Lee Chaolan
Mio's fist is more powerful than the god hand.
God Hand reference. <3
I just started playing it! So good. "Dragon kick your ass in to the Milky Way!" xD
Mio's fist is more powerful than the god hand.
God Hand reference. <3
I just started playing it! So good. "Dragon kick your ass in to the Milky Way!" xD
Hah. As if that would do it. Hell my dad used to give me a dollar to shut up for an hour. I made a lot of money.the card looks like a seal to keep ritsu quiet if you add a kanji to it.
Hey, watch out for poisoned chihuahuas!God Hand reference. <3
I just started playing it! So good. "Dragon kick your ass in to the Milky Way!" xD
Hah. As if that would do it. Hell my dad used to give me a dollar to shut up for an hour. I made a lot of money.
So, in a few weeks I'm probably going to be at Animation on Display, a small con in San Francisco that's going to have Cristina Valenzuela and Christine Marie Cabanos as guests. Since I'm likely never going to meet Yoko Hikasa or Ayana Taketatsu, should I get the English VAs to sign the pencilboards I picked up a while back?
So, in a few weeks I'm probably going to be at Animation on Display, a small con in San Francisco that's going to have Cristina Valenzuela and Christine Marie Cabanos as guests. Since I'm likely never going to meet Yoko Hikasa or Ayana Taketatsu, should I get the English VAs to sign the pencilboards I picked up a while back?
And I don't really hate Nintendo. It's a joke in the IRC that I'm biased against them.
Indeed; I am very fond of Chet. As long as he likes my avatar, then I am pleased.
God Hand reference. <3
I just started playing it! So good. "Dragon kick your ass in to the Milky Way!" xD
Just so I remember to wish you a happy birthday then.
I was always a quiet kid, and I suppose I still am, so no one had to pay me to keep quiet.Hah. As if that would do it. Hell my dad used to give me a dollar to shut up for an hour. I made a lot of money.
Is there a reason you wouldn't want them to sign it? Sure, it's not Yoko, but it's still pretty cool.So, in a few weeks I'm probably going to be at Animation on Display, a small con in San Francisco that's going to have Cristina Valenzuela and Christine Marie Cabanos as guests. Since I'm likely never going to meet Yoko Hikasa or Ayana Taketatsu, should I get the English VAs to sign the pencilboards I picked up a while back?
Mio and Ritsu are my favorites because of episodes like this. They play off each other so well.Some episode 4 thoughts!
Loved the sleepy Yui, changed my avatar to her for the time being xD
Anyone else think the girls were gonna fall out of the train when they lifted the window up? That looked just a little dangerous. hehe.
Thought it was funny they panned in on Mio's swimsuit, and in jealousy, Ritsu whipping the ball at her face. Some revenge for all the noggin punches! >
The back and forth between Mio and Ritsu are some of the funniest bits. The whole things with the Barnacles, and the photo with Mio clung to the pillow!
Episode 5 tomorrow.![]()
Also, just a few more days for Fire Emblem: Awakening.
Isn't God Hand on PSN now? I should give that a try.
You know, I really just take like a week off of work to do nothing but work through my video game backlog.
Indeed; I am very fond of Chet. As long as he likes my avatar, then I am pleased.
Who wouldn't love Chet? He's the bestest!
And so is your avatar, Uraizen, if I hadn't mentioned that at all before.
So, in a few weeks I'm probably going to be at Animation on Display, a small con in San Francisco that's going to have Cristina Valenzuela and Christine Marie Cabanos as guests. Since I'm likely never going to meet Yoko Hikasa or Ayana Taketatsu, should I get the English VAs to sign the pencilboards I picked up a while back?
Also, just a few more days for Fire Emblem: Awakening.
I was always a quiet kid, and I suppose I still am, so no one had to pay me to keep quiet.
Yes! it'll be a little longer before I can get and enjoy it, so please have fun for me. (Are you going to download Marth or Ike?)
Yep! It's how I'm playing it. I suddenly feel bad for not buying this on disc when it came out![]()
I remember so many people wanting Gene the Godhand to be in Marvel vs Capcom 3. Would have been perfect.
I'm afraid of the IRC.I guess that's what I get for not being in the IRC much at all. Should try to change that, though I tend to be shy and quiet in that environment.
Also, just a few more days for Fire Emblem: Awakening.
I'm so excited! I keep hearing so many neat things about the game.
It is, and only $10. But Persona 3 FES is also there, so if you're buying a PS2 classic, there should be no other.Isn't God Hand on PSN now? I should give that a try.
Downloading everything I can get. I'm pretty sure Marth at least is free at the outset.
It's unfortunate that God Hand is still nowhere near popular enough to get any kind of crossover game recognition. Project X Zone would have even been a good opportunity. Oh well.
I hear there is a "Free" version of Marth and a paid one. Not sure the difference. Probably substantial. lol.
It is, and only $10. But Persona 3 FES is also there, so if you're buying a PS2 classic, there should be no other.
The paid Marth is a map from Shadow Dragon, that features a buch of other FE characters and when you beat it you keep Marth as a party member in the regular game. The map is free for a little while after launch, it came out yesterday.
The "Free" marth is a spotpass unit that comes and joins your party, separate from DLC Marth, so you can have two Marths.
People are stoked about having two Ikes.
People are stoked about having two Ikes.
I laugh at you from my superior northern home as I'm on chapter 8! muhahaha
Speaking of, we should all exchange 3DS friend codes, seems like a bunch of us have them.
Mine's 2578-3109-9956
It is, and only $10. But Persona 3 FES is also there, so if you're buying a PS2 classic, there should be no other.
I hear there is a "Free" version of Marth and a paid one. Not sure the difference. Probably substantial. lol.
Actually, Gene was one of the final two characters for Marvel 3. This was confirmed a while back. Makes me so sad there wasn't one more updated, even if people would have bitched, it would have been glorious, since we'd have Gene spanking Morrigan! xD~~
Oh, and Project X Zone looks killer. Now they just need to bring over Layton X Wright, dammit.
Yeah, I know how that is, but I use GAF as an outlet to really just be me.I've always been shy and quiet. Hell, I practically have to be paid just to speak up. That even extends to the internet for me, which is one reason a stayed a lurker on GAF for so long.
Thank you!Late to the party but, lovely work as always back there Chet! I want to see more high school Sawa so bad. Kyoani pls.
Love the Ui avatar, amish. She's so adorable each time you've see her so far! (four eps in)
Don't see that stoping any time soon :3
I'm jelly. But I'll still post my fc when I have a chance to look it up.
I actually own all three released versions of P3 (vanilla, FES, PSP) and bought P3P a second time digitally to have it on the Vita..Still haven't finished a single one yet. I'm a horrible person
No problem duders, drop by the OT sometime. Lots of info around.
I own 4 versions of it and only really played oneBut hey, when you love a series, you love a series.
Not to drift too far off topic, have you all seen Paperman yet? Easily the best short I've even seen, thanks to the animation, god tier feel inducing music and adorable characters.
Just so I remember to wish you a happy birthday then.
Send me cake!
I'm not good at baking cakes.
Draw onewith Mio inside!
And happy bday emitan! :3
I'm imagining something lewd involving Mugi and frosting but I'm sure none of you are interested.
I'm imagining something lewd involving Mugi and frosting but I'm sure none of you are interested.
My birthday is next Friday!
May I partake as well?
We keep things pure pure and fuwa fuwa around here. No lewdness. Ever.
Yeah, I know how that is, but I use GAF as an outlet to really just be me.
Love the Ui avatar, amish. She's so adorable each time you've see her so far! (four eps in)
Don't see that stoping any time soon :3
No problem duders, drop by the OT sometime. Lots of info around.
I own 4 versions of it and only really played oneBut hey, when you love a series, you love a series.
Not to drift too far off topic, have you all seen Paperman yet? Easily the best short I've even seen, thanks to the animation, god tier feel inducing music and adorable characters.
I'm imagining something lewd involving Mugi and frosting but I'm sure none of you are interested.
Tamako Market? Hmm... it started out boring, but I'm slowly warming up to it more each episode. I'm not fond of Tamako herself, but I like everybody else in the show so far. To be honest, that stupid bird is the reason I keep watching, just to see what dumb thing he does/says next. I'm starting to like the show for more than just that, though.
And you want some Irisu fan-art? Sure.
And I've been quiet in here lately, but as we've already established, I hate Nintendo.
So, Episode 4 was awesome. lol. I'll post thoughts later...but, how's everyone like my new avatar? xD
Yeah, I understand. You don't know how long it takes me to post sometimes, as I sit there agonizing over the words I've typed to make sure they're right. I've gotten better at this though.I try, but it still feels like I'm stepping out of my comfort zone even now. I am most comfy in K-ON GAF, of course.
It sure would be nice.This is actually quite relevant to my interests. Someone with artistic talent (i.e. not me) should get on that.
That will be interesting, as she's probably the K-ON! seiyuu with the most range I think. I genuinely didn't know she voiced the main character in Manyuu Hikenchou until I looked it up. I wonder if Cure Diamond will sound like Mugi at all.In sort of K-On related news but not really, Minako Kotobuki, the seiyuu for Mugi, will be voicing the character Cure Diamond in the upcoming Doki Doki PreCure which starts airing this coming Sunday morning in Japan. She's the first of the K-On girls to voice a character in a PreCure show.
That reminds me, I should get working on this sketch.Sure, I'll take Irisu fan art.![]()
There's not enough Mios in this thread.Naturally you're free to choose whichever avatar you wish but for what it's worth, I preferred your Mugi avatar.
I didn't read through a lot of the thread so did you play the game back around when it first came out or more recently like Emitan?
I also find it amusing that Kotobuki Tsumugi and Kotobuki Minako (her voice) share their last name.
In sort of K-On related news but not really, Minako Kotobuki, the seiyuu for Mugi, will be voicing the character Cure Diamond in the upcoming Doki Doki PreCure which starts airing this coming Sunday morning in Japan. She's the first of the K-On girls to voice a character in a PreCure show.
I don't hate Nintendo yet but some of their decisions in the last few years are putting them in less of a favorable light. At times they almost seem to be treating how things were handled back in the NES and SNES days. It almost seems like one step forwards two steps backwards with them at times.
But aren't they like written differently in Japanese? Still, that is pretty strange.
Yes I know it's 寿 美菜子 vs 琴吹 紬 but STOP RUINING THE FATE!!
Yes I know it's 寿 美菜子 vs 琴吹 紬 but STOP RUINING THE FATE!!
That will be interesting, as she's probably the K-ON! seiyuu with the most range I think. I genuinely didn't know she voiced the main character in Manyuu Hikenchou until I looked it up. I wonder if Cure Diamond will sound like Mugi at all.
That reminds me, I should get working on this sketch.
And watch another episode of Hyouka.
There's not enough Mios in this thread.
I played it on GameCube (the special disc that had Zelda 1+2, OoT and MM) after I played Windwaker.
I also find it amusing that Kotobuki Tsumugi and Kotobuki Minako (her voice) share their last name.
But aren't they like written differently in Japanese? Still, that is pretty strange.
Interesting. Incidentally, I was thinking of starting Heartcatch when I'm done with a couple of my backlog shows.
They can be infuriating at times (such as on region locking issues), but I don't think I'll ever hate them. I even forgive them for the Virtual Boy.
Hey, it could have still been the reason she got the part to play Mugi! Definitely not the fact that she has a great voice and can sing really well.
Secondary concern, to be sure.
Born in 91 as well, damn she's young. I'm 10 years older than she is! *looks at photos* Would, but then I wouldn't want her to shave her head. :-(
She'll be turning 22 with me this year!