It's time for people to accept the fact that Cd had like 5 good songs
Blackace, please ban us all. I can't take this.It's time for people to accept the fact that Cd had like 5 good songs
It's time for people to accept the fact that Cd had like 5 good songs
It's time for people to accept the fact that Cd had like 5 good songs
I'll give you guys the true rankings
Ahaha. Let yeezus bless your soul child.waiTTTTTTTTTTTTT
black skinhead
It's an atrocious mess that lacks focus, cohesion, and as Yeezy even admits himself is Grammy bait.
I haven't listened to 808's. Saving it for my next break-up.
Michaeljordanlaughing.gifBlood on the Leaves and Bound 2 aside, this album is going straight to the recycle bin. SMH
It's time for people to accept the fact that Cd had like 5 good songs
Even the verge wants a piece
You didn't mention Niggas In Paris, the best song :lol
Not a fan of great music?The stannery in this thread is sickening.
The only song i don't like so far is hold my liquor
I refuse to hear the leak. I will not wait until this is in my iPhone, I'm locked in a room with no interruption. But a close friend of mine said that if you listen to about 75% hip-hop/rap in your music taste, then Yeezus is not for you.
Here's my rankings gaf and tell me if I will enjoy Yeezus
and keep in mind I liked 808s too
I am, hence my reaction.
If you follow the editors on twitter all (even Topolsky!) are talking about it lol
It's leak day and so you decide to walk into a room full of people enjoying something and shit on the rug.The stannery in this thread is sickening.
It's very raw and aggressive. It's not like any of his previous stuff. Do you like metal or electronic music?