Courtesy heads up for everybody, as usual. K-On! simulview or whatever you want to call it tomorrow (Sunday) in the IRC at 8PM EST! You all know the drill.
Courtesy heads up for everybody, as usual. K-On! simulview or whatever you want to call it tomorrow (Sunday) in the IRC at 8PM EST! You all know the drill.
Of course!
What's getting simulview'd tomorrow?
I see. Truth be told I didn't start drawing K-ON! art until last year about this time.That would require I draw some. When K-On first aired I wasn't drawing at the time. Was frustrated and just stopped drawing for a couple years. :-/ Drawing more now though.
And no, not that one obviously. ;P
Actually, I just took a wild guess. I seem to be good at that it seems.How do you know me so well, Chet?
Yes, love the Mio. You're really good with your art. Keep it up!Well, here's some of my more recent stuff:
Her name is Krickett.
Yall making me want to try my hand at some K-on art.
K-ON! 1
Hmm. Good at least to see Mio has good taste in guitarists and jammed the fuck out to Zeppelin before. And I can definitely appreciate anybody whose hobbies include laying around and rolling around on the floor, so good on you Yui. And I don't know. I thought Mio, Ritsu, and Tsumugi had good chemistry.
I bet any of these girls would play better quarterback than Joe Webb.
K-ON! 2
Damn, how come nobody told me there was a job where you just sat around and counted pedestrians? That would be cool. I would be a pedestrian counting beast! Kinda cool that they were doing it to help Yui buy a guitar. Official club business, I guess.
How come Mugi didn't get the idea to bargain with the clerk sooner, seeing as how she's the president's daughter? Speaking of bargaining, goddamn at Ritsu brutalizing that clerk. Even making the dude cry. She's probably banned from the store now. Whatevs, now Yui has an awesome guitar to play. Why does she think it's cute though? I'm assuming this Budokan is some major venue. She'd better get good quick then. She seems a little airheaded now, though. Not that that's a bad thing, but it can be detracting to a long-term goal.
Not sure who's my favorite so far. Mugi, maybe?
So, I just started watching this, and I figured I'd copy and paste my impressions from the animu thread in here. You know, for good measure.
The show is really great, and it gets better and better after each episode. It has a really awesome conclusion too, and the second season is even better. I hope you stick with it!
I enjoyed the first two episodes well enough to keep going for now. I'm kinda looking forward to where it goes, seeing as how Yui's got her guitar and everything for the Light Music Club is now set up.
I see. Truth be told I didn't start drawing K-ON! art until last year about this time.
Oh ho ho ho~!
Sometimes I wonder if I spent more time drawing popular stuff if people'd like my art more. I always end up drawing niche stuff like Lunar and Atelier. >>;
I enjoyed the first two episodes well enough to keep going for now. I'm kinda looking forward to where it goes, seeing as how Yui's got her guitar and everything for the Light Music Club is now set up.
Sometimes I wonder if I spent more time drawing popular stuff if people'd like my art more. I always end up drawing niche stuff like Lunar and Atelier. >>;
YEah its even worse if you make your own characters if they arent publically known.
If you draw quality fanart of something and its from a super popular property you can become pretty well known. I drew Aerith from FF7 and the amount of hits and comments far trumps anything else I've drawn, just because it gets a bunch of hits from a ton of kids searching FF7 stuff.
YEah its even worse if you make your own characters if they arent publically known.
If you draw quality fanart of something and its from a super popular property you can become pretty well known. I drew Aerith from FF7 and the amount of hits and comments far trumps anything else I've drawn, just because it gets a bunch of hits from a ton of kids searching FF7 stuff.
There's not much you can do about that. What's popular is popular for a reason, lots of people like it.
The thing that sucks more is when you get some what of a following and they start expecting certain things from you. They can be kinda pushy sometimes...
Sometimes I wonder if I spent more time drawing popular stuff if people'd like my art more. I always end up drawing niche stuff like Lunar and Atelier. >>;
There's not much you can do about that. What's popular is popular for a reason, lots of people like it.
The thing that sucks more is when you get some what of a following and they start expecting certain things from you. They can be kinda pushy sometimes...
I just realized 2008 was 5 years ago...Yeah, it's true. I drew a Sonic Fanart once, posted it on DeviantArt about... 5 years ago? It's STILL getting favorited at least once a week, sometimes more.
YES!! I know that feel bro! >>
Why are you here talking and not drawing more k-on art? Come no, I wanna see it now!
I kid, I kid...sort of.
I just realized 2008 was 5 years ago...
YEah its even worse if you make your own characters if they arent publically known.
If you draw quality fanart of something and its from a super popular property you can become pretty well known. I drew Aerith from FF7 and the amount of hits and comments far trumps anything else I've drawn, just because it gets a bunch of hits from a ton of kids searching FF7 stuff.
There's not much you can do about that. What's popular is popular for a reason, lots of people like it.
The thing that sucks more is when you get some what of a following and they start expecting certain things from you. They can be kinda pushy sometimes...
I know. Scary how quickly time flies. :-(
But I digress. You all should just keep doing what you love.
Fun times times as always, guys. Looking forward to next week!
I know. Scary how quickly time flies. :-(
Also, if you all were wondering how I feel about OreImo:
Well played.
Hey cjkeats...I just ordered that Kirino figma too. Going to have to do some work to find her nendo version...
Which was when?It still feels like I just moved to FL.
Awesome. It's gracing my shelf next to my Chie, although her skirt is flipped enough that when I'm in bed if I look up there I can's making me uncomfortable.
Which was when?
Awesome. It's gracing my shelf next to my Chie, although her skirt is flipped enough that when I'm in bed if I look up there I can's making me uncomfortable.
You probably checked what color she wore right when you unboxed her. Don't try and deny it.
You know she's judging you anyway. I also ordered the Aniplex DVD set too for the OVA's...and just to have it.
I should probably change her face to the happier, less judgemental one. It's a nice DVD set, and a good price, considering it's Aniplex. It's the first non-DBZ/Eva anime I've ever bought too, which was a big deal for me just coming out of the anime closet.
That must make you feel old, doesn't it?Somewhere around 2006, I think?
I did no such perverted act. That's absolutely disgusting that you think I would do such a lewd thing.I absolutely did.
It's purely to make sure of parts that don't get shown in production photos, that's all!
It's purely to make sure of parts that don't get shown in production photos, that's all!
Yes. Very important.It's how to tell if it's a bootleg or not.
It's not a good figure if they overlook her rice bowl.Doubly so for Mio figures![]()
Hyouka is the greatest KyoAni show, and it is a breathtaking work of art.
K-On!! >= Hyouka > K-On!
K-On!! >= Hyouka > K-On!
K-On! > K-On!!
K-On!! >= Hyouka > K-On!
K-On!! >= Hyouka > K-On!
K-On! > K-On!!
This is exactly right.
If only the first season wasn't one cour, so the story didn't rush through the first two years.
I also agree with this.. Hyouka really was great![]()