Its not a joke!!Hehe this is chocolate I will give to you!!♥Have a delicious bite!!Hehe Just Kidding! this is not for you♥
So how would you guys rank 2012 K-pop?
? = not too sure on the name.
- Nine Muses - News
- SPICA - Potently (?) & Russian Roulette
- MIRYO - Revenger
- Dal Shabet - Hit U
- Chocolat - One More Day (?)
·feist·;35118095 said:
Lizzy! She's gotta be my favorite in AS and OC. Shanghai Romance was one of my favs from last year.[IMG]
Hyosung's touch of crazy <3[/QUOTE]
[IMG] :>
Also yeh, it's the show Sunny is hosting.
Not sure if this was posted. Covers for Rainbow's new Japanese album -
Hyosung's touch of crazy <3
Taeyeon watching Street Jam: :O
I really don't care who dated who when they were 15 lol.
slightly creepy JYP playing keyboard, while a 15 year old girl sings RELEASE ME... inside a van late at night. lol
4Minute showed up to support them.. aren't they worried the Tiger will abandon them now he's got his own?
Kahi (plus Jiyeon, IU, Nicole, and others) are on Heroes if you want to see some fun times.
So how would you guys rank 2012 K-pop?
? = not too sure on the name.
- Nine Muses - News
- SPICA - Potently (?) & Russian Roulette
- MIRYO - Revenger
- Dal Shabet - Hit U
- Chocolat - One More Day (?)
Your link is fucked :lol Are you talking about this? Freaking teasers show NOTHING
Your link is fucked :lol Are you talking about this? Freaking teasers show NOTHING
This was not what I was expecting
Yeah I just watched it last night, not nearly as good as 72 was. Ending was definitely great though.Running Man Ep 73 wasn't the greatest - nice setting with the cable car and all, but the mechanics of the game didn't open up for much in terms of funny interaction and scheming. Although I was definitely taken by surpriseby the ending - Ace Ji Hyo's winning move removing the sign from her door.
Hmm, sounds just like last year Big Bang. No problems with that.
Not sure if this was posted. Covers for Rainbow's new Japanese album -
Dangerous Boys subbed.
She was okay in the Hello Baby era, but ever since the first ep of DB Yoona has been looking quite stunning and charming I must say...
Having jaek in the back was their first mistake. Having other girls besides jaek on the cover was their second.
Where are these from?
This them without makeup? If so Yuri wins here and yoona loses. And fany Looks pretty good too. I always felt like fany looks best when she has very little makeup on.
Damn. I was hoping it was from a BEG TV show or something. Does anything like that exist?