Chet Rippo
She is indeed a goddess.
Nintendo needs to release those SHAFT Palutena videos to the wild. Something that cute and amazing needs to be set free.
Or at least let me download it on the 3DS so I can watch it whenever.
She is indeed a goddess.
Nintendo needs to release those SHAFT Palutena videos to the wild. Something that cute and amazing needs to be set free.
Or at least let me download it on the 3DS so I can watch it whenever.
'Twas a good night.
Caj, you are free to hit me up for whatever reason, even if you're just bored or want to show off. You could also just hit me up with another game night if you want! Doesn't necessarily have to be AH3. Anyway, Ciao for tonight, K-On GAF and GGs to all!
*hugs everybody*
Doctor goddess scientist astronaut
She has her way with vegetables.And master cook. Let's not forget that.
Now that I'm looking at it, the top of Saori's head is being cut off and it bugs me.What is this...betrayal?
Now that I'm looking at it, the top of Saori's head is being cut off and it bugs me.
I've had this discussion with Emitan before; I think about these things way too much!This is also why I spent longer than I should have, trying to find the best Saori image.
She has her way with vegetables.
Now that I'm looking at it, the top of Saori's head is being cut off and it bugs me.
Well the source image came like that :T
Im glad you had a good time today. Will talk with you later
*hugs back
Gaf has some groovy people on it.
Woah, Saori of course! I guess I'm biased because I don't use Tharja in FE:A.
Tharja is staying and that's that.
Haha, I just got back from tons of group classwork. Sorry guys. My PSN is AINO_HAATO. I made it for SF4 when AH3 came out. I don't use it much though because I'm usually on the computer or playing my 3DS. <3 Etrian Odyssey 4.
Yeah I played against Hito before. He completely wiped the floor with my moeblob![]()
Melee was my favorite game of all time until Fire Emblem: Awakening!
Eh, it's okay, but I'm not going to watch people play it. I have nothing against the game, I'm just not interested in it after trying Melee and Brawl.
I have and that game is godlike. The only problem with it is the awful netcode. If it weren't for that, it would be perfection on a disc.
Never heard of the RPG. The Saturn Fighter is bad (although its notable for giving Sailor Saturn a transformation scene) but the Genesis Beat Em Up is fun.
Is there any particular character or characters you usually play as? How about Hitokage, do you remember who he used? You don't have to know names, descriptors might be enough and I could look them up.
It's that good huh? Everyone who's played it seems to be really enjoying it from the comments I've seen so far. Maybe this is one of those games I purchase now before it get's too hard to find and then I don't have to worry about it later whenever I eventually get a 3DS.
Yeah, I've seen that it's cheaper now, I just haven't bought it yet,haha.
Thanks though.
Haha, sometimes the related products listed are pretty strange from the different screen shots like this that I've seen people post.
Yeah, I didn't phrase it that way but I was thinking more whether you didn't like it in general or were maybe just disinterested in watching others play. I don't know how much more I'll watch but I certainly found them fun.
I've been wanting to try King of Fighters XIII so that sounds good aside from the netcode. The game's just really laggy then or what?
I've also really wanted to get into Blazblue, it looks really good. It's too bad that the different tournaments I've seen like Evo don't seem to ever really pick it up.
Do you know any past tournaments on YouTube or one of those weekly stream shows that maybe have matches?
I looked at the English Wikipedia page and it turns out the RPG was for the Super Famicom so that could be part of why you hadn't heard of it. Apparently it's called Sailor Moon: Another Story. The box art looks okay with all the different characters.
I like to play as the angel girl, the dog ninja, the foxgirl on the wolf, the catgirl in a blob, Lilica, and Heart Aino. I dont remember what Hito kicked my ass as but it probably doesnt matter. I think Ryuukan played too and destroyed me as well.
Yeah, it's really good. And I suppose it would all depend on when you plan on getting a 3DS.It's that good huh? Everyone who's played it seems to be really enjoying it from the comments I've seen so far. Maybe this is one of those games I purchase now before it get's too hard to find and then I don't have to worry about it later whenever I eventually get a 3DS.
Yeah, it's really good. And I suppose it would all depend on when you plan on getting a 3DS.
Speaking of Fire Emblem, I sketched something up this morning.and the fact that this is the K-ON! thread
Yeah, it's really good. And I suppose it would all depend on when you plan on getting a 3DS.
Speaking of Fire Emblem, I sketched something up this morning.and the fact that this is the K-ON! thread
Speaking of Fire Emblem, I sketched something up this morning.and the fact that this is the K-ON! thread
I'll take that as a compliment.Why r u not in charge of Nintendo's DLC dept? I'd buy that DLC!
She can master my sword any day. ;P
Thank you!Fantastic work as always Chet.
I think I can remember that.REMEMBER PEOPLE
Today's Date: March 1st
MikeMyers BDay: March 2nd
Mike Myers favourite character: Yui
I shall return to this thread tomorrow...
I believe so.I'd reach S level support with her if you know what I mean.
Love it!
Why r u not in charge of Nintendo's DLC dept? I'd buy that DLC!
She can master my sword any day. ;P
K-ON Fire Emblem DLC please!! They could make it work.
I'll take that as a compliment.
K-ON Fire Emblem DLC please!! They could make it work.
Sega probably still owns the rights to making any K-ON! related vidoegames. Those poor dastards. RIP
I like to play as the angel girl, the dog ninja, the foxgirl on the wolf, the catgirl in a blob, Lilica, and Heart Aino. I dont remember what Hito kicked my ass as but it probably doesnt matter. I think Ryuukan played too and destroyed me as well.
I found Weiss to be quite fun to play as. But watching the game is just as fun especially with the side animations.
Yeah, it's really good. And I suppose it would all depend on when you plan on getting a 3DS.
Speaking of Fire Emblem, I sketched something up this morning.and the fact that this is the K-ON! thread
Today's Date: March 1st
MikeMyers BDay: March 2nd
Mike Myers favourite character: Yui
I shall return to this thread tomorrow...
@Nafe: Do you think with the new anime, they will make new SM games?
K-ON! x Valkyria Chronciles.
SEGA have the world at their feet.
Haha, I looked at the Persona community thread when it was first put up and people were making favorites lists to get the conversation going and then I looked back a few days later when the thread was on page thirty-something and people were again making lists or talking about favorites. I decided to look at the thread again just a couple days ago and the whole last page was again just favorites lists and comparisons. I thought the anime thread could be bad for that, haha.
If it ever made it out of Japan...
I want to like it over there, but for a bunch of Persona "fans", they sure hate it. Back when golden came out, this was the best Persona thread on GAF, lol.A Persona based community should be amongst my favourite places on the forum. Sadly, this is far from the case.
Yeah, I didn't phrase it that way but I was thinking more whether you didn't like it in general or were maybe just disinterested in watching others play. I don't know how much more I'll watch but I certainly found them fun.
I've been wanting to try King of Fighters XIII so that sounds good aside from the netcode. The game's just really laggy then or what?
I've also really wanted to get into Blazblue, it looks really good. It's too bad that the different tournaments I've seen like Evo don't seem to ever really pick it up.
Do you know any past tournaments on YouTube or one of those weekly stream shows that maybe have matches?
Speaking of Fire Emblem, I sketched something up this morning.and the fact that this is the K-ON! thread
We really need to rescue Jello and bring him over here to greener pastures.
I was thinking of them more along the lines of dressed like a certain character. Mio being Say'ri.What classes would we pin the other girls on?
Azunayn could be a Mage/dark Mage.
Mugi would be a barbarian
I dunno about Ritsu or Yui.
They kinda did with the PS3 port of the old PSP game...Boo Sega. And they could have cashed in by releasing something to go with the movie, but I guess they really don't like money.
Too bad Sega is dead.K-ON! x Valkyria Chronciles.
SEGA have the world at their feet.
Oh, talks like that are my favorite thing to do, I just never have very good ideas to start discussions on my own.Yeah, I saw you talking to OceanBlue comparing K-On and Tamako Market. Just what do you think you're doing having an actual conversation and not just making silly favorites lists?
Haha, I looked at the Persona community thread when it was first put up and people were making favorites lists to get the conversation going and then I looked back a few days later when the thread was on page thirty-something and people were again making lists or talking about favorites. I decided to look at the thread again just a couple days ago and the whole last page was again just favorites lists and comparisons. I thought the anime thread could be bad for that, haha.
So do we know anything about this new series besides that it's coming? Will it be a new series or a remake of the beginning?I'm wondering what they will do as far as merchandising myself. In 2003, with the tenth anniversary of the show, the live action PGSM came out and the manga was re-released with some slight alterations. This will be around the twentieth anniversary which I'm thinking is maybe part of the reason for the new show. The original anime still hasn't even been released on Bluray yet in Japan, it's still DVD so I'm wondering if they have any plans to re-release it on Bluray.
If it ever made it out of Japan...
We really need to rescue Jello and bring him over here to greener pastures.
Oh, talks like that are my favorite thing to do, I just never have very good ideas to start discussions on my own.
Just look at most of my posts in this thread, they're all mostly responses to other people's posts, like this one. I guess that's just how I am...
That's also why I want to know what TheBatman thought of episode 9!
They kinda did with the PS3 port of the old PSP game...
It helps if you love the thread and the people in it. You know they all respect your opinion and want to hear it.Except when it comes to One Piece, MGR, and BlazBlue.
That doesn't count. Though that is Sega being Sega.
A Persona based community should be amongst my favourite places on the forum. Sadly, that is far from reality.
Which reminds me, I should probably look into the English patch for VC3. I'm pretty sure it had been completed a while back.
There's a massive delay on any button you push online, even under the best conditions.
I don't have any tournament footage, but I do have footage!
Those two channels have hours of BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma.
Oh, talks like that are my favorite thing to do, I just never have very good ideas to start discussions on my own.
Just look at most of my posts in this thread, they're all mostly responses to other people's posts, like this one. I guess that's just how I am...
That's also why I want to know what TheBatman thought of episode 9!
So do we know anything about this new series besides that it's coming? Will it be a new series or a remake of the beginning?
But it did come out around the same time as the movie did for home release...
So you're gonna start calling me that now too...?Awesome work as always, Chetto!
I never even heard of Persona before I joined GAF.It was actually NeoGaf which got me into Persona and MegaTen in general. I had seen bits of Persona 3 and Devil Summoner and such so I was aware of the general series but I didn't pay it much attention.
I suppose in that way it reflects how I act outside of the internet as well.Yeah, I'll respond to others comments or impressions about the show as well sometimes but usually I can't really think of something to get a topic going to start with.
Well they can't leave to much to surprise, or no one will end up watching it. lolI don't think anybody knows anything about it still. I'm not really sure when information will start coming out. I think it's supposed to start in the summer season so sometime in the next couple months you'd think unless they want to keep a lot of it as a big surprise or something.
I know. It's really too bad Sega is dead.I guess I should clarify...when I say something I mean an actual sequel and not a lazy port.
I have before, but they weren't very thought provoking. That or the people that would have liked to talk about it weren't there to see it at the time.Well it's the K-ON! thread, not the OP, MGR thread. Since when have I hated on BlazBlue?!?
Well that sounds really too bad.
Thank you very much for the links! I'll have to give them a look later. Blazblue has pretty good netcode doesn't it? I thought it was Blazblue that was known for having pretty good netcode anyway...
So you're gonna start calling me that now too...?
Thanks though.
I guess I should clarify...when I say something I mean an actual sequel and not a lazy port.
You probably played as Johnny in Guilty Gear a lot as well.I meant more in the IRC, LOL! Hmm... I dunno, it just seems like you would to get me going. You must just hate Hazama, then.
I think Chet is fine. It's technically a nickname already...Start? A nickname is a term of endearment, so I called you by a nickname. It would be the same as me calling cajunator by cajun-kun, nafe by nafey-kins, or grav by ... gwabbijah.I ran out of ideas after caj.
That would require them to spend more money.They seem to be in the business of just releasing old games to new systems now. I mean, they didn't even include the music from the movie. They could have put that in as "bonus content" or something.
Chettyman to Chetto. What will I call you next?
Hopefully just Chet.
You probably played as Johnny in Guilty Gear a lot as well.
I think Chet is fine. It's technically a nickname already...
That would require them to spend more money.
But who knows, maybe their license contract only covered content from the first season or something. Then again, their name did come up during the sponsors spots in the second season...
You will refer to me from now on as Rippo-sama, and will bow before each of your posts directed at me.If you prefer Chet I will use that.
And that, is why you fail...I didn't play GG much, but I did mess around with Chipp for a while.
Considering the state* that Sega is in, it's probably all they can afford.Cheapest way to squeeze more money out of k-on fans. =\
You will refer to me from now on as Rippo-sama, and will bow before each of your posts directed at me.Don't actually do that...