Okay so Mike Dean tweeted El Chapo soon and El Pablo after
He's really eaten himself alive with this release, hard for people to get excited and the hype to continue when he won't release it properly. It's a shame, and Tidal still has my $20Oh man, a Nas album full of Kanye beats would be insane.
Edit: Kanye tweets he promised Obama he'd do beats on Nas next album and it gets like 3 responses here? This thread is dying
Basically Kendrick is looked at as one of the good ones by white people even though he says some of the realist shit in his music. But that's kanyes problem he's never just let his music speak for him.Lol i read the 'Kendrick is doing what Kanye thinks he is doing.' Quote on my Facebook after his Grammy performance and it just made me laugh. Literally all liked and agreed by all white sophomore girls. People forget the first part of Kanyes career when he was super against gang culture, or his entire career him being a champion of racial issues, or they just tend to shut out anything he's saying now. There being a glass ceiling for people of color in his world is a big deal, but no one would know it if people like him weren't speaking out. "The Grammy's need future there not just me and jay in a suit" speaks volumes but it's easily overlooked. A lot of people will get worked up if you mention any racism fueling people's distain for the artist, but when I see a whole bunch of white folks be like "see why can't you be good like this one?" it just rubs me the wrong way. I think it was pretty telling that one of dead mow five's comebacks to kanye was something about finishing grade school and learning English.
It's beautiful.This might be the most enzo_gt post yet
You're asking why a member of the media is tearing into Kanye to prompt up hiphops golden boy right now?Why is there a need to tear down Kanye to boost up Kendrick ? Both are my favorite artists right now and they both make great music INO. They've even made tracks together and been on tour together. It's such a childish comparison to even make.
You're asking why a member of the media is tearing into Kanye to prompt up hiphops golden boy right now?
This might be the most enzo_gt post yet
Why is there a need to tear down Kanye to boost up Kendrick ? Both are my favorite artists right now and they both make great music IMO. They've even made tracks together and been on tour together. It's such a childish comparison to even make.
Basically Kendrick is looked at as one of the good ones by white people even though he says some of the realist shit in his music. But that's kanyes problem he's never just let his music speak for him.
To white youth he definitely is. Taylor's fake ass definitely helped him.Based on the lyrical content of tpab and the Grammy performance, I wouldn't have thought that he would be regarded as one of the 'good ones' to white people.
Is The Black The Better's ending really about black-on-black crime? I've heard quite a few interpretations of it.
Man, all Ye gotta do is just drop those 40 tracks he supposedly said he got with Kendrick. lol
I wouldn't really call it tearing into, I saw it more as saying the social issues and points Kendrick is making through experimental music is what Kanye wishes he was doing. I disagree with her and that statement, but it's hardly tearing into Kanye. She's posted pictures of herself wearing a TLOP hoodie, she's obviously a big fan.
That cut would have to be like at least seven minutes long :whew:DON'T FUCK WITH ME ON THIS.
MAN, THE ULTIMATE CUT TO WOLVES WILL BE "Wolves (feat. Sia, Vic Mensa, Frank Ocean, Drake, and Bjork).
Fuck it we should get at least one artist from every genre of music (except fucking country) for a 27 minute super track of Wolves.
yo what the FUCK is going on
ok dis okWolves is going to be Kanye's Trapped in the Closet, with new installments releasing constantly until 2020