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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


I think it's great and there's two spinoff mangas, too. One of them is a "what-if" where Sena starts up the club with Kodaka.

Haganai is probably my second favorite harem show. I'm reading just the normal adaptation one.
I've been on a manga kick since I bought the first 3 volumes of the K-ON! manga.
Which I still haven't found the last volume of...
Other mangas I've read recently are Azumanga (Done) and Genshiken(Still ongoing).


Haganai is probably my second favorite harem show. I'm reading just the normal adaptation one.
I've been on a manga kick since I bought the first 3 volumes of the K-ON! manga.
Which I still haven't found the last volume of...
Other mangas I've read recently are Azumanga (Done) and Genshiken(Still ongoing).

The other manga that I'm still reading is
One Piece


I don't even have to highlight that to know what it is.
Do you own the K-ON! manga? because you should.

You know me that well already? Amazing.
I don't own it nor have I ever read the original K-On manga. Not sure why, it's not even expensive, I just don't.
That's good. I was wondering how you were going to tie them in. The only thing I see wrong would be her age. If she's supposed to be in her first year she should be turning 16 not 14. Since Japanese high school is only three years long and in the K-ON! movie Azusa says she's 17 when she's in her second year. But other than that, it's great stuff. Keep it up!

Damn. I had finally worked out a timeline for Azunyan's age too. This is good information though, I'll have to go back and correct her age and rework the timeline. Thank you!

Depending on how long this gets, I'll probably have to throw up a blog or something soon to store this thing. I just love the soft and fluffy cloud~
Damn. I had finally worked out a timeline for Azunyan's age too. This is good information though, I'll have to go back and correct her age and rework the timeline. Thank you!

Depending on how long this gets, I'll probably have to throw up a blog or something soon to store this thing. I just love the soft and fluffy cloud~

If you do, make sure you link it here! I'm enjoying it so far :)
If you do, make sure you link it here! I'm enjoying it so far :)

I'm still going to post chapters here. That isn't changing at all. I just need a more permanent place to store it, since this thread moves so fast that old chapters get buried within a day.

Correcting Azunyan's age ended up being more trivial than I thought, as I had already systematically planned out the timeline. All I had to do was add 2 to every mention of her age.
I don't own it nor have I ever read the original K-On manga. Not sure why, it's not even expensive, I just don't.
Get on it!

Hook me up with some cheap ways to get the MARIO RPG EXPERRRRIIIIIEEEENNNCEE!! :p
The first Paper Mario is on the Wii VC if you have that.
Damn. I had finally worked out a timeline for Azunyan's age too. This is good information though, I'll have to go back and correct her age and rework the timeline. Thank you!

Depending on how long this gets, I'll probably have to throw up a blog or something soon to store this thing. I just love the soft and fluffy cloud~
Glad I could help!
Maybe LTTP - K-On S2 on BD is 40 bucks for both sets:

I hope that doesn't mean that it bombed for Sentai and that I have to import the movie from Japan.

The third set of RightStuf's Black Friday deals are now live, and K-On is finally part of the spoils. $50 gets you all of season 2 on Blu-ray, or $40 if you only need it on DVD.

K-ON!! Season 2 Blu-Ray Holiday Bundle
K-ON!! Season 2 DVD Holiday Bundle
That's a pretty good deal. I'd be more worried about it being a bomb if it were being discounted in other stores.
This day just keeps getting better and better.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I give up!
Don't beat yourself up over it!


Don't beat yourself up over it!


You have no idea how bad I feel right now.
A quick update on the project situation, spoiler-marked so if you just wanna skip forward to the K-ON!-related stuff, just look underneath:

Holy shit, it's amazing what an hour and a half spent in a library can do for a group's motivation. Actually, let me backtrack. It started this morning after I had posted and lurked in this thread and was depressed as all the fuck out from my lack of motivation and energy to spend in these assignments. I ended up sleeping in and eventually as I was doing my morning routine, I got a text from my group partner that said something along the lines of "Don't come to class we're supposed to go first" which made me laugh my ass off. Of course, now tomorrow morning we're up first so we had to haul ass.

I knew that if I just went straight home after my last class of the day then I wouldn't get a single damn thing done, so the two of us met in the library to wrangle out the first draft of the skit. Basically a manga artist meets his new editor and has to pitch his weird story where a Yakuza kid wants to be a singer but his dad disapproves, and one day he drinks a weird version of black tea that changes his yakuza brute voice into a chirpy young idol's voice. Anyway, after writing that draft and running it by my friend who knew more/better (more better?) Japanese than I did, we started practicing over the phone and tomorrow morning will be the last practice sessions. This is down to the wire!! or however the expression goes.

Sorry for treating this like a miniblog again, guys.

K-ON thoughts, K-ON thoughts...

Oh wow at those Rightstuf deals. Hooooly crap I wish I waited, but whatever I gots my K-ON!!, what's done is done.

I read snippets of them here or there so I only have a trace of the premise they're doing, but Unknown Soldier's postings of the Assassin's Creed crossover are very subtly inspiring. I think that once it's Winter vacation time, I'll have more time and mindspace to spare for the "Persona 4: The KEION" idea I have bouncing around in my head. But then I think of the other fanfic I started last year that mixed Fate/Zero with Shin Megami Tensei and that's sitting pretty on hiatus. ._.

I think I'll rewatch all of K-ON!, both seasons up to S2E22 before I stop myself from moving on to the final disc again. >_>
Just reading that made me nervous, but I get pretty anxious when I even think about presenting in front of people. I hope it turns up good on your end, but it seems you have a handle on your situation now.

You need to watch it all!


standing in front of people is one of the things i've hated the most since i have memory. things never improved even in university. it's a good thing presentations in front of people were fairly uncommon in the degree i got.
i prefer working in private and alone and just do what i need to do at my own rhythm.


standing in front of people is one of the things i've hated the most since i have memory. things never improved even in university. it's a good thing presentations in front of people were fairly uncommon in the degree i got.
i prefer working in private and alone and just do what i need to do at my own rhythm.

No matter who I've talked to, presentations just seem to be part of university degrees. Even studying English Literature, we were always being made to give them.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Oh presentations.. don't remind me about them....

It wasn't so much about talking in front of people for me ( even if the first times were kinda rough ), but more that i was always super anxious about messing something up.
Mornin', K-ON GAF :). Blood work yesterday came back completely clean. On one hand, this is a good thing because is was very comprehensive...they took 6 vials when they did it and I nearly passed out. On the other hand, it offers no insight into the cause of my neuropathic symptoms. The guess is that there might have been some head trauma that I'm forgetting about it. Got my meds increased too! :p.

Ended up super busy after that between work and packing up for driving to Ohio today for Thanksgiving. Did find time to watch K-ON! ep 23. I know I tend to love every episode, and this was no different. Kinda reminded me of my last week in high school as a senior when a bunch of us band geeks went to hang out there even though we didn't have to. No album recording, though (fortunately).

As for presentations, I'm glad I don't have to do them anymore...always got very anxious and nervous, though I've always had anxiety issues anyway. Heck, even band and choir performances would make me nervous.

Maybe LTTP - K-On S2 on BD is 50 bucks for both sets:

I hope that doesn't mean that it bombed for Sentai and that I have to import the movie from Japan.

Probably wasn't a bomba...Sentai seems to be better these days at gauging the market than when they were ADV. Wish they would have done some kind of limited or special edition though :(.


Mornin', K-ON GAF :). Blood work yesterday came back completely clean. On one hand, this is a good thing because is was very comprehensive...they took 6 vials when they did it and I nearly passed out. On the other hand, it offers no insight into the cause of my neuropathic symptoms. The guess is that there might have been some head trauma that I'm forgetting about it. Got my meds increased too! :p.

Ended up super busy after that between work and packing up for driving to Ohio today for Thanksgiving. Did find time to watch K-ON! ep 23. I know I tend to love every episode, and this was no different. Kinda reminded me of my last week in high school as a senior when a bunch of us band geeks went to hang out there even though we didn't have to. No album recording, though (fortunately).

As for presentations, I'm glad I don't have to do them anymore...always got very anxious and nervous, though I've always had anxiety issues anyway. Heck, even band and choir performances would make me nervous.

Glad to hear it's all good. Head trauma can cause of forgetting things, so that probably explains why you don't remember ;)
Hooray for amishpriest being okay!!!

As for the project, considering the time crunch that my group had, I think we did okay. What sucks is I went overboard on wrecking my voice so my performance of the girls voice was flawed. Geh.

Almost sounded like when Yui wrecked her voice practicing with Sawa-chan.


I can do presentations pretty well, especially if I know the subject I'm talking about and it's not some random assigned topic.
Believe it or not, you get used to standing up in front of people.
I know that. I still just get anxious just thinking about them. It's probably one of the main reasons I like Mio so much.
All taken care of, you should txt me your feelings on this so I can smile.
That would require me to find my phone!
But maybe I will later...
Mornin', K-ON GAF :). Blood work yesterday came back completely clean. On one hand, this is a good thing because is was very comprehensive...they took 6 vials when they did it and I nearly passed out. On the other hand, it offers no insight into the cause of my neuropathic symptoms. The guess is that there might have been some head trauma that I'm forgetting about it. Got my meds increased too! :p.

Ended up super busy after that between work and packing up for driving to Ohio today for Thanksgiving. Did find time to watch K-ON! ep 23. I know I tend to love every episode, and this was no different. Kinda reminded me of my last week in high school as a senior when a bunch of us band geeks went to hang out there even though we didn't have to. No album recording, though (fortunately).

As for presentations, I'm glad I don't have to do them anymore...always got very anxious and nervous, though I've always had anxiety issues anyway. Heck, even band and choir performances would make me nervous.
Well that's good to hear.
Oddly enough, when I was in the high school band, I'd never really get nervous. Though that may be because I'd always sit in the back and just stare at my score sheet.
Hooray for amishpriest being okay!!!

As for the project, considering the time crunch that my group had, I think we did okay. What sucks is I went overboard on wrecking my voice so my performance of the girls voice was flawed. Geh.

Almost sounded like when Yui wrecked her voice practicing with Sawa-chan.


Mornin', K-ON GAF :). Blood work yesterday came back completely clean.

Glad to hear it, shame there was no solution to your problem, though.

That would require me to find my phone!
But maybe I will later...


As for the project, considering the time crunch that my group had, I think we did okay. What sucks is I went overboard on wrecking my voice so my performance of the girls voice was flawed. Geh.

Almost sounded like when Yui wrecked her voice practicing with Sawa-chan.

Ah, presentations, those were some fun times. It's always much easier when people think you're somewhat of a class clown. A bit harder to pull off in college, because, well... it's college, but you can always take solace in the fact that everybody else can relate at that very moment.


Watanabe! I wouldn't do thaaaat~


Seriously, I wouldn't, unless you were into that sort of thing.
Ah, presentations, those were some fun times. It's always much easier when people think you're somewhat of a class clown. A bit harder to pull off in college, because, well... it's college, but you can always take solace in the fact that everybody else can relate at that very moment.

Do you also sometimes forget your duties as the club president?


Do you also sometimes forget your duties as the club president?

I didn't run a club, but I was usually the leader of the projects~!
Nobody ever really wants to be the leader and I don't mind it.
I was more responsible than Ritsu, so I didn't forget!



Mio is one of the reasons that I'm eager to watch the show again. I think it's fair to say that I didn't like her for pretty much the entirety of the first season. But similarly to Mugi (but lets be fair, in a much more overt fashion), her introverted attitude does change significantly during her time in the club. So it'll be interesting to watch it all with a new perspective on the characters.

Watanabe! I wouldn't do thaaaat~

I didn't run a club, but I was usually the leader of the projects~!
Nobody ever really wants to be the leader and I don't mind it.
I was more responsible than Ritsu, so I didn't forget!
A likely story.

Mio is one of the reasons that I'm eager to watch the show again. I think it's fair to say that I didn't like her for pretty much the entirety of the first season. But similarly to Mugi (but lets be fair, in a much more overt fashion), her introverted attitude does change significantly during her time in the club. So it'll be interesting to watch it all with a new perspective on the characters.

It's definitely why I enjoyed the second season more than the first. Sure they still have fun and goof off, but they all seem to grow up a little bit over the course of the year. Well not Mugi, she's already pretty grown up. If anything the club lets her act like a kid again.
Though I still love the first season a lot too! Don't get me wrong!
Mio is one of the reasons that I'm eager to watch the show again. I think it's fair to say that I didn't like her for pretty much the entirety of the first season. But similarly to Mugi (but lets be fair, in a much more overt fashion), her introverted attitude does change significantly during her time in the club. So it'll be interesting to watch it all with a new perspective on the characters.


I think me being an introvert is one of the main reasons I like Mio. Kind of relatable I guess.
It's also nice to actually see the characters develop over the course of the two seasons.


A likely story.

Uhh... UHH... umm... okay, I'm not perfect, but I tried my best!

Mio is one of the reasons that I'm eager to watch the show again. I think it's fair to say that I didn't like her for pretty much the entirety of the first season. But similarly to Mugi (but lets be fair, in a much more overt fashion), her introverted attitude does change significantly during her time in the club. So it'll be interesting to watch it all with a new perspective on the characters.

I think the only character that stayed in the same spot for me after I was done watching was Mugi. The entire time I'm asking myself, "Why are you here?" I guess the same could be said about Azusa during season 1, but she was too adorable to hate on. Yui just annoyed me at the start of season 1, but she grew on me. What's funny is the same exact thing happened in season 2. Ritsu and Mio are the only ones I liked from beginning to end.
Uhh... UHH... umm... okay, I'm not perfect, but I tried my best!

I think the only character that stayed in the same spot for me after I was done watching was Mugi. The entire time I'm asking myself, "Why are you here?" I guess the same could be said about Azusa during season 1, but she was too adorable to hate on. Yui just annoyed me at the start of season 1, but she grew on me. What's funny is the same exact thing happened in season 2. Ritsu and Mio are the only ones I liked from beginning to end.

I'm sort of the same.. most of the characters were sort of "meh" for the first episode or two, with Yui being Yui, but they all definitely grew on me. They all got ample development, including Azu, who joined late, and in other shows probably would have got way less development than those already there.

On a semi-KyoAni related note (But only kind of!); Have any of you guys read the Haruhi light novels? New English translation of one out at the end of this month!

Oh Lawd, new page! Have some Jun.

I watched it in Chronological order. I quite liked it, and I loved the movie.

I watched it both Kyon and Chrono, but I watched it the out of sequence way first, which left me a little confused the first time :p
Also, KyoAni's ultimate troll of turning a 54 page chapter into 8 consecutive episodes of almost the exact same thing, but with minor variations.

And yeah, the movie was amazing. I was surprised by its length though, almost 3 hours! And its one of the thinner books!
I think the only character that stayed in the same spot for me after I was done watching was Mugi. The entire time I'm asking myself, "Why are you here?" I guess the same could be said about Azusa during season 1, but she was too adorable to hate on. Yui just annoyed me at the start of season 1, but she grew on me. What's funny is the same exact thing happened in season 2. Ritsu and Mio are the only ones I liked from beginning to end.

The thing about Mugi is that she has no real room to grow as a character. She's already the perfect young lady. Her quirk about not knowing anything about middle class life is just that, a quirk. Though I'm glad she got more chance to shine on her own in the second season, as in the first season she was not much more than a walking plot device.

That said, I still like Mugi, but Mio is the undisputed best girl.


It's definitely why I enjoyed the second season more than the first. Sure they still have fun and goof off, but they all seem to grow up a little bit over the course of the year. Well not Mugi, she's already pretty grown up. If anything the club lets her act like a kid again.
Though I still love the first season a lot too! Don't get me wrong!

No you're right, and that's what I was referring to. The Mugi who joins the club is confident and assured, but is alien to her new social environment, so is simply unable to express herself, to an extent. You contrast that with Mio, who simply lacks any of that assurance in herself, using Ritsu as an emotional crutch, and is visibly closed off as a result.

When you bookend both the series, it's fair to say there is a clear progression that has taken place there, but seeing as it's a show not typically concerned with a driving narrative, the character development is sometimes missed (or ignored), amidst the criticism of moe pandering.

I think the only character that stayed in the same spot for me after I was done watching was Mugi. The entire time I'm asking myself, "Why are you here?"

Well, we definitely disagree on that.

On a semi-KyoAni related note (But only kind of!); Have any of you guys read the Haruhi light novels? New English translation of one out at the end of this month!

I do. I own the first four LN. I'm sure I've said it in the past, but I have a real fondness for Haruhi in general, and I credit it with pretty much getting me into Anime, it being the first series that I watched last year.
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