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Kerry "dissed" by Marines in Wendy's

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Gold Member


July 31, 2004 -- SCRANTON, Pa. — John Kerry's heavily hyped cross-country bus tour stumbled out of the blocks yesterday, as a group of Marines publicly dissed the Vietnam War hero in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

That's it! I'm writing in John Titor when I go and vote!


The Marines have their own opinions.

Kerry was treating running mate Sen. John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, to a Wendy's lunch in Newburgh, N.Y., for their 27th wedding anniversary — an Edwards family tradition — when the candidate approached four Marines and asked them questions.

The Marines — two in uniform and two off-duty — were polite but curt while chatting with Kerry, answering most of his questions with a "yes, sir" or "no, sir."

But they turned downright nasty after the Massachusetts senator thanked them "for their service" and left.

"He imposed on us and I disagree with him coming over here shaking our hands," one Marine said, adding, "I'm 100 percent against [him]."

A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, "I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq," before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is "eager" to go and serve.

The Marines — all of whom serve at nearby Stewart Air Force Base — wouldn't give their names.


Whoa, Kerry got dissed. Maybe his running mate Dick Gephardt should've said something to those marines.


GG-Duo said:
Whoa, Kerry got dissed. Maybe his running mate Dick Gephardt should've said something to those marines.

IAWTP's Point.

Also...that's not a diss. That's more of a Finger Wave in his face...like "Nuh-Uh, you ain't gettin my vote bitch", rather than a diss.


A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, "I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq," before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is "eager" to go and serve.

Eager to risk your life for corporate greed and geopolitics. And what's this 'right thing' bullshit? Destabilising the entire country and laying the groundwork for more oppression, more exploitation and more conflict. Clueless. Never mind going to Iraq, how going and getting a clue.


xabre said:
Eager to risk your life for corporate greed and geopolitics. And what's this 'right thing' bullshit? Destabilising the entire country and laying the groundwork for more oppression, more exploitation and more conflict. Clueless. Never mind going to Iraq, how going and getting a clue.

Those Marines are just anther group of chicken hawks. None of them have been in Iraq, yet they support what the US did there, just not enough to go to their CO and ask to be transferred. Also they can vote for who ever they want, but it's just common decency to respect someone. If they had a problem with Kerry coming up to them they could have said, "Hey guy I don't want to be apart of any photo ops." This reminds me of another guy Kerry served with in Vietnam who he brought up on stage. The guy stood there smiling and then when they passed the mike to him he says, "I'm a Bush supporter." Be a man and go hey I don't support you leave me alone rather than trying to show the guy up.


Another reason these Marines are clueless is that Kerry voted to support the war they love so much. You could say he is at least part of the reason why they will be going there so to lambast him like this makes little sense.


Another reason these Marines are clueless is that Kerry voted to support the war they love so much. You could say he is at least part of the reason why they will be going there so to lambast him like this makes little sense.

That's what I found puzzling. The journalist who got that quote should have brought it up. But I guess making Marines look uneducated on the issue they are talking about would be unpatriotic.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
ShadowRed said:
Those Marines are just anther group of chicken hawks. None of them have been in Iraq, yet they support what the US did there, just not enough to go to their CO and ask to be transferred. Also they can vote for who ever they want, but it's just common decency to respect someone. If they had a problem with Kerry coming up to them they could have said, "Hey guy I don't want to be apart of any photo ops." This reminds me of another guy Kerry served with in Vietnam who he brought up on stage. The guy stood there smiling and then when they passed the mike to him he says, "I'm a Bush supporter." Be a man and go hey I don't support you leave me alone rather than trying to show the guy up.

While I have no idea if the 2 marines went to Iraq, if they did not


Unconfirmed Member
Badabing said:
John Edwards goes to Wendy's annually for his anniversary?

Woah, bullshit.
Yeah. His wife made kind of a big deal about how they go to Wendy's every year when she introduced him at the DNC.


Badabing said:
John Edwards goes to Wendy's annually for his anniversary?

Woah, bullshit.

Sounds plausible to me. Have you looked at his wife? ;)

I think they go to Arby's on Valentine's day, KFC on Easter, Mcdonald's on Mother's Day, Burger on Father's day...


Gold Member
Saturnman said:
Sounds plausible to me. Have you looked at his wife? ;)

I think they go to Arby's on Valentine's day, KFC on Easter, Mcdonald's on Mother's Day, Burger on Father's day...

That's no wife. It's a space station.


Yeah my ex told me about that tradition.

I told her while it was a cute story (something about them moving on their 1st anniversary and being to grimy to eat anywhere else), it sounds like a story made up by Trial Lawyer to reach the "little people."

The Little People eat that shit up though. The democrats haven't done a thing for the little people except posture for their votes, I wish they would see that. Ah well, no sense on exposing on this liberal website lest I get banned :)

Funny pic, Navy dude trying to act hard against a Marine.


First tragedy, then farce.
DJ_Tet said:
Funny pic, Navy dude trying to act hard against a Marine.


In any case, the Marines were being idiots.. they are republicans (or at least the one is) and dont like Kerry. So they went ballistic when he thanked them for their service.. which I would imagine was a sincere gesture. Sure, it was a photo-op, but at the same time its not as though Kerry went up to him and punched him in the balls and told them how stupid they were for going to Iraq.


Gradually DJ_Tet has become just noise to me.

Like, that noise that you get when you turn it to channel 82, but you don't get channel 82. Or that noise that you hear when a dozen cows find some particularly arousing.


StoOgE said:

In any case, the Marines were being idiots.. they are republicans (or at least the one is) and dont like Kerry. So they went ballistic when he thanked them for their service.. which I would imagine was a sincere gesture. Sure, it was a photo-op, but at the same time its not as though Kerry went up to him and punched him in the balls and told them how stupid they were for going to Iraq.

You're right, I was referring to the pic itself. Looks like Kerry wants to beat his ass.

And thanks for your support Socrejesus.

God forbid someone support Bush.


And thanks for your support Socrejesus.
Alright. There are two necessary elements to a joke such as that. One is the pun. You've got that down. However, the second is relevance. Now, a lot of people like to dismiss the relevance part as subordinate, but I feel that it's just as important, if not moreso. You do not have this critical aspect. Therefore I am forced to disregard your quip as stupid and indicative of a very poor sense of humour.

Unless, of course, you feel I am on equal ground to Jesus? Or even the second coming? Well, then I'm flattered. And a little embarrassed. *blushes*
God forbid someone support Bush.
Of course it's not so simple.


Socreges said:
Of course it's not so simple.

It's not? I'm pretty sure the marine was quoted as saying he was 100% for Bush. Just because someone is running for president does not grant him the same accolades/respect as the President/Commander in Chief.

And regarding your first comment, perhaps I should have called you Socregis.

Sorry, won't make that mistake again.

What does a marine have to do for someone running for president? Even if he's for Bush, I doubt he would do the same thing if Kerry was President. He isn't, saw the meeting for what it was, and called him on it. According to the article he still addressed the elderly man as Sir. What did he want?

This is a hotly contested election, some people aren't going to stand for being used as props. Good for them.


DJ_Tet said:
It's not? I'm pretty sure the marine was quoted as saying he was 100% for Bush. Just because someone is running for president does not grant him the same accolades/respect as the President/Commander in Chief.

And regarding your first comment, perhaps I should have called you Socregis.

Sorry, won't make that mistake again.

What does a marine have to do for someone running for president? Even if he's for Bush, I doubt he would do the same thing if Kerry was President. He isn't, saw the meeting for what it was, and called him on it. According to the article he still addressed the elderly man as Sir. What did he want?

This is a hotly contested election, some people aren't going to stand for being used as props. Good for them.
Wait, what? No. You said "God forbid someone support Bush" after switching to ME, so I took it as you suggesting that I was giving you hard time because you're a Bush supporter. I don't care about what the marine said. This is nothing.
And regarding your first comment, perhaps I should have called you Socregis.

Sorry, won't make that mistake again.
I was just kidding around.

Though I don't know what Socregis is supposed to mean either.


Socreges said:
Wait, what? No. You said "God forbid someone support Bush" after switching to ME, so I took it as you suggesting that I was giving you hard time because you're a Bush supporter. I don't care about what the marine said. This is nothing.

I was just kidding around.

Though I don't know what Socregis is supposed to mean either.

As for "god forbid" I was referring to the marine, not myself.

As for Socregis, I was referring to Regis Philbin, not Jesus. I too was just joking around.

edit: although I too support Bush

Look, no one says Marines have to be decent people. They knock up teenagers in my state. They answer only to their commanding officers and of course the Commander in Chief. In this case, John Kerry is little more than a common man (little meaning he's a senator). They don't really have to give him the time of day if they don't want to. He's a veteran, and if I was in their position I would have reacted differently than they did. But they really don't have to do anything a senator wants them to do, especially a senator who is trying to take Bush's job, whom they obviously support.

My original comment was in reference to the picture ONLY. Yet you jumped on me for it. Does it, or does it not, look like Kerry is trying to pick a fight in that pic?
Kerry was treating running mate Sen. John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth

But I thought the Post said Gephardt was his running mate! Already a contradiction. ;)

Are any real news sources running this story?
DJ_Tet said:
Look, no one says Marines have to be decent people. They knock up teenagers in my state. They answer only to their commanding officers and of course the Commander in Chief. In this case, John Kerry is little more than a common man (little meaning he's a senator). They don't really have to give him the time of day if they don't want to. He's a veteran, and if I was in their position I would have reacted differently than they did. But they really don't have to do anything a senator wants them to do, especially a senator who is trying to take Bush's job, whom they obviously support.

I think it's rather shameful that these Marines couldn't even be respectful for two minutes. It's always the same with the Bush supporters, they jump down your throat and try to make you feel bad for not supporting this or that. it's a tactic...and it's obviously been brainwashed into certain people who simply are too stupid to make the difference.

Kerry was just saying hello and asking a few questions. Is it ok to be a dick just cause you're a Marine? What an awful excuse. These morons don't have a clue, and the sad thing is...their commander in chief doesn't either. It's the blind leading the blind and that's why Iraq is so fucked up right now and why people question it so often.

Senator Kerry isn't trying to take Bush's job, as you put it, he's trying to change things...for the better. You imply that Bush is doing a great job and that Kerry is a masked theif waiting for the right moment to take his wallet. Bush is one of the worst presidents we've ever had and he had his chance, it's time to let someone come in and try to turn this country around.

If we have Bush for another 4 years that will only damage us as a country. There is no possible way that he could change this country for the better, because he's shown NO SIGNS of doing that in his 4 years. He's a joke, and the rest of the world is laughing at us right now and does not respect us because of him. That leaves us in a bad position as well, when it comes to terrorist attacks.

Something needs to be done right now, even if you or any other of his supporters who have a certain agenda (Drug companies, Religious folk, Higher ups who have kept their jobs and haven't been fired yet, but shouldhave) don't agree with it.


Che said:
Wow Kerry got "dissed" by brainwashed little soldiers!

brainwashed? I'm sure you attained your opinion on current politics without reading/viewing any supporting media from the press or by listening to others around you


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Marines go through more psychological conditioning than the other branches of the US military. Plenty marines finish their terms and return as normal people, themselves + 4 years, but I've also seen people come out and be damn near unrecognizable. It's a sensitive issue, though (questioning how necessary it is when it can save lives and/or win battles).


Gattsu25 said:
brainwashed? I'm sure you attained your opinion on current politics without reading/viewing any supporting media from the press or by listening to others around you

Their whole training is a brainwashing procedure, and you wonder?


okay...so just take out the first word of my post :b

Che: I'm sure you attained your opinion on current politics without reading/viewing any supporting media from the press or by listening to others around you


EviLore said:
Marines go through more psychological conditioning than the other branches of the US military. Plenty marines finish their terms and return as normal people, themselves + 4 years, but I've also seen people come out and be damn near unrecognizable. It's a sensitive issue, though (questioning how necessary it is when it can save lives and/or win battles).
Can you ellaborate on this please? What keeps them from being "normal" again, and more specifically what kind of training or "brainwashing" do they undergo?
StoOgE said:

In any case, the Marines were being idiots.. they are republicans (or at least the one is) and dont like Kerry. So they went ballistic when he thanked them for their service.. which I would imagine was a sincere gesture. Sure, it was a photo-op, but at the same time its not as though Kerry went up to him and punched him in the balls and told them how stupid they were for going to Iraq.

How was it "ballistic" exactly?

The Marines — two in uniform and two off-duty — were polite but curt while chatting with Kerry, answering most of his questions with a "yes, sir" or "no, sir."

But they turned downright nasty after the Massachusetts senator thanked them "for their service" and left.

"He imposed on us and I disagree with him coming over here shaking our hands," one Marine said, adding, "I'm 100 percent against [him]."

A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, "I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq," before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is "eager" to go and serve.

"I disagree with him" oooo, that was downright "nasty" baby. And polite but curt sounds anything but ballistic to me. IMO, this a typical, "Let's make a story out of nothing" article. It's not like the marines slapped Kerry's hand away and told his wife to come on over and see what a real man can offer. And how people in this thread get up in arms about this "story" is exactly the reaction the Post was looking for. There's no real story here.
They were trying to eat, and Kerry tried to use soldiers as a photo-op, which they knew and understood, and didnt want to be part of Kerry's publicity/photo-op machine..

So they effectively hindered that by letting him know they are Bush supporters..

Whats wrong with that? They have every right to say if they support Bush or not when Kerry attempts to use their image for a photo-op to show "Soldiers like me!" when in fact, the majority of those enlisted dont like Kerry and many vietnam veterans out-right hate him.

kitchenmotors said:
I think it's rather shameful that these Marines couldn't even be respectful for two minutes. It's always the same with the Bush supporters, they jump down your throat and try to make you feel bad for not supporting this or that. it's a tactic...and it's obviously been brainwashed into certain people who simply are too stupid to make the difference.

Kerry was just saying hello and asking a few questions. Is it ok to be a dick just cause you're a Marine? What an awful excuse. These morons don't have a clue, and the sad thing is...their commander in chief doesn't either. It's the blind leading the blind and that's why Iraq is so fucked up right now and why people question it so often.

Senator Kerry isn't trying to take Bush's job, as you put it, he's trying to change things...for the better. You imply that Bush is doing a great job and that Kerry is a masked theif waiting for the right moment to take his wallet. Bush is one of the worst presidents we've ever had and he had his chance, it's time to let someone come in and try to turn this country around.

If we have Bush for another 4 years that will only damage us as a country. There is no possible way that he could change this country for the better, because he's shown NO SIGNS of doing that in his 4 years. He's a joke, and the rest of the world is laughing at us right now and does not respect us because of him. That leaves us in a bad position as well, when it comes to terrorist attacks.

Something needs to be done right now, even if you or any other of his supporters who have a certain agenda (Drug companies, Religious folk, Higher ups who have kept their jobs and haven't been fired yet, but shouldhave) don't agree with it.
I can only wonder if maybe Kerry didn't eat Wendy's all the time that he might be able to throw a baseball... Although to be honest did you see the look on his face when it landed like 10 feet short? He was quite pleased with himself. As if to say "It went forward??? It went forward?!?! IT WENT FORWARD!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA!!!!" I think what would have been best is if at that point he started impersonating Ric Flair and did the "Stylin' and Profilin'" strut. I shouldn't joke, the man lives to be safe... Anyone else see the bike gear he had on when we was just out for a ride, and cameras just happen to be following him, and then he just happened to tell some little girl she had the same name as his running mate's wife. The look on that girls face was priceless, it was like a mixture between, "What are you talking about?" and "Wow, you look retarded in all that gear, I'm like 10 and I don't even wear all that" moments for the rest of our lives.
LuckyBrand said:
They were trying to eat, and Kerry tried to use soldiers as a photo-op, which they knew and understood, and didnt want to be part of Kerry's publicity/photo-op machine..

So they effectively hindered that by letting him know they are Bush supporters..

Whats wrong with that? They have every right to say if they support Bush or not when Kerry attempts to use their image for a photo-op to show "Soldiers like me!" when in fact, the majority of those enlisted dont like Kerry and many vietnam veterans out-right hate him.

I know people who have come home from Iraq and quite honestly don't want to go back and don't support how Bush is doing things. Majority my ass.

Your tag says it all.
By "brainwashing", they mean they have to make a normal, sane individual to shoot somebody, see a friend get shot, and take orders while being shot without questioning or feeling bad about it. Its why they now use human looking targets in firing ranges, why they make everyone look the same, and why they work them to the bone. Its understandable why they do it though, because if you don't act correctly at the moment of attack, you put yourself and the people around you in danger.
kitchenmotors said:
I know people who have come home from Iraq and quite honestly don't want to go back and don't support how Bush is doing things. Majority my ass.


Have any of you people ever spoken with someone who spent time in Iraq? I know a small handfull, but they speak not only for themselves, but for a vast majority of those they served with, and they all felt it was a totally pointless mission with no rewards in the end.


DJ_Tet said:
My original comment was in reference to the picture ONLY. Yet you jumped on me for it. Does it, or does it not, look like Kerry is trying to pick a fight in that pic?
I "jumped on [you]" for this comment mostly:

"Ah well, no sense on exposing on this liberal website lest I get banned"

...and an accumulation of things such as that. You're not so bad, though. In fact, I'd take a hundred of you over one TPO.


brainwashed? I'm sure you attained your opinion on current politics without reading/viewing any supporting media from the press or by listening to others around you

But it's not so systematic and forced upon by the media. It exists, yes, but the media never tells you to become a killing machine, and to think of your "enemy" as animals.


Tag of Excellence
FortNinety said:
Have any of you people ever spoken with someone who spent time in Iraq? I know a small handfull, but they speak not only for themselves, but for a vast majority of those they served with, and they all felt it was a totally pointless mission with no rewards in the end.
Yes I have, and the responses were the complete and utter opposite from several Democratic, Republican, and Centrist political thinkers within the Army.

I've actually met with a VAST amount of soldiers coming back and going forth in the South Florida region and almost all of them are incredibly upbeat (excrutiatingly tired of course) about the mission at hand. I've met several who were quite negative about it but their opinions mostly spanned from wanting to be home with their family/friends than anything political. Sure, you have a couple of anti-Bush supporters who beleive he's the devil incarnate but I never took those seriously (suprisingly they were almost non-existant considering what some have mentioned) .

While I completely beleive your firsthand accounts and I'm not the least bit suprised, what I've been told is the total opposite of what you've experienced and judging from a few friends in the service around the country it is the norm rather than the exception. Actually I went ahead and relayed this story via email to a couple of friends and a few other individuals within service and they were VERY suprised to say the least (I of course won't bother with the angry and rude retorts I was given in reply to what you've posted).

I do not present this from any form of political platform, I simply wanted to relay what I've been told from speaking with those off-duty and a few friends I've met over the internet regardless of political affiliation.

EDIT: It helps having your half sister's ex-husband being in the Army. I usually jump at the opportunity to visit the Tampa Army base whenever I have the chance. The Homestead AirForce base is also frequented by a large amount of those in service.
kitchenmotors said:
I know people who have come home from Iraq and quite honestly don't want to go back and don't support how Bush is doing things. Majority my ass.

Your tag says it all.

Dude, its a fact that the majority of those enlisted vote Republican...

just because you know a couple dudes doesnt mean shit! i know a couple GUYS TOO, WOW!!!

so if i agreed with you, my tag *wouldnt say it all?* or what? nice try to be funny, i give you an A for effort, go see grandma for a cookie.

my point is, these guys didnt want to be part of kerry's photo-op, and have every right to make their point be known so that they could destroy their image being used in a photo-op, and they effectively did.. whats wrong with that?


Tag of Excellence
LuckyBrand said:
Dude, its a fact that the majority of those enlisted vote Republican...
While of course I didn't conduct any polls nor do I have access to the general consensus, you'd be suprised what I've found. From my personal experiences and what I've been told from friends and acquaintances from around the nation (via e-mail and my sister's ex-husband) there are quite a large number of Democratic and Centrist political thinkers enlisted. I'd agree that the majority are Republican but there is still a large force who are on the opposing political platform and don't think ill of Bush and what has happened in Iraq.


But it's not so systematic and forced upon by the media. It exists, yes, but the media never tells you to become a killing machine, and to think of your "enemy" as animals.

Wow... I guess your speaking from experience, huh? Otherwise that is about the most ignorant thing I’ve read in this forum. This includes the Opa & Futami years.


Wow... I guess your speaking from experience, huh? Otherwise that is about the most ignorant thing I’ve read in this forum. This includes the Opa years.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?


Xenon said:
? So I guess that means you have served in the military, otherwise nice dodge.

You're getting boring trying to deny everything. Everything Fight for Freeform said was the truth, for god's sake even some marines admit that this is their training. They are trained to be killing machines, and they are trained to let others think for themselves. So when they run screaming "Kill Kill Kill" they're just testing a new method to become better personalities?


You're getting boring trying to deny everything.

Huh... I disagree with what you and FFF claim as the truth. I was in the military and know what has been taught. I also have a brother who was a Marine and a few friends who were marines. AT NO TIME WERE ANY OF US TOLD TO REGARD THE ENEMY AS ANIMALS. So unless you have been through it, shut the fuck up! And to dismiss their political affiliation as brainwashing is beyond ignorant.

If Bush tried to take a photo op of you would you stand their and play nice for the camera? I’m sure you would just to be polite….riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight[/Bill Cosby voice] But somehow you people try to twist this into just another extension of Bush. WTF is wrong with you people. It must be a scary world with those tinted glasses.

At least these marines are doing something to change this world. It goes against what you believe is right. But I have a feeling that they could care less what people on this forum think. The only effect FFF has on the planet is his post count. so...

+1000 respect for Marine

a big who cares for FFF

I'm not denying anything, I just disagree.
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