How do you unsub from Tidal?
It's like they're hiding it.
Forgot to unsub from TIdal
Jay got me
You gotta go into settings on the web browser. It takes you to another site lol. They try to make it as hard as possible
You gotta go into settings on the web browser. It takes you to another site lol. They try to make it as hard as possible
Forgot to unsub from TIdal
Jay got me
What's on march 18?
Where did that drake wolves leak come from?
did the real friends remix come out?
And where is this pablo album?
Forgot to unsub from TIdal
Jay got me
You signed up a week before the album came out? I just unsub'd and I still have 7 days left on my subscription, and I signed up the day the album came out.
You weren't kidding.I think ye took over kim's twitter lol
We gonna get an "assemble your own"-Wolves brehs.
Kim just took kanye out of his debt lol
sorry I'm late to the party guys I was busy cashing my 80 million video game check & transferring 53 million into our joint account 🤑🤑🤑💰💰💰
Waves is aight
Waves is aight
Seems like it could be fake, there's no real evidence there