wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
1.0.3 is live. Some big changes and new parts!!
Good, they fixed the memory leak with the temp gauges!
1.0.3 is live. Some big changes and new parts!!
... and I ended up giving up on RemoteTech, at least in career mode and I'm so new to it. I just couldn't get it to work - I finally got to the point where I could send a probe to the Mun (still only had level 1 tracking ugh thanks to all the money I had to sink into the comms network) and then for some reason the comms network just stopped working reliably. No idea whyso I've disabled that mod until some other time, probably not career mode, to try and play with it. In "reality" you'd have several tracking stations across Kerbin able to communicate with probes. You wouldn't need to set up a goddamn communications satellite network *as the first thing you do in the game*.
I think it's Kerbin-Side, it adds more launchpads and runways and someone set up several ground stations for Remote Tech.I think there is a mod to add in more ground tracking stations on Kerbin to make that a bit easier for yourself. But yeah, Remote Tech adds a whole new level of complexity to the game and if that's what you want its great at what it does!
I've been running into this bizarre thing where I have ships that won't launch from the pad. They've got plenty of thrust, but they need an extra kick (from another engine) to get going. Typically this is in a single inline rocket with two boosters attached - I have the liquid engine in the middle set to stage after the solids have exhausted, but I find I need to kick the liquid briefly to get off the damn launchpad (and I come off it quite quickly) before I manually shut it down to manually "stage" it back in again later...So my ships now randomly explode due to some parts allegedly crashing into the launch pad, even from a 250 km circular orbit. I hope the new version helps with this.
So my ships now randomly explode due to some parts allegedly crashing into the launch pad, even from a 250 km circular orbit. I hope the new version helps with this.
I think it's Kerbin-Side, it adds more launchpads and runways and someone set up several ground stations for Remote Tech.
Woah, I never even considered using my Saitek X45 HOTUS setup in KSP to fly the planes, so it actually works?
I'm gonna have to try it now, that would make landings so much easier.
Been playing with my son for the first time this week (he's 2 and a half). We finally landed on the Mun together...I let him do all the stage separations on our flights, so getting into clean orbits has been fun...and I let him dictate our first Munar plaque.
I just picked up the game over the weekend and have already dumped 15 hours into the game. I keep thinking of new designed while I'm at work and school, then spend hours tweaking them when I get home, much to the annoyance of my wife.
I've been able to consistently get into orbit, though it's not always perfect, and I'm currently designing a moon lander.
I just picked up the game over the weekend and have already dumped 15 hours into the game. I keep thinking of new designed while I'm at work and school, then spend hours tweaking them when I get home, much to the annoyance of my wife.
I've been able to consistently get into orbit, though it's not always perfect, and I'm currently designing a moon lander.
Congrats, you just lost a ton of free time!!!
The game is super addicting. I've put it on hold this summer due to a lack of game time to play everything I want to but this winter I'm going to put another couple dozen hours into KSP, and I already have well over 100 hours played on it now. It's a great game. Welcome to space exploration Grief!
Designing your own lander, flying it to the Mun and successfully landing it for the first time, is one of the most satisfying things ever in a video game.
Is it possible to play this on PC with nothing but a controller? My current setup is such that this would be amazing if possible.
Nice job Grief! It is crazy how quickly this game can get its hooks in to you.
On a space related note, NASA just uploaded all of the Apollo archive photos to flickr. So many incredible photos!!!!
Is there any way to prevent the heating thing from working? There's this (I think) glitch where a bunch of parts are exploding due to overheat for no apparent reason. I mean, I have the rocket in the launchpad with no engines active, no moving parts doing their thing or whatever, the rocket is just sitting there; and the temperature in some parts is going up very rapidly until they explode, some even heating to death in one or two seconds.
I've been using the "ignore max temperature" cheat marker but it doesn't prevent the thermal gauges from appearing, which is very annoying.
I had one particular mission where I was orbiting the Mun and Minimus and I kept randomly exploding.
I did and apparently there is a handful of issues associated with heat. Guess I'll continue cheating when this occurs until some patch finally fixes this, hopefully next one.That sounds like a nasty bug. Have you searched the KSP forums? It seems pretty significant and I would imagine many others would have that issue.
That sounds like a nasty bug. Have you searched the KSP forums? It seems pretty significant and I would imagine many others would have that issue.
Wow, I've never seen anything odd with heat generation. The only problem I've seen is when using nuclear engines, but that's a drawback with them as they just run hot.
I did and apparently there is a handful of issues associated with heat. Guess I'll continue cheating when this occurs until some patch finally fixes this, hopefully next one.
Giantbomb Kerbal: Project B.E.A.S.T. part 2 is up.
Let's see if they fair any better. Vinny reducing the amount of SRBs straight out of the gate. This is promising.
Yeah, but then he goes and puts the absolute worst engine on for his lander.
This game has become unplayable for me for some reason.
I have a bunch of mods installed and my game will randomly just crash to desktop every so often. Before, it was every 10 minutes or so but now it takes like 90 seconds. I'm guessing it's a memory issue but I don't know. What's the point of mods if the game can't even handle them?
My mod list:
Anyone tried AtmosphereAutopilot? Makes flying planes much easier and more fun
I bought this during the Steam sale after getting turned on to the game by the recent Giant Bomb videos...
Is there a logical progression to doing the career mode? I feel like I am often accepting contracts that seem like I should be able to do them, but then finding out that I am not at all equipped to attempt them. Is career mode just doing contracts? Or are there other objectives that I should be paying attention to?
Should I just jump to sandbox mode and go nuts? I figured career mode would hold my hand a bit with the basics of rocketeering but it's been pretty hands-off so far.
Edit: You know what, don't worry about career mode too much. I just did a clean start on career mode, and even with the changes in contracts, it is still a bit too slow of a grind imo with science. You either have to do a bunch of silly ass science exploiting missions or it takes forever to get decent contracts. I think getting to know each part before buying new ones is valuable, but the career mode still needs some tweaking. I feel like they tuned it for seasoned KSP players when it should be more for newcomers.
This is kind of my issue right now. I can launch up a couple hundred thousand meters and return to the surface safely and now all of my contracts just have me doing that over and over again in some capacity. I don't feel like I am learning much. I tried to buy into the Aviation tech tree to try something new and do the survey contracts but I'm not sure I have all the parts necessary to successfully fly yet.