Who needs girlfriends when you have waifus?
I have reasons for not dating but it still sucks
Don't even need waifus. I just love everyone XD
Who needs girlfriends when you have waifus?
I have reasons for not dating but it still sucks
You can't go five minutes without implying something lewd can you?not that I'm complaining mind you...
Enjoy the uncomplicated life.
He probably posted from a red light.
That's too embarrassing for her. And she's not one of those shy people who just goes with the flow, she's pretty adamant in her beliefs. Hell she doesn't want to go over to Sawako's apartment because she might have a boyfriend over. And she has no qualms telling people no.I bet she'll be too shy to say no when the time comes. He'll try to lean in and kiss her while she tries to gather the courage to say no. By the time she can, it's already too late!
Ack, have a double at work today. Won't get to watch more K-on until later.
Save me some delicious sweets! ;3
That's too embarrassing for her. And she's not one of those shy people who just goes with the flow, she's pretty adamant in her beliefs. Hell she doesn't want to go over to Sawako's apartment because she might have a boyfriend over. And she has no qualms telling people no.
I assume you're asking what shows I watched before I watched K-ON!?Chet, what other animes did you watch before K-On was created?
Just curious.
She repeatedly says no to class when they vote for her to be the leading role in the play. And no, the whole class is not her friends.She has no qualms telling her friends no, unless... you have proof otherwise?
She repeatedly says no to class when they vote for her to be the leading role in the play. And no, the whole class is not her friends.
I dunno... I still have my doubts about her.
If you have doubts on her, you'd have doubts on all the girls.Except Ui.
This is not true, because I have my doubts about her but not Yui, Ritsu, Ui, and Jun. Yui is kinda dumb, but I don't think she would cheat. Ritsu would never, this is a fact of life. Ui seems like a loyal person. Jun... is Jun.
Yeah, I don't get your assessment on Jun...
This whole conversation is weird...
Ah, so thats his secret.
I suppose if I had anywhere to take japanese lessons from Id consider it.
I don't think it matters now, it could go either way for her. I went with my gut feeling for her.
It's only weird if you make it weird.
She takes bites out of people?!Jun would be the sleaziest of them all. Remember when she took a bite out of each doughnut because she wanted to try them all? It's symbolic, she'd do the same with people.
My logic is sound, I'm taking a Psychology class this semester so I know what I'm talking about.
It throws your entire theory off and calls the rest into question.
Yes, she eats people.She takes bites out of people?!
2 hours of work left! (I am posting this from the bathroom...)
You're just trying to protect Mio because I wasn't 100% sure about Jun.
I could say the same to you with Ritsu.
Ritsu was never questioned, nor accused of it. I can't say the same about Mio!
She needs to set an example for the rest of the girls, for example:
She needs to set an example for the rest of the girls, for example:
You're not right though.I'm surprised this statement got so much mileage.
You're not right though.
I basically watched things that most anime fans, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Gundam, Sailor Moon, Yugi-oh!, etc.
Golden Boy is one I watched as well.
This whole conversation is weird...
Study Study Study Study Study Boobs Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study Study
I know, what the hell have you guys been talking about while I was gone? >_>
... DMC4?
I'm gonna play the DMC games someday. I loved Bayonetta so I have to.
I'm gonna play the DMC games someday. I loved Bayonetta so I have to.
DMC3 is the best overall, but DMC4 has the best combat. Can't go wrong with either of them. DMC is still good, but I prefer three and four. You can just skip DMC2 and DmC altogether.
Bayonetta took a lot of what DMC did, and made it better. Bayonetta is just so cool. As is (original) Dante.
I agree that DMC 3 is the best (Vergil), skip two entirely, but don't shrug off DmC. While it's definitely different from the old DMC games, it's very colorful, the combat is easy to get in to, and it's just fun to play. I loved Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, and feel they made a solid game.
They made a bad DMC game is what they did. Decent action game, but a bad DMC game. If she's only interested in DMC games, then I'd suggest she pass over it. It's glitchy, there's a lot of broken stuff in it, color coded enemies suck shit, combat is dumbed down compared to previous iterations, bosses are way too easy, etc. I know all about 'dat DmC, sadly.
I agree with what you're saying. I still think DmC's a fun game at it's core though. Although, I think she'd like Heavenly Sword. Nariko is my goddess. (HS being my favorite of NT's 3.)
DMC 3 is definitely the best. I love (dmc3) Vergil. Have I mentioned this yet? xD
She doesn't like anything NT has made so far. I don't think this game will be the exception.
Don't get so cocky.
Bummer. I still think HS is way under appreciated. Wish they had made that sequel to tune things up. The story and voice acting were so good. (a NT strength for sure.)
and yay, more Vergil.
Yes, but they entered a series that's known for its combat. That has never been their greatest strength in any of their games. If anything, it's always the one thing they do worst.
If only Capcom had been a little more motivated to make a new in-house DMC game. It looks like the old series is going down and gets to rest in peace.