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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days |OT|

These reviews are confusing me. I liked Dead Men. So if someone who didn't gives Dog Days a higher score, is that a good sign?

Jim Sterling is a humongous untrustworthy troll, but it seems he liked the same things I did about the first game.

Oh well, I'll find out what to think for myself when I get the game later this week hopefully.


OK I know the single player is only 4 hours, but is it any good (I don't mind short games), basically how are those 4 hours compared to 4 hours of other co-op games like Gears and Army of Two.


I picked this up on PS3 a couple hours ago. I have yet to touch the story mode, solo or co-op. The Fragile Alliance mode is pretty fun though, been in a few really good matches. Some of the mechanics are lame, like the face that it sends you all the way back to the title screen if you get disconnected from a match, and the fact that you have to lobby up to start a co-op mission. The shooting is much better than the first game, but the shitty guns are shitty, you really need to level up and get access to better stuff if you want, you know, accuracy. I got it for $22 because of some Gamestop credit, dunno if I'd recommend $60 for it, but it's fun enough for what it cost me.

BTW, I'm down for co-op, seventy5 is my PSN ID if anyone is looking for people to play with.

edit: the Arcade mode is like a horde mode for the Fragile Alliance gametype. It's actually pretty damn fun. Overall, the multiplayer is above average imo.
Whelp, the online community is retarded in this game. In Undercover Cop, the cop role rotates every round. After having it for one round and doing well, the team decides it's best to kill me at the beginning of the next one. Ugh.


Teetris said:
Ugh, horrible review all around, while I normally don't say these things before playing the game this is just really bad journalism. I thought this website was above average?

To me, Destructoid, above all other professional gaming blogs, has always seemed to be about sensationalizing everything. I'll go out on a limb (having not yet played through everything the game has to offer) and say the game certainly isn't worth the asking price. But it's also a lot better than a "1.0." People probably should take their advice and "forget it," but only in terms of a purchase. I think it's worth a rent.
So I just got done with a marathon 3-4 hour session with a friend of mine ....the consensus?


Now understand that the shooting and visual presentation go hand and hand. As reiterated numerous times before, if you the demo didn't do it for you, the final game isn't much different. If you're like me though, who played the Arcade Mode alone numerous times, then your A-OK. The fundemental core mechanics/feel/look of this game appeal and speak to me sooo damn much. It's what I call a dream game IE: a game I always wish would've been made. Just like Dead Rising gave me the ultimate Zombie fantasy, this let's me play a fucking modern M. Mann film!

So we basically got up to
right after your naked escape! (which is so damn entertaining/amazing)
and decided to play Fragile Alliance for a bit.
It was smooth and fun as hell. Towards the end, my buddy and I got the hang of the map and started just doing our own thing, always reaching the getaway chopper.

Can't wait to play some more, but if the momentum keeps up overall, this is easily a classic in my book and something I plan to both never sale and play for a long time to come :D

Just remeber, this game is a SUPER SIMPLE shooter ...but you know what? it does it with more impact, aggression, and more style than any other cover based shooter I've played and I've pretty much played them all
shagg_187 said:
:/ Goddamn @ the horrible reviews. I wanted the game solely for it's multiplayer though...

What horrible reviews?
There's a couple of ones that I frankly find suspect, but other than that, it's getting good reviews ...certainly better than Dead Men

Enough with the hyperbole


Thx, Agent. Makes me excited again as I loved the Demo. Will play this with a buddy (he plays games very slowly, so I am good) for sure. Now come on EU release and weekend.
I played some Fragile Alliance. I really like it so far, especially the fact that it just feels like something different for once. I like the fast pace and the fact that you have to have your head on a swivel. The multiple rounds works well as by the last round you start to get a sense for who to watch or who you may want to take out. There's a great tension to it, as you never know when someone may try to shoot you in the back.

Single player so far is decent, I did have a bizarre bug where we were supposed to take off in a van and instead the four guys are just sitting there on air with no van (360 version). Otherwise it's fun although I can't decide what I think of the grain filter yet I think it may be just a bit strong.


AgentOtaku said:
So I just got done with a marathon 3-4 hour session with a friend of mine ....the consensus?


Now understand that the shooting and visual presentation go hand and hand.

For this I agree completly,I love the presentation and visuals in the game...so I left the game on medium and managed to finish the second chapter,and I have to say it`s pretty damn fun,hectic but damn exciting at the same time.

VibratingDonkey said:
These reviews are confusing me. I liked Dead Men. So if someone who didn't gives Dog Days a higher score, is that a good sign?

Jim Sterling is a humongous untrustworthy troll, but it seems he liked the same things I did about the first game.

Oh well, I'll find out what to think for myself when I get the game later this week hopefully.

If you liked the first you are going to love this one,if you like the presentation and the cam gameplay.


MMaRsu said:
Either that or he got the royal treatment

I doubt it.

There was nothing offensive about the campaign, aside from its length. As I said earlier, the campaign didn't overstay its welcome, and it took me just over three hours to complete. Though, one could argue that had there been more to the game than just taking cover, shooting and running, that the game would have warranted more length.

The one thing that I didn't mention earlier, as I was kind of in a hurry this morning , is that this is a game that's obviously inspired by film. Michael Mann films seem to be the most influential, what Dog Days loses track of is that those movies are more than just circumstances and action sequences.


Heads up!

Anyone with a crossfire setup (ATI), the game does not support it :(

I ran the game in crossfire with my 5970 and avg around 25-40fps.

Turning off one card shot my framerate to 60-80fps :lol

Giving this back to my buddy and considering it a no-buy until ATI does a profile for it.

*flips ATI the bird
kinggroin said:
Heads up!

Anyone with a crossfire setup (ATI), the game does not support it :(

I ran the game in crossfire with my 5970 and avg around 25-40fps.

Turning off one card shot my framerate to 60-80fps :lol

Giving this back to my buddy and considering it a no-buy until ATI does a profile for it.

*flips ATI the bird

Gave the game or card back to your buddy ?


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm a little surprised by the not so great reviews. Reviews aren't a huge part of what determines my purchases but right now it's a good enough reason for me to not drop $60 dollars on this. I liked the demo enough to give it a rent, I guess.


This game is good co op fun. Yeah there are a few little bugs here and there but most of them are just kind of funny. After seeing Sterling's review I'm honestly just going to chalk him up as a troll who just posts whatever will get him the most hits. Even Gerstmann gave it a 3/5.
Finished singleplayer in 4 or 5 hours. Very entertaining game and gunplay was loads of fun. Voice acting is naturally awesome and the fact that you can turn off shakycam in options makes it bearable.
Tried the online earlier, played Fragile Alliance in the level from the beta, everyone stuck together and we did awesome for the 1st two rounds, end of the 3rd round I got to the street before the van and decided to be a traitor and kill some guy that was ripe for the picking...then the host quit and the game ended

No host migration is gonna condemn this game's online community to an even faster death than it deserves, didn't even save my stats for the 1st two rounds

Tried to join a Cops and Robbers match next but nothing but crickets, sat in the lobby with 1 other guy for 5 mins and no one else joined

Singleplayer is mindless fun, especially in coop with a buddy, didn't see too much variety in the 1st 2 or 3 missions, but I really like how the handle, kinda disappointed you can't play Split-Screen Arcade Mode as it would have given this game some legs

Game is probably not worth $60, but a game that should be checked out by all fans of shooters at the right price at some point
shagg_187 said:
Finished singleplayer in 4 or 5 hours. Very entertaining game and gunplay was loads of fun. Voice acting is naturally awesome and the fact that you can turn off shakycam in options makes it bearable.

oh good...i was hoping there was an option for this...
I bought it and played for about 4 hours last night. Haven't beaten it yet, but it sorta feels like I'm getting close to the end. Best level/set piece (thus far) in my opinion has been the
On Rails Helicopter Shootout/Office Building Takedown

I'd put this up there with Killzone 2 in terms of that visceral feeling of "being there". The visual style makes all the difference in the world.

Things that are great:
- Visual Design. Amazing, obviously. Really does make you feel like you're a badass in a crime documentary or a Michael Mann film.
- Kane & Lynch as characters. Really unorthedox characters in video games and they've got great stories/interactions with each other. One annoying thing is that Kane's voice actor doesn't match his character model in my opinion...never played the first game, but he sounds way too young and "put together"
- Level Design. Cover never feels like it's just placed there, environments are varied and very well rendered, multiple/split routes are everywhere. Everything is muted/dark, which makes you appreciate the pops of light and color even more. Feels like a post apocalyptic setting at times.
- Sound Design. Everything sounds meaty and authentic. Voice acting is mostly good.
- Challenge. I'm playing on medium and have died at least 50 times. If you are not behind cover 90% of the time you will be killed within 2 seconds. Its also virtually impossible to see enemies a great deal of the time due to camera angles, blood splatters, camera pixelization and just dark, dank levels with very little lighting, so you've really got to focus. I could see some people consider this a negative point, but it really adds to the "realism" and grittiness of the game.
- Shooting/Cover/Game Mechanics. Solid, but not mindblowing. I don't know what else you could add or fix other than maybe some additional animations (sliding into cover after running would be cool, changing weapons is pretty much a disappearing act). I also wish I could buy/upgrade/customize weapons because the accuracy/power could use some additional punch and it would add some extra depth to the game.

Things that are not so great:
- Too repetitive/too many enemies. It literally is going from area to area killing 30+ dudes, kicking down a door and then doing it all over again. I laugh every time Kane or Lynch is like "Oh fuck, not again" or "Holy shit, they're everywhere" because you think they would realize after awhile that they're just going to keep on coming. I could see people getting burned out on the formula unless you're taking breaks every couple levels. It would have been great to have a few puzzles to break up the action.
- Enemies are bullet sponges. Most take 4-10 shots to put down, unless you get a head-shot or use the shotguns which are pretty much a 1 hit kill. Most weapons are pretty inaccurate so there's a lot of wasted ammo.
- Cover can be iffy at times. Weirdly angled objects that don't provide much cover are fairly common and sometimes the game doesn't let you stick to things you think you should be able to.
- Transitions between enemy animations are broken and janky. You can see them borderline teleporting from cover to cover and moving like awkward human magnets. It takes me out of the game and makes killing them tougher than it should be since they're unpredictable in a superhuman way. This is probably my biggest gripe.
- Sometimes it doesn't recognize I've reached a checkpoint. A checkpoint usually happens when you kill all the enemies in a certain area, but there's been numerous times where I've done so, then died in the next area and have to go back and replay sections I shouldn't have to. When I beat those sections the second time, the game hopefully recognizes that I've reached a checkpoint, but sometimes it's 2-3 times before the a checkpoint is achieved. Might have something to do with buggy routes/waypoints because it seems to happen more often if I'm running ahead before I'm "supposed to" or I've tried to flank the enemies and end up outside of what the has designated a checkpoint area as the last dude has been killed.
- Taking hostages is pretty much pointless. You walk so much slower, are forced to use a shitty pistol and take just as much damage as if you were fully exposed. It's never worth it unless you want to make things tougher on yourself. Also, why can you only do it in a few areas and never to regular civilians? Would be much more useful if hostages were "moveable cover" instead of human sandbags.
- Why do you walk so slow when aiming? I know the game is more of a pop-and-stop style instead of run-and-gun, but there's been moments where it would have been really cool or useful to stay looking down the sites as I turn a corner or press the enemy, but it's not really feasible unless you want to get lit up.
- NO GRENADES!? There's certain scenarios that basically beg for them and the interactive things in the environment (fire extinguishers, gas tanks) are too uncommon and weak to be overly effective.

Overall, I've really been enjoying it although it will probably remain in my collection for it's visual achievements moreso than it's gameplay ones. I can see a ton of replay value here for me, just as something I toss in when I want to shoot some stuff up. It's a ton of fun, just a little rough around the edges. I'd probably give it an 8/10.
The Interrobanger said:
I bought it and played for about 4 hours last night. Haven't beaten it yet, but it sorta feels like I'm getting close to the end. Best level/set piece (thus far) in my opinion has been the
On Rails Helicopter Shootout/Office Building Takedown

I'd put this up there with Killzone 2 in terms of that visceral feeling of "being there". The visual style makes all the difference in the world.

Things that are great:
- Visual Design. Amazing, obviously. Really does make you feel like you're a badass in a documentary or a Michael Mann film.
- Kane & Lynch as characters. Kane's voice actor doesn't match his character model in my opinion...never played the first game, but he sounds way too young and "put together"
- Level Design. Cover never feels like it's just placed there, environments are varied and very well rendered, multiple/split routes are everywhere. Everything is muted/dark, which makes you appreciate the pops of color even more. Feels like a post apocalyptic setting at times.
- Sound Design. Everything sounds meaty and authentic. Voice acting is mostly good.
- Challenge. I'm playing on medium and have died at least 50 times. If you are not behind cover 90% of the time you will be killed within 2 seconds. Its also virtually impossible to see enemies a great deal of the time due to camera angles, blood splatters, camera pixelization and just dark, dank levels with very little color, so you've really got to focus. I could see some people consider this a negative point, but it really adds to the "realism" and grittiness of the game.

Things that are not so great:
- Too repetitive/too many enemies. It literally is going from area to area killing 30+ dudes, kicking down a door and then doing it all over again. I laugh every time Kane or Lynch is like "Oh fuck, not again" or "Holy shit, they're everywhere" because you think they would realize after awhile that they're just going to keep on coming. I could see people getting burned out on the formula unless you're taking breaks every couple levels.
- Enemies are bullet sponges. Most take 4-10 shots to put down, unless you get a head-shot or use the shotguns which are pretty much a 1 hit kill. Most weapons are pretty inaccurate so there's a lot of wasted ammo.
- Cover can be iffy at times. Weirdly angled objects that don't provide much cover are fairly common and sometimes the game doesn't let you stick to things you think you should be able to.
- Transitions between enemy animations are broken and janky. You can see them borderline teleporting from cover to cover and moving like awkward human magnets. It takes me out of the game and makes killing them tougher than it should be since they're unpredictable in a superhuman way. This is probably my biggest gripe.
- Sometimes it doesn't recognize I've reached a checkpoint. A checkpoint usually happens when you kill all the enemies in a certain area, but there's been numerous points where I've done so, then died in the next area and have to go back and replay sections I shouldn't have to. When I beat those sections the second time, the game hopefully recognizes that I've reached a checkpoint, but sometimes it's 2-3 times before the a checkpoint is achieved. Might have something to do with buggy routes/waypoints because it seems to happen more often if I'm running ahead before I'm "supposed to" or I tried to flank the enemies and end up outside of the designated checkpoint area as I kill the last dude.
- Taking hostages is pretty much pointless. You walk so much slower, are forced to use a shitty pistol and take just as much damage. It's never worth it unless you want to make things tougher. Also, why can you only do it in a few areas and never to regular civilians?
- Why do you walk so slow when aiming?

Overall, I've really enjoying it although it will probably remain in my collection for it's visual achievements moreso than it's gameplay ones. I can see a ton of replay value here for me, just as something I toss in when I want to shoot some stuff up. It's a ton of fun, just a little rough around the edges. I'd probably give it an 8/10.

Well said
Played the first 3 and a half levels yesterday (made it up to the demo level).

Game's fucking awesome. I am concerned about length (I have the nagging feeling that it'll be over soon), but seriously, game's an intense blast. Love the visuals, and the gameplay feels great to me (huge step up from the first). Story's interesting so far and presented in a great way.

But jeez, do I die a lot.


Well, I managed to finish the game and try out all of the modes yesterday. I'll keep my opinions short and sweet. If this were a downloadable game, I'd say it would be borderline great. But holy shit, this game is NOT worth $55. Yup, you can absolutely have fun with a friend playing this game. Of course, the same can be said for a quite a few other guilty pleasures. But don't confuse guilty pleasure with greatness. The game's not a piece of shit, but it's hardly greatness. The multiplayer modes are surprisingly shallow, and all of the cool atmosphere that comes along with the story mode is gone in multiplayer. The multiplayer maps feel tiny and vacant. I felt like I was playing virtual paintball, rather than being in the midst of a dangerous scenario. The game loses its moxy in multiplayer.

My verdict for other gaffers: Barely a rental
Just finished, great atmosphere in Shanghai, gritty, grimy game, constant Heat style gun battles, I enjoyed it, if it were a couple of hours longer I would give it a 8, ill give it a 7.5, I just loved the environment.


The Interrobanger said:
Things that are great:

- Challenge. I'm playing on medium and have died at least 50 times. If you are not behind cover 90% of the time you will be killed within 2 seconds. Its also virtually impossible to see enemies a great deal of the time due to camera angles, blood splatters, camera pixelization and just dark, dank levels with very little lighting, so you've really got to focus. I could see some people consider this a negative point, but it really adds to the "realism" and grittiness of the game.

The realism is ruined for me because the AI isn't playing by the same rules. It doesn't help that the enemies are flat out janky.The first level was OK but I'm debating with continuing past the second level. I'll probably just drop the difficulty down to easy and breeze through it unless a friend picks it up.

Playing this game just makes me wish it was a sequel to 50 Cent BotS rather than Kane & Lynch. I want to know want Tony Yayo would say about fighting the mafia in Shanghai while following a guy dragging his naked girlfriend along with him. I wouldn't mind the janky enemies as much if I had a selection of taunts to shout at them and could bling out my weapons.



Renaming the .exe to UT3.exe will allow crossfire to work with 10.7a drivers. I mentioned above that I was unable to break 45fps with my 5970 and xfire enabled, but doing the above, I'm getting well over 110fps now (WITH 8xAA):lol

So, yeah.

Oh, and the game rocks so hard! It wasn't until I finished that bridge firefight that I noticed how hard my heart was pumping. The game definitely has a visceral punch to it's fire fights.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, played a bit today. Within the first couple minutes of the initial chase, the guy I was chasing was just hanging out in the room looking at me (with the target over his head stating that I was right next to him). I unloaded me pistol into him and he just ran around looking at me the whole time. Ran forward through a door and he suddenly reappeared in front of me running away. Talk about weird!
I'm little over half way through and I'm enjoying this game a lot more than I should be. The characters and how the story is told is really a highlight for me, I freaking LOVE the chatter between load screens- keeping the story going along evenwhen you aren't playing.

Once I finish up the SP I want to hit a co-op campaign on extreme if anyone is up for it! PSN-Jrod87.
I've watched parts of a playthrough on YT...

- Nice graphics and overall tech (60fps + nice post processing/lighting)
- Good sound design, especially the weapons
- Decent story, packed in with some bad ass stuff

I finished the game last night in one sitting. It wasn't great and it wasn't bad either. I would give the game a solid 6, without jumping into MP. After that the score may go up! I loved the sound design and the graphics! I just with the weapons packed the punch on the game play side. Honestly, it is a game that would be better enjoyed on easy, but that is just my Opinion!


GeekyDad said:
If this were a downloadable game, I'd say it would be borderline great. But holy shit, this game is NOT worth $55. Yup, you can absolutely have fun with a friend playing this game. Of course, the same can be said for a quite a few other guilty pleasures. But don't confuse guilty pleasure with greatness. The game's not a piece of shit, but it's hardly greatness.
Basically my thoughts exactly. I enjoyed playing through the game, but I agree that it is not worthy of being a full-priced retail game. I haven't had a chance to play MP yet, though, so I have no opinion on it.


Played through the first two chapters on a friend's PC. It looks good in some places and the drama is okay but the shooting battles get monotonous because there is no variety whatsoever. It's only a crime story in that you are committing murder on a mass scale. The game is nothing more than a bloody and violent version of Wack-A-Mole. It feels very unfinished in many ways. They make large areas but there isn't much in them. There isn't even a melee attack!

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