too. Unfortunately, freezing temperatures are coming soon (as well as early darkness) and I don't know if those weather conditions would have an adverse effect on my health.
I don't know. All I know is that I want it.
Yeah, it's mostly the sights I see that make it worthwhile for me, but I don't run really. And running in the winter is hard on my lungs.I guess it depends on your individual medical situation but I've been out at least in 10 degree (Fahrenheit) weather with no trouble. Requires more gear/layers but it's doable. If I really don't want to do that I'll hit the treadmill at the gym, though I really kinda hate treadmills. It's just not the same.
Lame phone is lame.
AKG are generally excellent, you can't go wrong with those. I'd only pay that sort of money (the K701's specifically) if you're an audiophile, though. Trying to justify to people why I spend so much money on headphones is always fun!
Yeah, it's mostly the sights I see that make it worthwhile for me, but I don't run really. And running in the winter is hard on my lungs.
No u
I don't really care for what the phone is capable of or anything. I just want it because it's Mio's...
I just looked up the AKG website...and holy crap at those K3003's. I'd be willing to go for one of their more inexpensive products, though. I do really need new headphones.
Might be a bad pun but I still lol'd.
I don't know. All I know is that I want it.
You usually get what you pay for with headphones, and if you know that you're going to get good use out of them, then they're generally worth the premium. Obviously there are exceptions, Beats, I'm looking at you.
These are my current pair, Audio Technica ATH-ES7
You're really starting to upset me, people!
This?Come now, Chet. You know I condone the frivolousness spending on K-ON! related merchandise, but there are better things to be buying than that!
Because I want that too.
These are my current pair, Audio Technica ATH-ES7
Please assess my current pair of headphones on a scale of 1 to crap.
Come headphones shopping with me!
I agree! :3Everyone deserves a good pair.
All I have in the way of headphones is a couple of pairs of skullcandy in ear squidgy things. They're good enough for now! No point in me shelling out a fortune for good headphones until I have something worth plugging them into, like a decent desktop.
I had some nice headphones, then I broke them, now I have shitty headphones. The fortune gods do not smile upon thee.
Don't even get me started on what my headphones are plugged into. Easily the worst part of my PC, but it's good enough.
Don't even get me started on what my headphones are plugged into. Easily the worst part of my PC, but it's good enough.
My laptop has a broken audio jack![]()
I'm using $4 earbuds from China that are made of wood. They cost 1/5 the price of Apple earbuds INCLUDING SHIPPING and sound 10x better.
The devil's work.