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Kerry "dissed" by Marines in Wendy's

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The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I glanced through this thread.. and figured hey let me continue to stir the point.

1. Most marines are brain dead.
Sorry that's the case, your average marine soldier isn't capable of much more than a yes, no... and oh yeah go kill them guys over there. That's a little inter-service humor... ;)

2. I served in the Army.
Yup... and I'm not voting for Bush... too many of my friends have gone to Iraq and come home... different. I'm simply glad I received my honorable discharge a few years ago before this all went down.

Actually I have nothing to add to this thread... except that I don't feel we've had a good 4 years from the little people(corporations and rich folks have done quite well though), and simply put it's time for a change IMO.



It exists. Whether you weren't a part of it, doesn't mean it does not exist. The fact that it exists in the first place, is what's troubling.

So, what are you told to regard the enemy as? Would you answer this question?


Fight for Freeform said:
It exists. Whether you weren't a part of it, doesn't mean it does not exist. The fact that it exists in the first place, is what's troubling.

So, what are you told to regard the enemy as? Would you answer this question?

Are you a marine? Did you get to watch a bootcamp on MTV?


Xenon said:
Huh... I disagree with what you and FFF claim as the truth. I was in the military and know what has been taught. I also have a brother who was a Marine and a few friends who were marines. AT NO TIME WERE ANY OF US TOLD TO REGARD THE ENEMY AS ANIMALS. So unless you have been through it, shut the fuck up! And to dismiss their political affiliation as brainwashing is beyond ignorant.

If Bush tried to take a photo op of you would you stand their and play nice for the camera? I’m sure you would just to be polite….riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight[/Bill Cosby voice] But somehow you people try to twist this into just another extension of Bush. WTF is wrong with you people. It must be a scary world with those tinted glasses.

At least these marines are doing something to change this world. It goes against what you believe is right. But I have a feeling that they could care less what people on this forum think. The only effect FFF has on the planet is his post count. so...

+1000 respect for Marine

a big who cares for FFF

I'm not denying anything, I just disagree.

You avoided my accusations but that's OK. And that's because DarienA's post sums it up perfectly so that I don't have to say anything more.

"+1000" for the Marines? I bet you're not brainwashed. What's next? Marines are doing
God's work?

PS. Just for the record I'm not saying that every single marine is brainwashed, there must be people clever enough to avoid it, but unfortunatelly most of them are.


Why do people assume they are brainwashed? You guys know nothing about these Marines yet you presume to know why they feel the way they do. Now who's brainwashed?

Darien's post by no means puts an end to the argument because he obviously doesn't speak for everyone who serves.
Makura said:
Why do people assume they are brainwashed? You guys know nothing about these Marines yet you presume to know why they feel the way they do. Now who's brainwashed?

Because its takes a bit of tinkering with the head to get a man to kill somebody without feeling too much remorse. Its one of the main objectives in basic training, breaking down the psychological barrier of taking a man's life.


Okay, so Kerry goes up to a couple of marines, says some pleasantries, they respond in kind, and then they turn around and bitch about him once he's left Wendy's. Why exactly is this a news flash? Oh shit, a couple of marines don't like Kerry - quick, someone call the Associated Press! I'm looking forward to future threads such as: "Kerry 'dissed' by some guy in my office" and, of course, "To everyone's great suprise, Kerry 'dissed' by George W. Bush."

I think we're ignoring the real story here.

Teresa Heinz Kerry, apparently unfamiliar with the Wendy's menu, pointed at a picture of chili and asked the cashier what it was before ordering a bowl. Her husband had the same, along with a Frosty.



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Makura said:
Why do people assume they are brainwashed? You guys know nothing about these Marines yet you presume to know why they feel the way they do. Now who's brainwashed?

Because Marine basic training focuses ALOT more on the psychological breakdown of the soldier so that as a soldier they are able to kill without hesitation.

Remember Marines are often the first large scale armed force put in place in many "hot zones" and you can't have that front line force hesitating.

Am I speaking for all soldiers? Of course not.

But soldiers for most other armed forces will tell you that most marines... are nuts.


So, what are you told to regard the enemy as? Would you answer this question?

Its not so much what they're taught about the enemy as it is what is said about US soldiers vs any other. They're told that they are stronger, smarter, better equiped, and are the best trained fighting force in the world. They put it in your head that its killed or be killed. They don't tell you to think of the enemy as animals. They just make sure you understand that you will need to kill to survive. Its designed to break down any moral problem with killing.

I am not saying soldiers don’t cross that line and start dehumanize their enemies, but it is not taught. Its more of an effect of being in war. It also goes for any soldier US, French, Iranian or any other country.

You avoided my accusations but that's OK. And that's because DarienA's post sums it up perfectly so that I don't have to say anything more.

What accusation? That I'm getting boring, whatever. Whats boring is having every event in the newspaper twisted into another way to bash Bush.

Some soldiers refused to partake in a photo op for Kerry and you people write them of as Bush's brainwashed goon squad. FfF Made an ignorant statement about Marines being trained to think that their enemies are nothing but animals. A statement that is completely false.

I find it hilarious that the so called "informed" people on this forum sink so easily to insults and generalizations. Anyone who supports Bush is stupid, ignorant, blind, brainwashed or just a douchbag republican. When you to attack the person, it makes it that much more easy to dismiss their opinion.

"+1000" for the Marines? I bet you're not brainwashed. What's next? Marines are doing God's work?

You’d win that bet =)

huh? What’s with the God stuff. No one said they were.

But soldiers for most other armed forces will tell you that most marines... are nuts.

True, but most go in that way. I think the majority of people who join the marines go in with some idea that they are going to become killing machines. It takes a certain kind of person to walk into that.
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