It's finally time for me to start watching more K-ON!:
K-ON! 9
Like Ive said a couple of times already, I instantly have an affinity for a character that acts as an avatar for the audience, and just like Sawako before her (you know, before she entered full-on creeper mode), Azusa is now filling that role.
I can see why some dont initially warm to Azusa, its easy to pick her out as being overly similar to Mio, but I already appreciate her introduction as its coinciding with a hefty chunk of character development. If anything, she is acting as the surrogate straight-man of the group, allowing for the others to be have their personalities explored. A cat among the pigeons, so to speak. I approve.
I do like that occasionally, the absurdness of just
how lazy the Light music club is gets highlighted, and through the eyes of Azusa it almost comes across as a parody.
Summary: The power of friendship > all.
And Is Azusa developing into the new protagonist?
K-ON! 10
Another beach-episode, already?
I do appreciate that the repeating of earlier events allows for nice little nods to certain details, like Ritsu and Yui devolving their original beach trip into a shipwrecked scenario. It's those kind of details, which I feel adds a lot of personality to the show.
I wouldnt say that I disliked Mio previously, but she was pretty one-note in how she has been portrayed, although the same be said of everyone bar Yui, probably. Which is why I welcome the little back and forths between Mio and Ritsu, and their bubbling resentment about their roles in the group.
My favourite scene was probably Yui practising the guitar alone, it wasnt really needed but it helps to ground the whole thing. I always get the impression that the progression of characters in shows such as these often come off as feeling artificial, but even with the idiot-savant aspect Yui has to her character, I dont feel as though I have to suspend my disbelief to buy into it. I mean, Azusa pretty much confirms that they are still a rag-tag collective. That is the aspect of the show that has impressed me, as it would have been so easy for them to be depicted as an amazing band after their first successful concerts.
Like many good shows, its really about nothing, but quite a lot happens at the same time. It really does creep up on you.
K-ON! 11
Huh, drama, I was not expecting this! I was pretty taken aback by the fact that the episode quite quickly set its sights on telling the story from Ritsus perspective. It looks like all those little cuts in the previous episodes were leading up to something all along. It was nice, as it served to show that their relationship isnt entirely one-sided, what with Mio being the butt-monkey of the group for the most part. It was surprising to see Ritsu as being portrayed as probably the weaker one in this instance, practically crumbling the moment it looks as though her friendship with Mio was becoming strained. Although that said, I cant imagine that Mio would even attempt to come out of her shell, where it not for the help (torment?) of Ritsu. Im curious to see if they poke at their precarious dynamic in the future.
The little details in the background were a nice touch, the various lone shots of the instruments in the music store specifically.
A really good run of episodes, now its time for the spotlight to shine on Mugi, right? I pretty much like the entire cast at this point, well, expect Sawako.
...and they just completely shoe-horned Azusa into the OP, didn't they?