I had fun but my room is getting hot so I stopped playing.
Damn PS3
I'm posting today because of PLAYSTATION FUCKING FOUR.
What Castlevania are you guys playing?
PS3 works with any standard Bluetooth headset, like one for your mobile phone.
I don't think I have Castlevania Harmony of Despair, that's the wierd multi-player one right?
I know I'm a couple of pages late, but Venus is the best Senshi.
Its funny because in the Live Action show, her actress is the one with the most racey pictures. The irony haha.
...more smiles!
so many hearts <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 so many <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 so so many <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
It's like a dangling carrot on a stick.Oh, and I know Chet is waiting for my Episode 9 Review. I should be able to get that up tomorrow![]()
Ha...more smiles!
Aww poor Emi
Could you hear Amish or me? we both had microphones, we were wondering if you could hear us. if the game music was loud you probably didn't. Glad you played, we're going to more tomorrow, hope you'll join us!
I don't think I have Castlevania Harmony of Despair, that's the wierd multi-player one right?
I would still need a headset because I don't have one.
Fun times. Thank you both for carrying me. Got a ways to go before I catch up to either one of you. I probably won't get all the DLC at once, but I'll at least pick up some of it.
You can always get a cheaper USB headset as well. Worked fine for me once I got it properly configured.
I was playing on a fresh save file lol
Where is TheBatman?!?
Where is TheBatman?!?
Bahhh fell asleep so tired last night and missed out on CV! Next time for sure!
Hopefully.Working on his ep 9 review for you, silly. I personally can't wait to find out how many
Azu-meowsRitsus it is.
Excuses, excuses...Fighting crime.
I'm amazed I haven't even played much Fire Emblem yet. Finally gave up on retail and got the game digitally for my birthday, but only beat 1 chapter so far.
I know I'm a couple of pages late, but Venus is the best Senshi.
Its funny because in the Live Action show, her actress is the one with the most racey pictures. The irony haha.
...more smiles!
I was playing on a fresh save file lol
I have one but it doesnt work with my PS3![]()
I still have bad reflexes though. I'll probably at least get the Richter DLC and try to suck less. Throwing bones with Soma was oddly amusing though.
Bahhh fell asleep so tired last night and missed out on CV! Next time for sure!
Where is TheBatman?!?
LOL the bones were hilarious. Richter's a great character, but everyone's good. Get whoever seems the coolest to you!
Yeah, you were idle on Vanquish like all night! haha. How are you enjoying that btw?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JVqUuNZxXA Skip to :14 seconds if you must have your answer. xD
As far as Fire Emblem goes I was recently a big annoyed about being spoiled on some board -_-
It was just some topic about what character people would want in the next Smash, and people were talking aboutwithout thinking about spoiler tags augh.Lucina
Another boring day today =\ Didn't get much sleep either. I think I may put my somewhat massive backlog of anime on hold and watch some K-ON again over this weekend.
Also, Squeenix are evil.
Yay, I need to get back on the K-ON! episode wagon too. Chet's going crazy in the corner convulsing until I get my review up. lol.
Also I agree, I miss Squaresoft. <3 my Chrono Trigger, Vagrant Story and Xenogears.
Haha, yeah
How far through are you now? You're still in the first season, yeah? Much moe goodness left to witness![]()
Yup. I finished episode 9 earlier in the week.
Yay, I need to get back on the K-ON! episode wagon too. Chet's going crazy in the corner convulsing until I get my review up. lol.
Me too, PGSM is actually my favourite show of all time.
And it appears that you play Tekken, so I guess we are gonna be buds from now.
Yay! My PSN name is leechaolan as well if you didn't notice. lol. Feel free to add me if you're on there.
K-On thread on /a/ reminded me.
Ui Hirasawa
Birthday: February 22
Get to it.
You know, sometimes I wonder about people.