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Katawa Shoujo |OT| (VN, Free, Waifus, etc)


...I think I've become desensitized to NSFW, I completely failed to notice any of it

I love Raita's style but some of his stuff will scare the hell out of people not used to it.

Edit: lol, and just in case, I'm not a fan of some of his questionable works.


I love Raita's style but some of his stuff will scare the hell out of people not used to it.

Edit: lol, and just in case, I'm not a fan of some of his questionable works.

I really like his heads/faces/expressions. Tits and ass are a bit of a hit and miss, I have never been really impressed with exaggerated cartoon tits and ass so meh. I also prefer girls clothed than scantily clad, but I suppose that would make it harder to show off their assets in his works.

Happy Birthday Lilly <3 7 Feb


I really like his heads/faces/expressions. Tits and ass are a bit of a hit and miss, I have never been really impressed with exaggerated cartoon tits and ass so meh. I also prefer girls clothed than scantily clad, but I suppose that would make it harder to show off their assets in his works.

Happy Birthday Lilly <3 7 Feb

Oh, didn't know, well then, Happy Birthday !


Expect 9 hours of Hisao (and yourself) listening to the incoherent ramblings of a girl with Asperger's syndrome and saying 'JESUS CHRIST, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?'

I found Rin to be quite understandable. She has difficulty expressing her emotions with words. She's a visual artist. It is funny but I seem to relate best to the extremes: Lily, Rin, and Shizune.


I'm a pretty terrible photoshopper but I had some fun. I found their expressions to be pretty matching and couldn't resist. The name is also somewhat fitting.

Rin is that you??

Had another one with her hand on her face and the heads are a bit more matching in size but I can't seem to find where I saved the thing now. :\ Found the dodgy avatar version though.


Poet Centuriate
Just finished 100% after putting it off for so long. Liked it a lot, very well done. Overall, the stories were very well done, those some of the sex scenes felt kinda forced. Hisao as a main character I also thought was at time rather inconsistent in his composition, that coming from having numerous authors. Definately loved Emi's route the most (which was the first one I did), probably followed by Lilly (my last route, honestly they're really neck and neck for me) and then Hanako. I thought Shizune's route was the worst written but I connected with Rin the least, so I kinda put them on the same level.

So basically,

The neutral/bittersweet endings got me the most (Rin's and Lilly's, in particular), I think, as I played for completion. I don't know what to expect from 4LS in the future, but a sequel or a patch/DLC of some kind (I'm calling it for Miki) would be so awesome, but I'm not holding my breath. Though it was honestly too good not to get a sequel.

Overall, I thought it was really well written, the characters were incredibly well fleshed out, the music was amazing, the artwork was great. Just all around a good read.

Also, the April Fools Day blog post for Katawa Shoujo from 4LS was pretty good, if you missed it.

Katawa Shoujo

I went into this thinking it was going to be Key-levels of heartbreaking storyline, at least that's how a few friends pitched it to me. Didn't really tear up once, and I think I'm usually sensitive to emotional things. I found myself fastforwarding through a LOT of the extra conversations like Kenji's and Yuuko's.

Got Hanako Good Ending first time through, I still wish Misha had a proper route, she was my girl of choice when I first saw her :p


So I finally played a bit more of this after not really playing it when it came out and just dismissing it.
Finished Hanako's route, and now I'm a believer. What a sweet story that girl had, and her ending was very cute.

My only real gripes with the game is that Hisao kinda sucks. Biggest of all is that I can't nail Miki. What the hell she's perfect.

Gonna truck on through other routes over the next few days. I haven;t read the thread for the sake of spoilers, so I'm sure it was linked in here already, but I'm gonna share it anyways because I thought it was adorable.


Poet Centuriate
Katawa Shoujo

I went into this thinking it was going to be Key-levels of heartbreaking storyline, at least that's how a few friends pitched it to me. Didn't really tear up once, and I think I'm usually sensitive to emotional things. I found myself fastforwarding through a LOT of the extra conversations like Kenji's and Yuuko's.

Got Hanako Good Ending first time through, I still wish Misha had a proper route, she was my girl of choice when I first saw her :p

Did you do all the bad and neutral/bittersweet endings?

So I finally played a bit more of this after not really playing it when it came out and just dismissing it.
Finished Hanako's route, and now I'm a believer. What a sweet story that girl had, and her ending was very cute.

My only real gripes with the game is that Hisao kinda sucks. Biggest of all is that I can't nail Miki. What the hell she's perfect.

Gonna truck on through other routes over the next few days. I haven;t read the thread for the sake of spoilers, so I'm sure it was linked in here already, but I'm gonna share it anyways because I thought it was adorable.

Get ready to take a ride on the emotional rollercoaster is all I can say.

Hisao sucks largely because he's supposed to be largely just a very neutral persona for the reader to project through into the world presented, at least imo.

And yes, Miki needs a route, this is a fact.


Get ready to take a ride on the emotional rollercoaster is all I can say.

Hisao sucks largely because he's supposed to be largely just a very neutral persona for the reader to project through into the world presented, at least imo.

And yes, Miki needs a route, this is a fact.

Hanako's route was pretty roller coaster like on it's own. I did her bad and netural endings too and her bad ending was harsh. Poor girl :(
I'm doing Lilly's route now and it's super awkward having Hanako there all the time. It's like trying to date your ex's best friend.
Biggest of all is that I can't nail Miki. What the hell she's perfect.

I had a thought that Miki doesn't really exist at all and is just a figment of Hisao's insanity since she's totally different artstyle-wise than the others, and she's just there to comment on his relationships with other girls.

Like A Beautiful Mind.


I had a thought that Miki doesn't really exist at all and is just a figment of Hisao's insanity since she's totally different artstyle-wise than the others, and she's just there to comment on his relationships with other girls.

Like A Beautiful Mind.

I noticed the art style thing too, but shrugged of off becusae there are times everyone looks like they are a different art style. Plausible theory though.
Miki looks almost like a palette swap to iM@S Miki and it's weirding me out.


Ah, damnit, i forgot the finish Rin's path.
It was so frigging unfair.
Someone recommended me to make choices as i would make them, but i happen to know at least some of them wouldn't be "right". That knowledge felt really bad, and i kinda forgot about it, along with not having a good moment to play the story on one sitting (don't like playing KS in short sessions).


Ah, damnit, i forgot the finish Rin's path.
It was so frigging unfair.
Someone recommended me to make choices as i would make them, but i happen to know at least some of them wouldn't be "right". That knowledge felt really bad, and i kinda forgot about it, along with not having a good moment to play the story on one sitting (don't like playing KS in short sessions).
Wait what, it was supposed to make you feel more comfortable with your choices, not less. I'm confused. It felt bad because you'd normally make choices you don't like? Haha, how mischievous.

It's a bit of a spoiler but considering your motivation, you may as well read it (regarding choices in Rin's path)
Only the very final few choices decide the ending. The rest are just a huge mess cluster of scenes that sort of "transform" the route into something more in-line with yourself regarding your attitude involving stuff like art and relationships (romance and normal).


Poet Centuriate
Hanako's route was pretty roller coaster like on it's own. I did her bad and netural endings too and her bad ending was harsh. Poor girl :(
I'm doing Lilly's route now and it's super awkward having Hanako there all the time. It's like trying to date your ex's best friend.

Lilly's route is one of my favorites. The final few chapters got to me
because I didn't know the route was totally like "shit I fucked up shit I fucked up wtf did I do wrong noooo my heart" even after it went pass where the bittersweet ending ends (because the good & bittersweet share all the same scenes except for a few extra chapters for the good)

I had a thought that Miki doesn't really exist at all and is just a figment of Hisao's insanity since she's totally different artstyle-wise than the others, and she's just there to comment on his relationships with other girls.

Like A Beautiful Mind.

She really one shows up and talks in one route though (Hanako, iirc). I honestly thought she would've shown up a lot more in Emi's route specifically. And she can't be a figment because Lilly talks about her by name, she shows up on the track team in Emi's background shots, and she's in that first shot of class on Hisao's first day of school, so...yeah.

And -like every other piece of fiction - they're all in his head in a coma anyways:



Lilly's route is one of my favorites. The final few chapters got to me
because I didn't know the route was totally like "shit I fucked up shit I fucked up wtf did I do wrong noooo my heart" even after it went pass where the bittersweet ending ends (because the good & bittersweet share all the same scenes except for a few extra chapters for the good)

She really one shows up and talks in one route though (Hanako, iirc). I honestly thought she would've shown up a lot more in Emi's route specifically.

Oh and about her being in his head, like every other piece of fiction - they're all in his head in a coma:


I'm on the home stretch in Lillys route right now as I type this. It feels like it's never ending.


Poet Centuriate
I'm on the home stretch in Lillys route right now as I type this. It feels like it's never ending.

as in it's taking forever? Cause it's like one of the shorter routes, iirc. I only felt that way like one time in her route, honestly, but the ending is one of the best imo


as in it's taking forever? Cause it's like one of the shorter routes, iirc. I only felt that way like one time in her route, honestly, but the ending is one of the best imo

We've already done the deed and everything seemed to just be going along slowly and peacefully like it should've ended already. but I just had a chat with Akira so it's picking up now.


Poet Centuriate
We've already done the deed and everything seemed to just be going along slowly and peacefully like it should've ended already. but I just had a chat with Akira so it's picking up now.

Oh I know where you are! Yeah it's supposed to kinda be like that.
Shit is about to really hit the fan, as if her chat was evident enough ;)
And you still have kinda a ways to go.


Poet Centuriate
I went into it blind (heh) so I didn't know what routes to do when so Lilly was my last route. I'd vote that whatever you do, don't end with Shizune's, or go into Rin's from Shizune's.


lol, blind.
It's been hard to avoid spoilers, but my own fault for waiting so long to play it. I did a bit of Emi's route when it came out going without a guide.
I'm planning to do Shizune next, then Emi, then Rin.
So I finally played a bit more of this after not really playing it when it came out and just dismissing it.
Finished Hanako's route, and now I'm a believer. What a sweet story that girl had, and her ending was very cute.

My only real gripes with the game is that Hisao kinda sucks. Biggest of all is that I can't nail Miki. What the hell she's perfect.

Gonna truck on through other routes over the next few days. I haven;t read the thread for the sake of spoilers, so I'm sure it was linked in here already, but I'm gonna share it anyways because I thought it was adorable.

Hisao is his own worst enemy in pretty much every route. He's probably at his worst in Hanako's.


Poet Centuriate




Poet Centuriate
Guys, I can't even deal with this anymore.
Threads for things people should play shouldn't die. I hate that I waited so long.

She gets last for being ungodly long.


Kawa Soft just updated the status of the French translation:

Translation: 100%
Editing: 100%
Correction: Ongoing (80%~)
Beta: Ongoing (30%~)
Finishing: Pending

Are they the closest group to putting out a full translation? How far along are the other ones?
Are they the closest group to putting out a full translation? How far along are the other ones?

Japanese translation progress as of May 9:

The entire game draft has been translated, and we are in the reviewing phase right now. Since a review will not get completed in just a single pass, it is difficult to give a clear-cut number. Our plan is to complete and hand over the entire translation within 1 year.




Wait what, it was supposed to make you feel more comfortable with your choices, not less. I'm confused. It felt bad because you'd normally make choices you don't like? Haha, how mischievous.

It's a bit of a spoiler but considering your motivation, you may as well read it (regarding choices in Rin's path)
Only the very final few choices decide the ending. The rest are just a huge mess cluster of scenes that sort of "transform" the route into something more in-line with yourself regarding your attitude involving stuff like art and relationships (romance and normal).

Had i known that...
Well. It ain't that simple really. You see, i start thinking "meta". Think both subjectively and objectively, and can't decide beetween those, kinda. Making this much more complicated than it should be.

I think i have time to play it tomorrow (EDIT technically today. It is frigging dawn here, near 5AM). Maybe. If i don't spend the day planning PnP RPGs, doing worldbuilding or just plain wasting time doing practically nothing.

EDIT no blind jokes about Lily?
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