Twilight Gap
Hm... Where is everybody else?
Hm... Where is everybody else?
There are two games on my unculled list that I finished yesterday and today. Thanks, PS+!
Having a lazy Saturday.
Ahh it's alright...I take it you like?
Hm... Where is everybody else?
Hm... Where is everybody else?
k-ongaf should group watch Seikon No Qwaser, but without aiko, she's too young.
Ha, yes. I love them, I used to play rugby alot, especially at Uni. I now just play football and watch it, along with cricket.
Nice avatar btw <3
k-ongaf should group watch Seikon No Qwaser, but without aiko, she's too young.
read that as grope watch
What's a K-On???We should watch K-ON!
I hate Azusa's swimsuit. It looks like she stole it from a toddler.
I hate Azusa's swimsuit. It looks like she stole it from a toddler.
SPOILER! She actually is a toddler pretending to be a highschooler.
When you're 17 and not well-endowed, you gotta do whacha gotta do.
When you're 17 and not well-endowed, you gotta do whacha gotta do.