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Kanye West presents Yeezus |OT| #YeezySeason Approaches


Is it weird that I have literally heard not a second of sound from this album? No singles on the radio, no youtube commercials, not nothing.

it's strange seeing this thread everyday


This album really bothered me on the first listen. The production seemed lazy in places which made the poor lyrics stand out even more. The whole album lacks consistency. We'll see how a second play through goes. Right now this is way below MBDTF for me.
As an admitted Kanye stan, I finally heard this album today, gave it a few spins on good pair of headphones and on full blast in the car to do the album justice.

With that being said, I would have to say that my initially day 1 reactions are this is his weakest solo album. That doesn't mean it's bad, still think it's good, solid 4/5. But wouldn't put it ahead of any of his previous solo albums.

man of science

Neo Member
And it's really sad, if only because those albums held a special place in my heart. Bear with my softness now, but they were released when I was in college/grad school, so I found them infinitely worth of relating to. Issue with money, women, college troubles also compared with what made those albums so fun to listen to - humor, good story telling, and a good sense of mischievousness in college.

But hey things change (especially music) and people grow up. And that's why we have Yeezus. Not that's it's bad of course.

This. I remember listening to Spaceship in the stock room, working retail... But now, even though I can't relate to 99% of the shit he raps about, I still enjoy his "act". The real test will be his next album, but I'll be damned if he hasn't had a fantastic run. I loved the 808s influence on Yeezus. Glad to see it back. Favorite tracks: Black Skinhead, New Slaves, I'm in it, Blood on the Leaves and Bound 2 topped them all.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Funny you say that I consider Yeezus Yin to RAM's Yang.
Very true, but I have Yeezus over RAM for AOTY, and RAM was my AOTY up until this point. Kanye just took things up to another level, I'd love to hear the"over-produced" versions of these tracks Rubin referred too.
Very true, but I have Yeezus over RAM for AOTY, and RAM was my AOTY up until this point. Kanye just took things up to another level, I'd love to hear the"over-produced" versions of these tracks Rubin referred too.

I love them both too much right now to make a decision but I have to let Yeezus breath a bit first before I make any decision.


With Fantano it's important to remember that he 1. tends to value lyrics above all else, 2. only talks about music in broad, un-quantifiable terms using a lot of creative adjectives and descriptors and 3. doesn't seem to have much of a sense or appreciation for irony or "character" in music. There are a few albums that have gotten under his skin a bit and offended him, even if the point of the song or album in question is meant to be offensive and/or exposing and exploring a dark topic or unsavory, unflattering point of view. There was one line on the last Death Grips album that really bothered him that, in a greater contextual view, was talking about something else entirely.

Oddly enough he can put up with Wu Tang's violence, but he gives a lot of other stuff flack for rough lyrics. I enjoy listening to him describe music, but I don't really take his word as a critic.
I used this on KTT
It silenced all the Fantano Stan's


Really good album. The lyrics can get pretty stupid lol but the flow of the album is on another level

I already like it more than MBDTF
With Fantano it's important to remember that he 1. tends to value lyrics above all else, 2. only talks about music in broad, un-quantifiable terms using a lot of creative adjectives and descriptors and 3. doesn't seem to have much of a sense or appreciation for irony or "character" in music. There are a few albums that have gotten under his skin a bit and offended him, even if the point of the song or album in question is meant to be offensive and/or exposing and exploring a dark topic or unsavory, unflattering point of view. There was one line on the last Death Grips album that really bothered him that, in a greater contextual view, was talking about something else entirely.

Oddly enough he can put up with Wu Tang's violence, but he gives a lot of other stuff flack for rough lyrics. I enjoy listening to him describe music, but I don't really take his word as a critic.

but if he gave Yeezus 10/10 he'd be a good critic


The album is alright. Disappointed still with just 10 normal length tracks and charging full price...Had a good amount of songs I enjoyed, but deff nothing too out of control.
808 is better, this album is overindulgent shit. I listened to Born Sinner and was embarrassed for Cole, then I threw this in and started liking Born Sinner more.
but if he gave Yeezus 10/10 he'd be a good critic

...no, that's not what I said at all. Or did you miss the part where I wrote "I don't take his word as a critic"? I think he's great to listen to for raw descriptions of music, I don't particularly care for his critical muscle. That applies whether I agree with him or not.


Daft Punk on their work on this album:

On Sight and Black Skinhead were the two songs they were main producers on.
Kanye didn't have any material when he met them, he was looking for ideas. He was really tense and just needed to yell. Their session was the start of the work on the album.
As a contrast to Daft Punk's Touch which had 250 tracks, On sight had only 1.
They jammed a bit like they did back in '95. Some other producers would touch it up later but it ended up really close to the original work.
Thomas felt he was working in his service, a bit like when he made music for Gaspard Noé.
Kanye would then travel the world an gather tracks everywhere, but Guy-Man thinks it was good for him to work with them at the start and then have Rick Rubin clean up everything at the very end to keep everything raw and punk.
They think it's funny that this album came out a month after their own, a record made in very short time compared to the five years they spent on RAM.

Here's the interview in french: Radio Nova - Daft Punk


tagged by Blackace
this shit is..

So I'm in the process of comparing the various releases and noting the changes. I've already posted a version of this in the Yeezus thread on What.cd. 1) World iTunes = WEB FLAC (unless noted) 2) still a WIP. If y'all notice something I didn't pick up on, TELL ME!!!! I'd love to know.

tl;dr - the World iTunes / WEB FLAC release is the best one to get ATM. Closer to the CD mix w/ some slightly different mixes, from a pure lossless source.

On Sight
Black Skinhead
CD - Less Lossless (cuts off at 21kHz), clean drum intro, drum fill going into the hook before the second verse in left channel only
World iTunes - More Lossess (cuts off at 22.1kHz), clean drum intro, drum fill going into the hook before the second verse in left channel only
WEB FLAC - Same as World iTunes, except cuts off at 21.9kHz
US iTunes - More Lossess (cuts off at 21.9kHz), distorted drum intro, Opening Lines NOT spoken by Kanye, screams louder in the mix, drum fill going into the hook before the second verse in the center, a bit Quieter but less dynamic vs. CD and World iTunes
I Am A God
CD - Beat does not drop out during "Y'all Better Quit playing with God" line
World iTunes - Beat drops out during "Y'all Better Quit playing with God" line
US iTunes - Beat drops out during "Y'all Better Quit playing with God" line, a bit Quieter but less dynamic vs. CD and World iTunes
New Slaves
CD - Kanye's outro vocals more towards the right
World iTunes - Kanye's outro vocals more towards the left, slightly different mix
US iTunes - Kanye's outro vocals more towards the left, slightly different mix, a bit Quieter but less dynamic vs. CD and World iTunes
Hold My Liquor
CD - possibly MP3 sourced (cuts off at 16kHz), volume spikes during verse 1
World iTunes - From a Lossless source, volume spikes during verse 1
US iTunes - From Lossless source
I'm In It (Percussion during Outro possibly remixed in iTunes releases)
CD - Wave Form cut at top and bottom, original outro mix
World iTunes - Wave form NOT cut at top and bottom, outro slightly remixed (unique vs. CD and US iTunes)
US iTunes - Wave form NOT cut at top and bottom, a bit quieter vs. World iTunes; outro slightly remixed (unique vs. CD and World iTunes)
Blood On The Leaves (the core of the track has a slightly different mix in each release.)
CD - original mix
World iTunes - unique outro mix (slightly different vs. other formats)
US iTunes - unique intro mix (slightly different vs. other formats), original outro mix, a bit quieter CD and World iTunes
Guilt Trip
CD - Original Mix
World iTunes - Original Mix, possibly a tiny bit different than CD release; a bit quieter than the CD release
US iTunes - Slightly Different Mix
Send It Up
CD - narrower stereo field (possibly less reverb), Beat does not drop out during "It's so packed I might ride around On my bodyguard's back" line.
World iTunes - same as CD
US iTunes - wider stereo field (possibly more reverb), Beat drops out during "It's so packed I might ride around On my bodyguard's back" line.
Bound 2

fucking ridiculous

fucking ridiculous


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
this shit is..

fucking ridiculous

fucking ridiculous

So the amazon version seems like it is compressed version of the world itunes version from what I went back and just listened to.

CD - narrower stereo field (possibly less reverb), Beat does not drop out during "It's so packed I might ride around On my bodyguard's back" line.
World iTunes - same as CD

Also does the I am a god dropout


With Fantano it's important to remember that he 1. tends to value lyrics above all else, 2. only talks about music in broad, un-quantifiable terms using a lot of creative adjectives and descriptors and 3. doesn't seem to have much of a sense or appreciation for irony or "character" in music. There are a few albums that have gotten under his skin a bit and offended him, even if the point of the song or album in question is meant to be offensive and/or exposing and exploring a dark topic or unsavory, unflattering point of view. There was one line on the last Death Grips album that really bothered him that, in a greater contextual view, was talking about something else entirely.

Oddly enough he can put up with Wu Tang's violence, but he gives a lot of other stuff flack for rough lyrics. I enjoy listening to him describe music, but I don't really take his word as a critic.

And what does Pitchfork do? Most of their reviews are long winded essays that have nothing to do about the album.


I'm going with US iTunes and just calling it a day.

SMH @ Kanye for this shit.

I bought the physical version from Amazon to get the Amazon digital version.

My digital music library will have the us itunes version in it.

The irony of all of this, is Ye is supposedly a perfectionist with his songs, but he can't finish an album before a deadline anymore.


Listened through a handful of the iTunes-version tracks that were supposed to have the most changes...I'll be honest, I like the retail versions better.


Well, bought a copy for $10 at Best Buy today. Probably never gonna open it, hah.

But itunes ver on my phone tho sounds good, Way better then the leak.
And what does Pitchfork do? Most of their reviews are long winded essays that have nothing to do about the album.

Not sure if you're actually wondering my opinion on this or trying to catch me out for not responding similarly to the Pitchfork score, but either way here goes:

Pitchfork's surface-value scores tend to align with my opinion more often than not, but I agree that their text is often terrible. I actually play a game sometimes where I count the number of paragraphs in a review before they mention the album they're covering. They have a well-meaning but overbearing obsession with reviewing everything "in the moment" in a cultural sense, rather than judging the music itself. I have rarely seen mastering or other technical criticism be a main point in a Pitchfork review.

They also have a few bizarre hangups - most notably, they seem to have it out for bands they know have been hyped up overseas in magazines like NME. Their review of Alt-J's album from 2012 was terrible, as it spent several paragraphs maligning the band for having a lot of buzz (as if Pitchfork wasn't capable or responsible for generating hype) and "sounding like Radiohead," which isn't really true at all.

They also do it a lot less now than they used to, but Pitchfork's gimmicky reviews fucking suck. Straight up. Their review of Nine Inch Nails' The Fragile, for instance, or their reviews of Black Kids or Jet where they just posted a low score and a mean-spirited picture/video indicating how much they hated the album. Sure, it's funny, but it should be beneath a proper publication. A lot of people accuse critics of flexing their writing muscles every time something particularly good or bad comes out; Pitchfork is one of the only publications that makes it bleeding obvious that they do that.

The poster-child for their weirdness is this recent review of the Illmatic re-release. Would I consider Illmatic a 10? Hell fucking yeah I would. But read that text. I can't make it through without feeling embarrassed. It reads like a stoned college student's first impression of the album. It's so exaggerated it hurts, which is impressive considering how hard I think it is to hyperbolize how excellent Illmatic is. This review also practically ignores the technical aspects of the rerelease, which is far more important in my opinon - is it remastered? Is it noticeably different? You get zero sense of the actual rerelease's worth from this review.

So yeah, I give Pitchfork something like a 6.2 or so. I'm interested in the scores they give because they are undeniably tastemakers, rI think part of the problem is they know they're tastemakers.


God damn. When its good it is so good, but when it is bad it is really bad. I've come to the conclusion that it really matters what the last song you listen to is.
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