5 runs later... E3H cleared.
That was easy. 3S rank and 2A rank, both on last dance.
Could've been 4 runs if RNG decided not to give head-on encounter on first last dance. Doesn't even need 10 buckets. However, bauxite, fuel and ammo took huge hit here as BB and LBAS ate a lot of resources just by sortieing them.
Tomorrow farm on E4E. Etorofu.
Ouch. That sucks. Not advisable to run events on phone imo.
If you have laptop, you could tether your laptop to your phone and use it's internet. Your phone data cap might be crying tho.
Congratulations! I hope I get as lucky as you when I start the map. Did you use the Kongou sisters or ships like Mutsu, Nagato, Fusou, etc?
I might try to play with my school's wifi, but at the same time, I feel uncomfortable at that thought. I can't tether my phone since limited data cap and a $30 increase to the monthly bill if it do so. :/