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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days |OT|


Deleted member 30609

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nolookjones said:
im wondering if there is a hack to remove the censoring (cops style pixelating) in the game?
I think that's just a hard-coded effect. As far as I know, there isn't actually anything under them. It's not so much censorship as it is a stylistic choice.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Rez said:
I think that's just a hard-coded effect. As far as I know, there isn't actually anything under them. It's not so much censorship as it is a stylistic choice.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

No your right, it's a stylistic choice.
Beat this game on the hardest difficulty on Co-Op mode. 'Twas good fun and I encourage you all to give it a whirl. Definitely worth at least one playthrough.


Rez said:
I think that's just a hard-coded effect. As far as I know, there isn't actually anything under them. It's not so much censorship as it is a stylistic choice.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The effect bugged out for me when I had a weird camera angle in the demo, it's just their normal head, it's a stylistic choice.
Makes it more impactful IMO


Going against my own good judgement knowing how short this is, and probably just worth a rental - I said eff it and picked it up last night anyway. A lot of fun so far, pretty much all of the positives everyone else mentioned earlier. Not too crazy about the enemies having amazing aim while my machine guns barely hit them - though I do appreciate some of these guns being realistically inaccurate, it should be the case for enemies. As long as the setting doesnt move to the jungle like the first game I'm sure it'll be a solid campaign.

Anyways, if anyone is interested in trying out the campaign in co-op - let me know. It looks like nobody on my friends list is playing this one. I usually play around 8:30pm est.


Played a coop game on hard and it was pretty brutal. Think we both died like 20-25x each on
the helicoper gunner stage

Didn't have voice communications with my coop partner, but we were both fairly patient and just slugged our way through.

Coop was more fun, but can be aggrivating if you partner isn't very good.

Highly laggy experience, lots of warping - but I think the coop matchmaker set me up with someone from Europe or something like that due to a message I received from him on PSN after he logged.


Just finished it on Extreme. Was kind of pleased.

+ Amazing atmosphere and artistic direction
+ YouTube style artifacts and light effects were perfectly done
+ Despite there not being a lot of development, loved the dialogue between the two during most of the game. Kane is still my favourite
+ Gunplay is quite fun for the most part
+ Locales are all cohesive and flow really well
+ Multiplayer is epic though a better net code is needed IMO.

- Enemies are bullet sponges and this encourages wayyyyy too much headshotting
- Enemies in harder difficulty are ridiculously accurate AND powerful
- Why can't I take civilians hostage? I can kill them bluntly, but not take them hostage?
- Shakey cam sometimes puts off my aim despite there being no reason to
- Quite short. Not sure how long I clocked in for Extreme mode, but probably six to seven hours.
- Weapons don't feel that different and most are inaccurate
- No ties at all to the original game besides Kane's daughter being mentioned once or twice
- Game would occasionally freeze when shooting explosive canisters, then fast forward a bit to "catch up" one what it froze through.

? Wasn't Lynch a psychopath in the original game, and didn't this mean a crazy gameplay mechanic of some sort? I would think playing as him would mean it was worse, but it seemed to be ignored.
? Why was the ending so abrupt?
? Did anyone else feel the story didn't feel that "big" compared to Dead Men?

But yeah. All done now. I would give it about a 6.5/10, only because the game really does boil down to moving from ROOM A to ROOM B and eliminating all enemies, with no real variation in the combat.

If you play online alot, I'd bump it up to a 7.0
Nemesis55 said:
? Wasn't Lynch a psychopath in the original game, and didn't this mean a crazy gameplay mechanic of some sort? I would think playing as him would mean it was worse, but it seemed to be ignored.

If you pay attention to some of the shoot-outs (like the one in the DVD store), Lynch starts to loose his shit and starts to go schizo before pulling it back together. Just listen.
It becomes a bit more prominent towards the end, but yeah, he doesn't see shit or anything.


I'm replaying the game to get a few more achievements but I'm having a major issue.

Almost everytime I kill someone in one shot or shoot a canister, the game freezes for like about a second then continues playing. It's extremely jarring and it happened towards the end of my Extreme playthrough and is now happening almost 2/3 times I shoot someone in my second, Easy playthrough.

Anyone know how to fix this / what's causing it? It's so FUCKING irritating!


Nemesis556 said:
I'm replaying the game to get a few more achievements but I'm having a major issue.

Almost everytime I kill someone in one shot or shoot a canister, the game freezes for like about a second then continues playing. It's extremely jarring and it happened towards the end of my Extreme playthrough and is now happening almost 2/3 times I shoot someone in my second, Easy playthrough.

Anyone know how to fix this / what's causing it? It's so FUCKING irritating!
I know GiantBomb mentionned it in their review. They informed IO who told them they'd look into it. that's all I know I'm afraid.


i was a little disappointed. Not as good as the first. Lot less setpieces and many more corridors.

im wondering if there is a hack to remove the censoring (cops style pixelating) in the game?

You could run 3DRipperDX on the PC version and remove the pixels.

derFeef said:
If, I wonder what we see. I guess nothing :lol

I saw some gore sticking out the side. Saw bone and blood.


Finished the game after about a week, and honestly I thought it was pretty awesome. I liked the fact that the campaign wasn't artificially lengthened by adding more waves of enemies (which is something I didn't like about Transformers) and they didn't pull that jungle crap from the first game. Gunplay was really intense throughout, especially in the later levels. The helicopter mission was worth playing through for alone.

There is a ton of potential with this franchise but feel like it would have been more successful had it been released at a lower price point. As much as I appreciated the condensed campaign, it's really hard to convince someone to spend $60 on it. Granted there's online, but I sorta feel like most of it's wasted considering the community wont last long.

I'd kill for this franchise to go episodic through digital distribution. Kane & Lynch are such great characters and the games themselves (this one especially) do an amazing job of sinking you into this dark and corrupt world. I'd love to go through more scenarios as these guys.

So yeah, I'd say it's worth a playthrough, but at around half the price.


nolookjones said:
interesting...there must be a code to turn it off if they bothered to texture underneath the effect...

It doesn't look much different. Sometimes I notice the game "forgets" that some enemies dead bodies are censored and as I'm running up to them, they still look the same and then the effect pops on. So yeah. >_>


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Just platinumed this game, my 50th overall

Good game mechanics, this game needed another 6 months or maybe even a year *GASP* to really be a good game

Co-Op on Easy is fucking hilarious, me and a PSN buddy beat the whole game in 1.5 hour, I shit you not

Tried Extreme difficulty, took us 4 hours just to get to chapter 4 =/

I played solo, and did the whole campaign by myself and it took me roughly around 8+ hours to complete it. You will die to so many BULLSHIT things it's not even funny.
*If you played the last 4 chapters of Call of Duty: World @ War on veteran and finished them, and went Never Again!, this game brings back the same anger/hate*

You take 2 bullets = dead, even if you are in cover for some reason, the enemy has 1000% accuracy + 1000% damage bonus + 1000% damage reduction, while you are -100% on the health bar + -100% on damage + -50% on accuracy
The AI isn't smart, but amazingly it can pull off those Wanted bullet curve shots from behind cover

When it takes 2 clips from my sub-machine gun, while aiming directly at them to drop them, and I have a limited amount of ammo, it gets frustrating quickly
There have been time where an enemy swat officer will get domed by 4 shotty shells maybe 5 feet away from me, and he magically has this warp speed activated where he can turn corners like a ferrari, and just move away, then just go on shooting, unlimited bullets. If the game gives me a handicap for every situation, why the fuck doesn't the enemy get it too, yeah lets give enemies 50 clips in their back pocket

Onto the multiplayer aspect, holy shit is this part broken

1. 2-3 minutes just for you to get a room to fill up to 4-5 people just to start?, in the BETA it took 15 sec tops, are you fucking kidding me
2. If you look for a game, 90% of the time game makes you host
3. Lag...when I try to kill a traitor who is on the floor with the "down but not dead" animation, the game will lag itself, and you will see the guy slide/snake in that same animation running around, being invincible, while you get 2 shots from him and die
4. Undercover cop, *NEWSFLASH* Game mode so completely broken by the fact you can figure out who the fucking cop is by pressing select, and seeing the "Rewards" log, and see who is still @ $0. LOL can you at least hide that shit or change it
5. If you want to earn those trophies/achievements that are required to do something amazing, if even 1 person quits, the game nullifies for that whole game, and that person/persons name stays there till game is over
(There's a work around for certain trophy, but you have to delete save data just to get it)
6. Glitch where even if all escape, the last car and heli still show up and waste 30 seconds for no apparent reason
-Is there much variety in terms of locations?

-While Shanghai looks awesome, there isn't a ton of variety. There's some high spots here and there (particularly in the second to last level, but it's mostly very similar looking. That said, it does look pretty great.

-Are there action set pieces akin to Uncharted 2 and Gears of War (like buildings collapsing and helicopter fights etc) or is it just straight up shooting?

-Not really. Pure shooting. Some minor variation, but every second you're either running or shooting.

-Is it really only 4 hours long?

-Unfortunately, yeah. Depending on difficulty and how good you are, it can be done between like 3 and 6 hours, add in a couple on higher difficulties.
Increasing the difficulty shouldn't be an excuse for adding length to a game- but it's recommended in this game. I ran through on easy to get a feel of the game and finished in 4.5 hours. Starting on extreme, I can feel the frustration growing already.
The Wispy Scoundrel said:
-Is there much variety in terms of locations?
-Are there action set pieces akin to Uncharted 2 and Gears of War (like buildings collapsing and helicopter fights etc) or is it just straight up shooting?
-Is it really only 4 hours long?

- You go pretty much everywhere you can imagine in a big city setting. That being said, it's still just a city. Trainyards, office buildings, factories, street markets, malls, airport, back alleys, rooftops, etc. Everything looks amazing though.

- There's only 1 major set piece I would say, and it's the best level IMO. There's some minor ones too but those are more just interesting settings rather than full-on elaborate set pieces.

- Easy will take you 3 hours, medium 4-5, hard/extreme fuck if I know, medium was frustrating enough.
Me and my buddy beat this split-screen coop on Hard the other day, was better then I expected, we initially tried playing on extreme and got wrecked. He convinced me to give it another shot on extreme and we plowed thru like 3 or 4 levels pretty comfortably.


I played a few hours and I'm two third in.

Loving it so far, great crime atmosphere, a LOT of detail in the levels, cool visual style.

I guess it's WAY too short but I'm enjoying it a lot, would recommend it for a bargain price to any action game fan.
Mesijs said:
I played a few hours and I'm two third in.

Loving it so far, great crime atmosphere, a LOT of detail in the levels, cool visual style.

I guess it's WAY too short but I'm enjoying it a lot, would recommend it for a bargain price to any action game fan.
I've finished it, and...yes. Haven't got a whole lot to add to that summary.
My biggest issue is how I've got my aim right on a guy and nothing happens. I can't tell if they are just sponge bullet absorbing assholes or the game is recognizing my sights.


Just completed it. :lol Yeah, it's short...

Loved it though, I think I'll try on extreme and play some multiplayer. Really cool game but I feel they could have done more with it. The story should have been better, a bit more levels with a unique feel and slightly different gameplay mechanics: that would have helped the game.

For exampled, from the first game I loved the level in the club and the level where you escape with a van. The levels from the first one all really felt unique, so it's a pity that they're more monotomous in this sequel.

But still, enjoyed the game. If they combine the best things of the first and the second game in a sequel, then they could make a classic in this franchise.


Sorry to bump this back up, but does anyone know what the 1.02 patch did? I just got the full game and played through the demo section - it feels like either the enemies take way less damage or the guns are more accurate than in the demo.

I thought the shooting was shit in the demo, but I like the art direction/characters so I got it anyways. Now the shooting actually seems decent. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks?


Just need to play the very last level on extreme, then I'm done for the second time with this game.

Having a blast with it, definitely one of my personal favourites of the year. Simple fun in a great crime atmosphere, it's enough to me.
I just beat it in an afternoon. I think it took me 3.5 hours on medium. I loved the first game and Kane and Lynch are really interesting characters. I wish this game had more story and character interaction. There were very few cut scenes and the story felt very rushed.

What a shame. It looks like they managed to fix a lot of the gameplay issues that hurt the first game, but they also took out all of the good stuff as well.


So I'm trying to do an extreme playthrough (I rented this from Gamefly and was stupid enough [masochistic] to do this) and I'm getting really frustrated right off the bat. Glazer's car just got flipped by the truck and I help it out and it's just a shit shoot. The shooting mechanic in this sucks ass. Every gun feels shitty and inaccruate. These guys can't even be more than 15 feet away from me and I'm spending all my ammo just to hit them. Is it always like this? Tips for Extreme?
I kinda enjoyed the game despite the terrible flaws but what concerns me the most is the illogilcal art direction.

The entire point of the shacky cam, bad exposition, terrible image compression (bad colors, lens flare, saturation) is to be like a real time camera follwing the action but the entire pixel is post production and it feels out of place.
Tokubetsu said:
So I'm trying to do an extreme playthrough (I rented this from Gamefly and was stupid enough [masochistic] to do this) and I'm getting really frustrated right off the bat. Glazer's car just got flipped by the truck and I help it out and it's just a shit shoot. The shooting mechanic in this sucks ass. Every gun feels shitty and inaccruate. These guys can't even be more than 15 feet away from me and I'm spending all my ammo just to hit them. Is it always like this? Tips for Extreme?

It was frustrating enough on normal. I wouldn't play it on extreme if you paid me.
So I just got the Limited Edition of this today, not touching the singleplayer cause I'm gonna co-op that with a buddy.

I have a question about the Limited Edition stuff though, it says I've got a bunch of masks and stuff to use but how/where exactly can I use these? Can't see any customisation options in multiplayer and my guy hasn't been wearing one so I'm confused as to what they're for.


So I bought this game yesterday, and there just isn't anyone online. You can barely get a game going. After reading about the modes I really want to play it too. Any gaffers who picked this up wanna get a job in sometime?


The Everyman
kamspy said:
So I bought this game yesterday, and there just isn't anyone online. You can barely get a game going. After reading about the modes I really want to play it too. Any gaffers who picked this up wanna get a job in sometime?
the $5 deal should create a mini influx


kamspy said:
So I bought this game yesterday, and there just isn't anyone online. You can barely get a game going. After reading about the modes I really want to play it too. Any gaffers who picked this up wanna get a job in sometime?
I will join you as soon as my new pc parts arrive and I build it lol.


i'm on the credit scroll right now, LOVEd this game. the visual style and the concept of playing as such hideous, despicable men brought up what is otherwise just a standard humans-shooting-humans third person shooter. <33333333


John said:
i'm on the credit scroll right now, LOVEd this game. the visual style and the concept of playing as such hideous, despicable men brought up what is otherwise just a standard humans-shooting-humans third person shooter. <33333333

Buy the mask pack and the MP feels like a deleted scene from The Dark Knight were you do heists with the Joker.

Really wish more people still played. :(


I'm a little bit confused that there are actually a lot of people who like the game. I bought this three days ago on Steam for €7.50 and it was a waste of money. Biggest shit I played in the last couple of months, really. Though, I loved the first one. But this game is short and offers only stupid gameplay. Additionally, the story plot is pretty boring. And both characters were much cooler in the first game. I saw the credits two days ago, but I'm still disappointed...
Well, for those interested, gamefly has this for PS3 and XB360 for 9.99 (used) with free shipping. I went ahead and picked it up, Im a sucker for co-op shooters.


UnluckyKate said:
I kinda enjoyed the game despite the terrible flaws but what concerns me the most is the illogilcal art direction.

The entire point of the shacky cam, bad exposition, terrible image compression (bad colors, lens flare, saturation) is to be like a real time camera follwing the action but the entire pixel is post production and it feels out of place.
I honestly don't agree with this at all. I thought these effects were absolutely brilliant, and was consistently impressed throughout the game by the visuals. I really REALLY hope there is a K&L 3 to take this style to the next level...
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