I had a friend who believed that the reason dinosaur fossils exist is because when god made the earth, he made it out of bits of other planets, and those planets happened to have dinosaurs.
Noah took a couple on the ark:
Put the Ham on the poop deck!Permission to come aboard
So uh, before God created the rainbow for Noah, did sunsets work? Same physics.
Wait. I thought Ken Ham was the guy in the red sweater who wasn't entirely decided on whether he should vote for Trump or for Hillary, and became a meme for a while?
I tried to look up "fat guy who supports trump", but all I'm getting is a picture of Chris Christie with a box of Steak-Umm's shoved down his mouth.
I mean come on.
1. Don't forget your black tie.
2. Don't forget your bottle cap.
3. Thor 2: The Dark World.
but that's not a rainbow??? It's closer to the bi flag if anything.
I love how that's all framed as like, a bad thing?
Sorry you have to deal with this nutcase, USA.
But better you than us!
But the rainbow itself wasn’t designed to be a symbol of freedom, love, pride...
Congratulations, you gayed ya'self
Twinks went aboard, two by two.
"By God's Grace they just did" would be the answer you're given. When you're dealing with Apologetics like Ham, they'll go to any length to defend their literal interpretation of the Bible. If the Bible said 1+1=3, they'd bend over backwards to defend it and prove it true, even if it flies in the face of reality. Putting the weight on God is their version of fantasy writers "it's magic, I don't have to explain it".
Ken Bone is the guy you're thinking of. Ken Ham is a Christian Apologetic who looks like the missing link between human and ape. I mean look at the guy!
I never understood how these Christians could accept what amounts to incest, since it's like Noah and his sons somehow creating the population of the entire world.
Is the rainbow meant to celebrate that?
It's got an amazing taste too.Screw this guy, Rainbows are fucking awesome and are for everyone.
So has this guy never seen a rainbow? Or does he trust the Bible (or wherever the fuck he got this from) over his own eyes?In recent times the rainbow (albeit with some different colors) has come to represent something far different.
And that's just fucking sinister.and will continue to be after that movement has ended.
Haha, I love this picture. The cop to his right clearly thinks it's hilarious as well. I like both of those dudes.
Don't forget the "I love my gay son" sign.
This is the sort of Christian who thinks that the Bible takes a severe turn for the worse when that sap Jesus shows up.
Big Gay Ken's Big Gay Boat Ride.
rainbow represents the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth
Big Gay Ken's Big Gay Boat Ride. Bring Your Ham Fam!
World tour, starting now.
Queer ark for the straight guy.
A nearby Ken is looking to have fun in your pen! Act now.
Ham sales for Christmas plummet.
Although I am not gay, I would love to eat the Ham as it is christmas and that's a traditional Finnish christmas dish.
It's....pretty complicated to be honest. It's like trying to explain Calculus to a 1st grader. There are some things you just don't tell someone till they are ready.
Also, not exactly true on the planet part. But this is neither the time nor place for it haha.
That's quite a gay ark.