Rippo-dono has hidden swag.
i also suffer from bad facial hair and looking below my actual age.
also, this has been a busy day for me. bought a new PC in individual parts and spent about 5 hours putting it together with the help of my dad. we got it working and now i installed Win7 and updated it and put CCCP to be able to watch some Sailor Moon before bed but i still have to reinstall an assload of programs and reconfigure my whole streaming setup. tomorrow's gonna be a busy day too.
i also need to get a 64-bit OS since the Win7 i put was 32-bit because we forgot that detail (it was from an older computer so we didn't lose money on it)
i've got some nicknames: TheRippo, Ura-ura, Emi-kun, Wild Kaz, junator, LeBat, ami-ish, nafetta
If you wanna use Junator, combine it at least with my last name, Jue, so it becomes Juenator.