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Katawa Shoujo |OT| (VN, Free, Waifus, etc)

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Just finished Hanako route and got the Good Ending... I guess? (
the one where she kisses the MC on the road)
... without a guide too. Seems like I had a knack of picking the right choices, hahaha.

Oh man, she's so awesome. That look where she stares at the MC after they have sex was.... something else.

Emi and Hanako done. Next is Lilly, I guess.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
...Excuse me Hanako, would you please sit down from the throne and sit on the number 2 seat...? Thank you, sweetheart <3

Emi, could you shuffle to the number 3 seat please? Thank you.



Goddamn it gave me diabetes just by playing it. So incredibly sweet, almost unbearably so. Un-fucking-believable. Simply amazing. Simply marvelous.

Cliched as hell but since I am weak to that kind of stuff it got me... It got me bad. I was surprised that my smile at the end was that large.

Ohhh boy..... The next routes I am gonna play (Shizune/Rin) need to do something out of this world to eclipse the feel I got from Lilly's.


...Excuse me Hanako, would you please sit down from the throne and sit on the number 2 seat...? Thank you, sweetheart <3

Emi, could you shuffle to the number 3 seat please? Thank you.




...Excuse me Hanako, would you please sit down from the throne and sit on the number 2 seat...? Thank you, sweetheart <3

Emi, could you shuffle to the number 3 seat please? Thank you.



Goddamn it gave me diabetes just by playing it. So incredibly sweet, almost unbearably so. Un-fucking-believable. Simply amazing. Simply marvelous.

Cliched as hell but since I am weak to that kind of stuff it got me... It got me bad. I was surprised that my smile at the end was that large.

Ohhh boy..... The next routes I am gonna play (Shizune/Rin) need to do something out of this world to eclipse the feel I got from Lilly's.
Welcome to best waifu club.
...Excuse me Hanako, would you please sit down from the throne and sit on the number 2 seat...? Thank you, sweetheart <3

Emi, could you shuffle to the number 3 seat please? Thank you.



Goddamn it gave me diabetes just by playing it. So incredibly sweet, almost unbearably so. Un-fucking-believable. Simply amazing. Simply marvelous.

Cliched as hell but since I am weak to that kind of stuff it got me... It got me bad. I was surprised that my smile at the end was that large.

Ohhh boy..... The next routes I am gonna play (Shizune/Rin) need to do something out of this world to eclipse the feel I got from Lilly's.
I don't know what to say but your post made me smile so much . I know what you feel. Reading her route was one of the happiest moments of my life (if not the only moment when I felt genuinely happy).

Maybe I'll translate that Lilly review I talked about, after all.
Yeah, Rin is probably a good one to end with. At least better than Shizune's.
It's the order I did it in, and it felt like Rin was a much better send off than Shizune's route.

You're right though :l
What is with you people not finishing?! How have I beaten this before so many of the people I would have been certain would have finished it all by now?!
The author for Shizune's route originally had another story lined up but it was suddenly changed to what we see in the full game. Shizune acts a lot more romantic and flirtatious while the story is dramatically different and a bit darker than the full version. There's a unfinished alpha version of the game floating around (Hanako's bad ends in the alpha are pretty fucked up from what I've read too).

Is there a link to this?
I've just finished Act 2 of Rin's route. It's good to get to know her better, she seems more likable than before, and although it's difficult to describe her route in terms of themes and feelings, it is interesting. I don't expect to like it as much as Lilly's route unless there are some big surprises, though.

Also, I've been talking to my friends and colleagues less and less lately, and I'm still not interested in meeting people these days - loneliness doesn't affect me anymore and all I want is replay Lilly's route.
I'm a student in computational linguistics so I like/have to write scripts for various text processing purposes. I wondered what the most used words in Katawa Shoujo were so I managed to find the script of the complete, final game (stored in 23 .rpy/Ren'py files which amount to 3.5 MB of code/text).

I've run my Perl script through the whole game/novel, scanned all dialogue and narration (ignoring Ren'Py instructions) ignored the stopwords (grammatical, 'useless' words such as 'the', 'though', 'am', 'I', 'were', etc.) based on a list I've found on the Internet, deleted all punctuation and other useless signs (delicate task since it can mess a lot with the results, so I hope I didn't fuck this up), which resulted in a 153,659-word corpus. From that corpus, I've sorted each word based on its frequency (in descending order).

The most frequent word in Katawa Shoujo is 'Time'.

Out of 14,527 unique words, 'Feel' is the 8th most frequent one (just before 'good'), with 'feeling' being 28th and 'feels' being 33rd.

Hanako is the girl whose name gets mentioned the most, followed by Lilly, then Shizune, Emi, Rin and Misha. The main character's name, Hisao, is the fifteenth most frequent word. The longest word in the corpus is 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggghhhhhhhh' (one occurrence) and 6,039 words (41.5% of all unique words) appear only once.

Here are the 25 most frequent words:

Total word count (ignoring stopwords) : 153659
1 -             time                    Freq: 1416
2 -             hanako                  Freq: 1366
3 -             lilly                   Freq: 1321
4 -             shizune                 Freq: 1289
5 -             emi                     Freq: 1228
6 -             rin                     Freq: 1179
7 -             misha                   Freq: 946
8 -             feel                    Freq: 941
9 -             good                    Freq: 867
10 -            school                  Freq: 709
11 -            guess                   Freq: 643
12 -            thought                 Freq: 633
13 -            room                    Freq: 625
14 -            head                    Freq: 609
15 -            hisao                   Freq: 608
16 -            people                  Freq: 589
17 -            hicchan                 Freq: 586
18 -            face                    Freq: 564
19 -            eyes                    Freq: 555
20 -            hand                    Freq: 537
21 -            kind                    Freq: 534
22 -            yeah                    Freq: 520
23 -            door                    Freq: 513
24 -            long                    Freq: 493
25 -            mind                    Freq: 484

Full results at http://pastebin.com/4J5yLRzm


Finished Emi's and Shizune's routes (Rin and Hanako left).

Like Emi's route. Or maybe i like Emi? Hard to say. Does it matter?
It is a tad... even. If you do everything right. If you don't... It is better if you don't do everything right, i think.

As for Shizune's route... I don't like Shizune. But Misha and the story revolving around the pair makes it good.

Not sure which of the three i've played so far is the best. I'll probably avoid ranking them.

Also realized i don't actually dislike "blank protagonist". OK, Hisao is not quite blank but neither is he particularly special. Pretty normal person, no? That makes him relatable.
I say this because i realized i'm okay with blank characters, as long as they're normal humans, unlike, say, the Master Chief from Halo. That guy is not normal, can't relate to him, can't imagine myself in his place.
In Hisao's case it helps Hisao and i both like science and reading.
...This sounded a lot better in my head than once written. Oh, well, the effort is done, so i'll leave it.

Maybe i can start Hanako's route tomorrow... Need to finish.


So I've played two routes so far. Not sure how much I should spoiler, but I think I'll throw them whenever I have some doubts just in case.

My first, I went in blind. I wanted Lilly because I liked the idea
of calm, peace and serenity and she has those vibes. I'm also a big fan of tea, so she won me over prettily easily from the moment she was introduced
. However, I also wanted to be healthy, which means
running and I ended up down Emi's path, which is nice. I'm a bit more resilient to puppy eyes than Hisao. Her easy going and bubbly-ness is kind of infectious. I don't regret this route and grew to enjoy it pretty quickly. But then, she has to go and be all mopy and stubborn. Completely understandable because, it happens, IRL. People do stupid and annoying things but god, the later arcs was a lot more difficult to get through, I much preferred seeing them having fun and joking around.

I went back to an older save and remade some choices, I successfully went down Lilly's path this time. I didn't use any guides still and I
thought I fucking messed it up good. I thought I hit perhaps a medium ending when Lilly leaves and was pretty :< about the whole thing. Then Hisao gets angry and suddenly chases after her! YES! I then had mixed feelings when Hisao went down. It was a massive bummer and I was pretty down that he didn't "make it", but a part of me thought maybe she heard. When he wakes up in hospital I pretty much figured that happens and it was a bit of a drag before Lilly comes in, but damn. That was good.
I don't want to read any guides as I'll read more than I need, I know it but could this have eh... ended badly? Are the bad/horrible endings in this game?

Also, I know the two lifestyles are wildly different between Emi's route and Lilly's but damn.
His health. it also makes him less cheery and likeable imo. He did well, all things considered. I certainly wouldn't have fared any better.

I don't usually like shy girls but fuck Hanako has grown on me. Her growth in Lilly's arc definitely has something to do with it. I want to do her route next but I also want to do Shizune's if only to see if I can find out
the issue she has with Lilly. I wish they got along better. :(

I'm somewhat dreading Rin, she was pretty funny and chill in Emi's route but kind of wacky in Lilly's. Kenji is a lot less tolerable the second time you play this eh? His music still cracks me up. Akira is also pretty cool. In fact, I like a lot of the characters, they each have a nice personality and character, this game is really quite well done in this aspect. The fact that the teachers, nurse and staff are there to support and offer advice in their ways is very true and fitting. I like how some of the advice comes back and is helpful. Even the "letter" has its uses in giving opinions and thoughts to Hisao.
YO! :) Just thought I'd drop by and say hey.
Been playing through KS recently, so far I've cleared Emi, Hanako and Lilly (all good ends).
Think I'm gonna do Shizune then Rin tonight tomorrow.
I'm not sure if I can bring myself to go through the bad ends, considering how bittersweet some of these good ending seem. I don't think I could take it lmao.

So far, it's a tie between Lilly and Hanako for me, then Emi.


bitch I'm taking calls.


I don't want to read any guides as I'll read more than I need, I know it but could this have eh... ended badly? Are the bad/horrible endings in this game?
They're not really spoilers but I'll spoiler it anyway (I'll try to be as vague as possible):
The bad endings are all generally abrupt "welp, that didn't work out" stuff. They're mostly irrelevant and are just punishment for not playing well.

And DON'T read this:
Yeah I know Hanako and Shizune have semi-interesting bad ends, but just like the rest they're the direct result of some obvious bad choice the player made. There's not much point to reading them unless you're especially resistant to "that makes me feel bad for no reason" scenarios. But still, I understand that those two are unlike the rest.
Anyone have brain bleach? I don't want to know someone had this idea.

EDIT There ain't KSxHalo in Fanfiction.net (yes, i checked, don't know why) but there is KSxTwilight. Urgh.
Guess someone's gotta do it. Just off hand, do you know if the Chief has a cyborg penis? I'm not too well versed on my Spartan anatomy and really wanna do the subject material justice. Please be detailed with your response, and include any details pertaining to servos, pistons, wiring and any materials relating to sheathing of said components (carbon fiber/Kevlar)


Guess someone's gotta do it. Just off hand, do you know if the Chief has a cyborg penis? I'm not too well versed on my Spartan anatomy and really wanna do the subject material justice. Please be detailed with your response, and include any details pertaining to servos, pistons, wiring and any materials relating to sheathing of said components (carbon fiber/Kevlar)

Spartans don't have cybernetic augmentations outside their neural interface. Biochemical ones are plentiful (inc. growth hormones IIRC)... though one side effect is suppressed sexual drive.


I probably shouldn't have written this.
Spartans don't have cybernetic augmentations outside their neural interface. Biochemical ones are plentiful (inc. growth hormones IIRC)... though one side effect is suppressed sexual drive.


I probably shouldn't have written this.
Interesting, so the Chief would be soft in all the H-scenes? If Cortana is there would it be considered a threesome or a cuckold? I greatly value your input

I'll stop now lol
Found somewhere on the Internet:

I have some voice acting I'd like your opinion on. Which do you think is better?

Rin (higher voice)
Rin (lower voice)
Misha (giggle)
Misha (a more realistic wahaha)
Lilly (more accent)
Lilly (softer)


They're not really spoilers but I'll spoiler it anyway (I'll try to be as vague as possible):
The bad endings are all generally abrupt "welp, that didn't work out" stuff. They're mostly irrelevant and are just punishment for not playing well.

Thanks. I'm just glad I'm not going to accidentally get someone killed. Unless, perhaps, if it was Kenji. I find some of the choices seem quite obvious, while others are less so. With Lilly I just went with honesty and such. But then, with Emi, her attitude in arc 4 was really testing my patience. I mean, I understand it completely but I sure as hell didn't like it. I chose a few options that I didn't think was going to be "right" but I think, in retrospect, this ended up far better for her and myself anyway. :\
I'm still reading Rin's route (just finished Act 3). Oh god it's so annoying. I really appreciate the author's imagination and hard work in depicting a character suffering from Aspergers' syndrome, but that route is just pure frustration (and I thought Hanako's was annoying...) I'm feeling lots of rage, both at Rin for being who/what she is (resulting in a disgusting lack of social skills) and at Hisao for having no self-respect and and being a MASSIVE pushover.


Thanks. I'm just glad I'm not going to accidentally get someone killed. Unless, perhaps, if it was Kenji. I find some of the choices seem quite obvious, while others are less so. With Lilly I just went with honesty and such. But then, with Emi, her attitude in arc 4 was really testing my patience. I mean, I understand it completely but I sure as hell didn't like it. I chose a few options that I didn't think was going to be "right" but I think, in retrospect, this ended up far better for her and myself anyway. :\

Ah, relationships


I'm still reading Rin's route (just finished Act 3). Oh god it's so annoying. I really appreciate the author's imagination and hard work in depicting a character suffering from Aspergers' syndrome, but that route is just pure frustration (and I thought Hanako's was annoying...) I'm feeling lots of rage, both at Rin for being who/what she is (resultinh in a disgusting lack of social skills) and at Hisao for having no self-respect and and being a MASSIVE pushover.

Hehe... I felt the same way.


Ah, relationships

When you put it this way it kind of makes me chuckle, though I feel "Ah, hormones." might be more suitable.... Maybe.

Edit. I kind of like how you find out more about different characters outside of your the main in your route. Shizune seems much more understanding and thoughtful in Hanako's route.


I'm still reading Rin's route (just finished Act 3). Oh god it's so annoying. I really appreciate the author's imagination and hard work in depicting a character suffering from Aspergers' syndrome, but that route is just pure frustration (and I thought Hanako's was annoying...) I'm feeling lots of rage, both at Rin for being who/what she is (resulting in a disgusting lack of social skills) and at Hisao for having no self-respect and and being a MASSIVE pushover.



Hanako's route done.
Can't say i liked it really. Hisao's white knight attitude is annoying... and it wasn't resolved that satisfactorily (a bit abrupt). IMO.
Rin left... and then some bad endings and probably some missed scenes.
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