They really did put a lot of work into this. I've been playing Shizune's route. Misha is kind of amazing. They've captured signing quite well. On one hand, she signs efficiently and she speaks loudly while having an overly happy expression most of the times. Other times her expressions adjust to the situation. In sign language, facial expressions and enthusiasm of movement/signing actually comes into play for different tones which can change their meaning. As an example, if someone asks "How are you?" and I replied "Good", the sign for this is pretty much a thumbs up (In Australian Sign Language/AusLan anyways.) but if I were to look away in disinterest and do the sign in a short, stiff and unimpressive manner it can be taken is sarcasm. If I was to do that same sign, with a big ass grin and more emphasis on the thumbs up and pushing it forward and a bit higher, it steps up from good to very good/great. I do enjoy the small details in this game.
I feel for Hisao here, reading the dialogue and looking at Shizune and Misha's different expressions and postures can sometimes confuse things a little.
I feel for Hisao here, reading the dialogue and looking at Shizune and Misha's different expressions and postures can sometimes confuse things a little.