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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

I do. I own the first four LN. I'm sure I've said it in the past, but I have a real fondness for Haruhi in general, and I credit it with pretty much getting me into Anime, it being the first series that I watched last year.

Yeah, it was one of the first I watched, too, barring pokemans when I was much younger. Still is one of my favourite series to this day.

Where would one even look for localized Japanese light novels in a book store? I mean in an actual book store, not online.

Erm, it depends on the store. I'm pretty sure Waterstones stocks some LNs, seeing as though they stock some manga too, and it would probably be close to that.
Over here we have a few specialist stores, such as Forbidden Planet and Travelling Man, that mainly sell comic books, game novels, fantasy novels, and a ton of manga and other Japanese stuff.
I bought the 7 localised novels off Amazon, but when I went to Travelling Man, they had all of them in stock.
I guess it really just depends on if the store in particular stocks it in general. Even if they don't, they can usually order them for you from their suppliers so you can pick it up at the store when it arrives.


Edit: Dang it, I understood the question correctly after all.
Where would one even look for localized Japanese light novels in a book store? I mean in an actual book store, not online.

At least for the bookstores I've been to, translated light novels were in a manga section.
I was just thinking what section would the books be in and how I would find them. Though I'm not even sure what LN I'd like to read if I would even find them anyways.
I don't think the bookstore I go to has any LNs by the mangas, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough.
Or looking at all...


Yeah, it was one of the first I watched, too, barring pokemans when I was much younger. Still is one of my favourite series to this day.

And while we're on the subject, reading the LN's really gives you an appreciation to how KyoAni handled the adaptation. I've mentioned something similar in regards to K-ON! in that the clubroom is leveraged almost as its own character. Particularly in the case of Haruhi, where if you hold any sort of prior knowledge about the story, you realize just how much foreshadowing and nods there are towards current (and future) storylines, all contained within that one locale. It's especially cool when you stop to consider just how disjointed the chronological narrative is, in both LN and Anime form.
Yeah, it was one of the first I watched, too, barring pokemans when I was much younger. Still is one of my favourite series to this day.
Yeah, and while we're on the subject, reading the LN's really gives you an appreciation to how KyoAni handled the adaptation. I've mentioned something similar in regards to K-ON! in that the clubroom is leveraged almost as its own character. Particularly in the case of Haruhi, where if you hold any sort of prior knowledge about the story, you realize just how much foreshadowing and nods there are towards current (and future) storylines, all contained within that one locale. It's especially cool when you stop to consider just how disjointed the chronological narrative is, in both LN and Anime form.

Yeah. I read the novels quite recently actually, and well after I watched the series. After reading them, I went back and watched it through again, and it really did amaze me just how much attention to detail KyoAni put into their work. And most of it really is stuff you wouldn't pick up on unless you knew what to look for, even more so for how much more you notice on subsequent viewings.
I think I'm gonna buy the K-ON manga with some of my Christmas money and do the same with that.


That said, I still like Mugi, but Mio is the undisputed best girl.

At least I always liked Mio.

Well, we definitely disagree on that.

Haven't we always?

Even if you don't care for the manga, I think the books themselves are well made enough to warrant having them just for that alone.

I think I probably will like it, I can get into almost anything :p Pretty much all of the books I've bought of late has been manga anyway. Can't get enough of it!


It's especially cool when you stop to consider just how disjointed the chronological narrative is, in both LN and Anime form.

Ah, so it wasn't just an anime only thing for Haruhi? Good to know, I was wondering if the LNs had done the same thing.

I think I'm gonna buy the K-ON manga with some of my Christmas money and do the same with that.

Go for it, the manga is pretty damned cheap. It's about $7 per volume on amazon over here.


Ah, so it wasn't just an anime only thing for Haruhi? Good to know, I was wondering if the LNs had done the same thing.

The Anime is extremely faithful, and having experienced it in one form, you'll become instantly familiar with the other. The first season is pretty much the first novel.

With both ending after Kyon stops Haruhi rewriting the current plane of existence.

Wow, writing that last sentence is bringing all that nonsense terminolgy back in a flood!
Ah, so it wasn't just an anime only thing for Haruhi? Good to know, I was wondering if the LNs had done the same thing.
The Anime is extremely faithful, and having experienced it in one form, you'll become instantly familiar with the other. The first season is pretty much the first novel.

With both ending after Kyon stops Haruhi rewriting the current plane of existence.

Wow, writing that last sentence is bringing all that nonsense terminolgy back in a flood!

Haha yeah, it's one of those quirks of them both that I really loved.

Go for it, the manga is pretty damned cheap. It's about $7 per volume on amazon over here.

Yah, pretty cheap on UK amazon too. £6 per volume at the moment, so I'm definitely gonna invest.

The only real problem I have with the K-ON! manga is it's so short.

Hmm, yeah. Four volumes does seem a little short. But at the same time, there appears to be two more awaiting localization? Both college and High school, whatever the hell they are?!


The Anime is extremely faithful, and having experienced it in one form, you'll become instantly familiar with the other. The first season is pretty much the first novel.

With both ending after Kyon stops Haruhi rewriting the current plane of existence.

Wow, writing that last sentence is bringing all that nonsense terminolgy back in a flood!

Somebody needs to take away that girl's whiteout before she ruins the paper.

But at the same time, there appears to be two more awaiting localization? Both college and High school, whatever the hell they are?!

I think they finished them in Japan not too long ago, give it time.
Hmm, yeah. Four volumes does seem a little short. But at the same time, there appears to be two more awaiting localization? Both college and High school, whatever the hell they are?!

I know Yen Press recently announced they got the license for them, not sure when they're supposed to be released though yet.


Waaaait a minute...

No new messages...

I blame you for this, Watanabe!

Debating whether or not to get those blu-rays for myself, too... Ahh, what a difficult decision...

Yes, the answer is always yes!

I'm going to go through this dance again, aren't I?

And thank you for the gift! I haven't been frequenting Steam, so not really had the chance to see it. So I just thought I'd give my (belated) appreciation.

Although I have the sneaking feeling I may already own it.


Because of unforeseen events, I had to pack away a lot of things for the weekend. I'm sure I put it in there but not sure.


And thank you for the gift! I haven't been frequenting Steam, so not really had the chance to see it. So I just thought I'd give my (belated) appreciation.

Although I have the sneaking feeling I may already own it.

I'm pretty sure that steam is fairly accurate when it comes to whether or not you own something. Your wishlist did look pretty dated, though. You should fix that.


I could harp on how it looks like a bootleg, re-branded Xmas picture, but I'll let that go.
waiting for Chet to deliver a gif that is somehow thanksgiving related


I could harp on how it looks like a bootleg, re-branded Xmas picture, but I'll let that go.
waiting for Chet to deliver a gif that is somehow thanksgiving related

Damn, somebody is ruthless today, I just wanted to spread some Holiday love!



I'm sorry, I'm just a little salty Americans are getting Turkey when we had it last month. :(

Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans with your football and stuff.

I dunno about other people, but I'm making shish kabobs instead of turkey. The only thing close to Thanksgiving-like food for my dinner will be pumpkin pie. Ah, speaking of which, time to get the beans ready!



Jello knows what's up. Hanamaru Kindergarten is a full on assault of adorable joy
until it turns out to be a huge reminder of how bad the friend zone is.


Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable....ROW, ROW, FIGHT DA POWA!

Happy Thanksgiving K-ON! GAF and Yui and Ritsu and Mugi and Ui!
Happy Thanksgiving K-ON GAF!! Just arrived safely in Ohio...and I can verify that an eight hour drive is still not fun. But it's all good since I get to hang out with the fam :).

amishpriest99 I sent you a Wii U friend request

Cool! I did actually bring my Wii U with me so I'll be able to see it sometime this evening.
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