Mine’s been horizontal since day one but highly doubt this is gonna be an issue for anyone who doesn’t pick apart their console.
His channel is trash... watch tronicsfix for console repairs
He repaired a console that tronicsfix couldn’t repair. He sent it to him to see if he could do it
I still just don't like the guy. He is a poser
Oh, i stood it up vertical.How about your ps5 though?
This is pretty lame. This is a special case and you use it to back justify some ignorant bias. Most electronics do not give a fuck about the direction of gravity relative to their orientation. Keep not trusting shit that is perfectly normal and finding the one case where your nonsense view is "justified" because that is great.Nice PSA. I never really trusted upright Consoles, lol. Always was the kind of thing that scared me tbh, like if it could tip over and fall off or if the disc inside would fall inside the hardware
No it isn't.
Mine has been vertical since day 1 and never had issues. Then again, I don't use it as much. But honestly, I never had issues with any consoles I've ever bought.
Not really. Xbox's Red Ring of Death actually took about two years to manifest. Hardware can develop issues over time. In the case of this thread, though, reads like it's a 1 in a million issue, so not really much to be concerned about.
yep like all humans do. I'm gonna keep being distrustful of vertical hardware now.This is a special case and you use it to back justify some ignorant bias.
He repaired a console that tronicsfix couldn’t repair. He sent it to him to see if he could do it
I'm not saying that it is a different console but what if it is? How can anyone say that it is not a different one?
I'm not saying that it is a different console but what if it is? How can anyone say that it is not a different one?
Wow...nice work man! That's a tough repair. So glad you showed how difficult this type of job is. Really good work.
It's clear you haven't watched the video in question. TronicsFix commented saying it was nice work
The guy does BGA reballs by hand, instead of using a stencil loads of the time. I couldn't even begin to contemplate how frustrated I'd be if I even attempted it manually.
i dont understand that you fall over your stuff at least once....its time to clean your room...
No, its looks more like an orca...and i love it...Since November 12th 2020 mine has always been vertical
Since November my series x haIt was designed to stand vertical so I highly doubt that even 1% of users will experience this type of malfunction. Plus you can't lay the PS5 horizontal, it looks like a beached whale with albinism.
Sure that wasn't the 4090?Burned down my house sadly. Luckily the fire department came and put it out with gasoline.
Never setting a console vertical again.
But the point here is that the Liquid Metal will flow towards the direction gravity is pointing and the chamber sealing it could potentially leak as the seal wears with the thermals that PS5 handles. Still, I struggle to believe that such a flaw would be ignored by Sony since it is clear that it was designed to be standing in a vertical positions while the horizontal orientation looks more like an after thought.This is pretty lame. This is a special case and you use it to back justify some ignorant bias. Most electronics do not give a fuck about the direction of gravity relative to their orientation. Keep not trusting shit that is perfectly normal and finding the one case where your nonsense view is "justified" because that is great.
I haven't watched the video yet. And I am not saying that is he is faking it. I am being cautious is all.It's clear you haven't watched the video in question. TronicsFix commented saying it was nice work
The guy does BGA reballs by hand, instead of using a stencil loads of the time. I couldn't even begin to contemplate how frustrated I'd be if I even attempted it manually.
It's funny to see people coming here and saying this is an issue and being vertical will increase the chances of getting the problem. How many cases of this has he seen? How many PS5s are used vertically?It's funny to see people coming here and saying "vertical since day one and no issue" if it would prove the guy is wrong.
Using your console vertically will increase the chances of getting the problem. It's just like smoking, it increases the chances of getting cancer.
Not concerned by this one bit, its going to be touching the sides whether its horizontal or vertical.
Yeah it would be strange if you put your TV vertical In your livingroom.Just to be safe. I putting everything HORIZONTAL,My pc (like the old days ) , ps5, MY TV. Everything is going horizontal to be safe.
That's not bad. If there is an issue (which I don't believe there is for the record), it's best to spread the word and have it reach the ears of those it should asap. Either to dismiss it or investigate and make an official statement. Imagine a scenario where everybody ignored the RROD for years.This 1 video spread to so many sites, videos, tiktok like it's common issue![]()
Why can't you give this poor guy five minutes in the spotlight??There are no "liquid metal issues." Clickbait is clickbait.
Yes this is how the vast majority of hw failures work only a small portion of people are affected, see the recent 4090 power connector issues. Still though your hw failing due to faulty design is not a good look.All that just to get to this.
Carry on.
Still though your hw failing due to faulty design is not a good look.