Princess Viola
did you ever realize that time is an illusion47 hours weekend suckWhy can't they take the one hours from work time instead.
did you ever realize that time is an illusion47 hours weekend suckWhy can't they take the one hours from work time instead.
some japanese girl is streaming on PS4 she lives inside a retro game museum and she is a model and she's met hideo kojima and she beat mario without looking at the screen
Heres something Zel will love
where do you guys all live? I know hattsu is in norway (which sucks because it means we'll prob never meet)
I'd like to too. Infact, I would love to meet just about everyone here.Nice!
You'd want to meet me?
I'd like to too. Infact, I would love to meet just about everyone here.
Also, would love Kirino if she weren't such a bitch.
Morning everyone, hope you have a great Sunday.
...Omg so cute. Guess I will start watching season 2 soon. lol
..... o_o
Should I just not and leave my image of the series intact after season 1?
Heres something Zel will love
aaaand there he goes!
Taken from a different perspective this could be considered...
Nah. Perfectly innocent. I never post lewd things.
Aiko Heiwa stop hacking other people's accounts!!!
I made this for you guys
Happy Sunday! *waves*
I made this for you guys
Naughty version:
Happy Sunday! *waves*
You'd want to meet me?
Taken from a different perspective this could be considered...
I love Miku too ;;
also big boss I didn't dream of you again, but I'm from the UK.
I made this for you guys
Naughty version:
Happy Sunday! *waves*
i made a huuuuuge mistake
Well now you need to do all the girls.
Well now you need to do all the girls.
Not sure if lewd
so say we all
I may have just enabled you. I feel bad.
I need more enablers in my life.
If I end up with anything, you'll get the first sneak peak.
Had to complete the set, I guess!
Sleepy... time for bed. Night all!
Hello guys.