Mornin', K-ON GAF

. Blood work yesterday came back completely clean. On one hand, this is a good thing because is was very comprehensive...they took 6 vials when they did it and I nearly passed out. On the other hand, it offers no insight into the cause of my neuropathic symptoms. The guess is that there might have been some head trauma that I'm forgetting about it. Got my meds increased too!

Ended up super busy after that between work and packing up for driving to Ohio today for Thanksgiving. Did find time to watch K-ON! ep 23. I know I tend to love every episode, and this was no different. Kinda reminded me of my last week in high school as a senior when a bunch of us band geeks went to hang out there even though we didn't have to. No album recording, though (fortunately).
As for presentations, I'm glad I don't have to do them anymore...always got very anxious and nervous, though I've always had anxiety issues anyway. Heck, even band and choir performances would make me nervous.