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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

Cool, thanks :) I'm kind of hoping the running will take my mind of this foolish addiction lmao. I want to be fit before I go away for my 5-6 months of training this year, mainly so I don't feel like I'm dying :p
And I don't want to be as fat as I am hahaha

You'll be fine, don't worry :). And running is an excellent way to help you overcome your addiction. Building lung capacity is going to be key for you, so don't worry if it's a struggle early on. I lost over 100 lbs 12 years ago by taking up running, so it can be done. Sticking with it and being consistent is key. There's going to be a day where you just don't feel like doing it...that's when you have to keep going. Sorry if I'm babbling on about this, but I've been through a lot of it already and I'd be happy to help someone else.
I think you're getting proven and disproven mixed up. One means I'm correct and the other means I'm wrong. I'm clearly correct in all of my statements.
I think you are mistaking yourself as me. But you can't be me, for I am me.
New page? Here's some random Mugi:

I liked that episode a lot.
/livejournal-esque post ends here.
I'd post some happy K-on pictures, but most of the hosting sites are blocked for me :(((
They must have blocked them because of you!
Also, I apologise in advance if my snappiness over the next few days bleeds into here or the IRC. I'm quitting smoking, which should be fun! Gonna start doing that crazy couch to 5k dealio that was posted elsewhere too!

Quitting smoking is super-hard, but it's the single best thing any person can do to improve their health and extend their lifespan. Just realize that most people try to quit many times before they succeed, so don't be discouraged if you fail over and over again. Also, Zyban (bupropion) and Chantix (varenicline) are some things you might ask your doctor about.
You'll be fine, don't worry :). And running is an excellent way to help you overcome your addiction. Building lung capacity is going to be key for you, so don't worry if it's a struggle early on. I lost over 100 lbs 12 years ago by taking up running, so it can be done. Sticking with it and being consistent is key. There's going to be a day where you just don't feel like doing it...that's when you have to keep going. Sorry if I'm babbling on about this, but I've been through a lot of it already and I'd be happy to help someone else.

Heh, don't worry about it :) Any advice you can give is great! I kind of figured that after the first few times I go out I'll probably be aching all over and not want to do it, but I'll definitely keep at it. I'll probably be going out at 0530-0600 on a morning, which should help me sort me sleeping pattern out, too! Getting up for college this morning was hell :p

Quitting smoking is super-hard, but it's the single best thing any person can do to improve their health and extend their lifespan. Just realize that most people try to quit many times before they succeed, so don't be discouraged if you fail over and over again. Also, Zyban (bupropion) and Chantix (varenicline) are some things you might ask your doctor about.

Yeah, I've been meaning to stop again for a while, but I kept caving :( I'm pretty resolute about it this time though (If that's even the right word...)

They must have blocked them because of you!

Ahahaa, I hope not! Though for some reason, I can still view that nightmarish image you both sent me when I asked...
Heh, don't worry about it :) Any advice you can give is great! I kind of figured that after the first few times I go out I'll probably be aching all over and not want to do it, but I'll definitely keep at it. I'll probably be going out at 0530-0600 on a morning, which should help me sort me sleeping pattern out, too! Getting up for college this morning was hell :p

Yeah, that part's rough :p. That's why I'm more of an evening runner.


i was a passive smoker for a while but later my dad quit (not fully since he still smokes rarely) and i started living in A/C 24/7 at home. my brother smokes but the smoke can't reach me anymore and he has to go outside most of the time now.
Oh?! You still have it, huh? fufufufu
Haha, yeah. It's still sat in my PM inbox.
I didn't save it, I swear!

Yeah, that part's rough :p. That's why I'm more of an evening runner.
Heh, I probably would be, too! Going out so early means there'll be noone about, which is part of the reason I'll be getting up at such an ungodly hour!

A lot of people in here seem to have been regular smokers at one time or another. Just the smell of cigarettes always gave me a headache, so I guess I'm lucky.

Yeah, very lucky :p I infrequently get really bad migraines, and tbh I wouldn't be surprised if I stop getting them once I've quit. I bloody hope so, cause they're really awful..

i was a passive smoker for a while but later my dad quit (not fully since he still smokes rarely) and i started living in A/C 24/7 at home. my brother smokes but the smoke can't reach me anymore and he has to go outside most of the time now.
Heh, I have to do this cause I'm in halls of residence. Going outside in negative temperatures and rain is not something I'm going to miss :p

Edit: Also, we're almost 5/8ths of the way to 20K!
Heh, my bad then :)

Does anyone know the quality of these things? I was gonna import some, but if these are any good, I'll just get a couple of them for now...
I don't have them specifically, but I've seen those as keychains as well. I'm not sure what's up with that, if they're always keychains or what, but that should give you the rough size of what they are.
I know Gravijah was looking at those, and the newer ones since they have Jun ones. Did he ever show pictures of his mug here? I should bug him to do that.
I'm on Team Azunyan. Join my team or PERISH!


Welp, just got back from my first class

I come home after an hour and a half of class......... and it looks like my brother broke my GamePad while I was gone and now he's not even here.


Let's talk about how cool not smoking is.

Apparently I am 3 times more likely to smoke than a straight woman. Eep!


Never felt the need or desire to smoke a cigarette. My smoking friends growing up were never into peer pressure either, and I was a pretty good kid anyways, or so mom believed.
Let's talk about how cool not smoking is.

Apparently I am 3 times more likely to smoke than a straight woman. Eep!

I have never smoked in my life, not even to try it out.

Never felt the need or desire to smoke a cigarette. My smoking friends growing up were never into peer pressure either, and I was a pretty good kid anyways, or so mom believed.



Cajun gets drunk off hnnng

As a Newfoundlander, beer battered fish and chips is a staple of our diet, and arguably our provincial food.


i don't drink either.

one thing i'm a bit scared of is that some drunks completely transform when in that state and i have no idea if i could be like that.


I drink a fair amount but have never gotten balls-off-my-ass drunk. Drunkest I ever got was a couple months ago when my dad came down to visit, and over the course of five hours or so I had about three or four beers, two or three glasses of wine, and a glass of Jack at the bar of the restaurant we went to that night. I was giggly and rolling on the floor with my mom's dogs. Then I went and watched Ah! My Goddess.

Never smoked.


Beer is disgusting.

I drank two bottles on New Year's Eve and got drunk

I didn't like beer either, but it started to grow on me. Now it's a thing I like. Rickard's White is my favorite, it's orange-y.

My new years was kinda depressing, I drank a lot more than 2 beers but never really got "there". I was the only dude in a crowd of 3 women so maybe I was just too bored to enjoy myself.

i don't drink either.

one thing i'm a bit scared of is that some drunks completely transform when in that state and i have no idea if i could be like that.

I was afraid of that too, but turns out I just get talkative, which is good because I'm pretty shy in groups. Worst case senario I'll call my ex some bad names.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I've never been drunk because I can't actually drink that much. I inherited my mother's stomach, and after two drinks my stomach aches. Not like being nauseous, I mean like genuine hurt like an ulcer.
Beer is disgusting.

I drank two bottles on New Year's Eve and got drunk

I drink a fair amount but have never gotten balls-off-my-ass drunk. Drunkest I ever got was a couple months ago when my dad came down to visit, and over the course of five hours or so I had about three or four beers, two or three glasses of wine, and a glass of Jack at the bar of the restaurant we went to that night. I was giggly and rolling on the floor with my mom's dogs. Then I went and watched Ah! My Goddess.

Never smoked.
Hyouka 11:

I'm tired of typing out Minimal Effort Sherlock, so from now on it will simply be abbreviated MES. Poor Houtarou is the only one I assign a nickname.

Surprise! The arc wasn't actually over yet! WHAT A TWIST! mnightshayamalan.jpg Nah, I probably should have saw that coming when the previous episode ended with BUT WHO WAS ROPE?!

An interesting real conclusion to this arc indeed. The chatroom conversations are quite interesting in this portion of the story, once I'm able to match up characters with their chats it adds a fascinating new angle to their intentions. Meanwhile, MES finally figures out what his Tarot sign means, and everyone else's while he's at it.

I've come to like Irisu's character, but not because she's a nice person. In fact she is quite the opposite. She is inherently selfish and manipulative but cloaks her intentions in multiple layers of obfuscation. Ultimately, even though she was lying in order to make MES do what she wanted, he actually did something she entirely did not expect. He proved that her lie was actually correct, and was the only person who was able to deduce what Irisu was actually trying to accomplish, and in the process he also exposed her selfishness and manipulativeness.

All 3 other members of the Classics Club are pretty essential sidekicks for MES. Whether they realize it or not, they are the ones who compile the knowledge that he needs to deduce his solutions, they do most of the heavy lifting in terms of listening, reading, and observing between the lines, and they are the ones who provide valuable feedback to disprove his theories when they have unsatisfied holes in them. MES can't do what he does without their help.

It seems the festival arc is next.


Hyouka 11:

I'm tired of typing out Minimal Effort Sherlock, so from now on it will simply be abbreviated MES. Poor Houtarou is the only one I assign a nickname.

Surprise! The arc wasn't actually over yet! WHAT A TWIST! mnightshayamalan.jpg Nah, I probably should have saw that coming when the previous episode ended with BUT WHO WAS ROPE?!

An interesting real conclusion to this arc indeed. The chatroom conversations are quite interesting in this portion of the story, once I'm able to match up characters with their chats it adds a fascinating new angle to their intentions. Meanwhile, MES finally figures out what his Tarot sign means, and everyone else's while he's at it.

I've come to like Irisu's character, but not because she's a nice person. In fact she is quite the opposite. She is inherently selfish and manipulative but cloaks her intentions in multiple layers of obfuscation. Ultimately, even though she was lying in order to make MES do what she wanted, he actually did something she entirely did not expect. He proved that her lie was actually correct, and was the only person who was able to deduce what Irisu was actually trying to accomplish, and in the process he also exposed her selfishness and manipulativeness.

All 3 other members of the Classics Club are pretty essential sidekicks for MES. Whether they realize it or not, they are the ones who compile the knowledge that he needs to deduce his solutions, they do most of the heavy lifting in terms of listening, reading, and observing between the lines, and they are the ones who provide valuable feedback to disprove his theories when they have unsatisfied holes in them. MES can't do what he does without their help.

It seems the festival arc is next.
You might want to take a break for a bit and wait a few days for manga volume 3 to release (Jan 12), since it's bundled with the Blu-ray version of episode 11.5, which you'll definitely want to watch before moving on.
You might want to take a break for a bit and wait a few days for manga volume 3 to release (Jan 12), since it's bundled with the Blu-ray version of episode 11.5, which you'll definitely want to watch before moving on.

11.5 has important stuff in it? Oh well, I just watched 12. Too late I guess.

Hyouka 12:

New OP and ED. After the very nice OP1, this new OP is a bit of a letdown. The new ED is pretty fun though, I like the whole aesthetic quite a bit.

So, a new arc has begun. Chitanda is adorably ditzy, Mayaka is adorably glum, and Satoshi is...um. Anyways, now I know where that hanging out the window clapping GIF is from. If I were MES I would make use of that backstage pass, he definitely needs a makeover for his ditzy waifu.


11.5 has important stuff in it? Oh well, I just watched 12. Too late I guess.

Hyouka 12:

New OP and ED. After the very nice OP1, this new OP is a bit of a letdown. The new ED is pretty fun though, I like the whole aesthetic quite a bit.

So, a new arc has begun. Chitanda is adorably ditzy, Mayaka is adorably glum, and Satoshi is...um. Anyways, now I know where that hanging out the window clapping GIF is from. If I were MES I would make use of that backstage pass, he definitely needs a makeover for his ditzy waifu.
Oh, it's not really important per se, but it does have some nice fanservice and serves as a bridge between the conclusion of episode 11 and the start of episode 12.
it was funny how all the girls assumed Yui's sister would be a smaller clone of her and they got the complete opposite.

i've had people do that in real life when i tell them i have a brother, or when my brother does the same.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Yui would probably die without Ui.
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