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Kevin O'Leary launches unofficial PM bid against Justin Trudeau

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listen to the mad man
O'Leary is a terrible businessperson. The fund he used to manage had to be bought out by one of his co-stars because it was bleeding so much cash.

He's most famous business success is selling his company to Mattel only to have them immediately declare "wow this is the worst acquisition we've ever made, this company was incompetently run and we were duped during due diligence" and then liquidate all the assets later.
If the American economy crashes in the next 4 years its going to be very hard for conservatives to win here. If everything is more or less stable then I can easily see this guy winning :(

Good bye environment, it was nice knowing you.

I don't think the economy will crash, in fact, I see wall street making record $$$$

the environment is another issue entirely though
'Canada ain't going to vote for him. Not one bit.'

I know you edited the post after, but this is EXACTLY what the Brits said about Brexit, and it's EXACTLY what some said in America this year.


We're not going to hell alone, Canada. Hop in.

No thanks, Trudeau's ratings are higher than ever imagined... and we are working towards Electoral Reform for Proportional Representation.

Not to mention the guy can't speak a lick of french, so that's already a 1/5 of the population thrown out the window. Add that to Toronto, and the entire golden horseshoe in general which has a hardon for always voting Liberal and the fact that people are still mad at the Conservatives for 10 years of Harper and we'll be good for another tem.

That said, Trudeau is totally going to drop the ball on Electoral Reform because of his popularity and the Leftist Vote is going to shatter back into its three parties... so chances are Conservatives get back in anyways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Canada was the one shining light of freedom and now of course the world tries to correct that little mistake.

Stay strong Canada!

We need a place to go to when shit hits the fan...


True, but one thing to give Canada, we're predictable. Trudeau's in for the long haul. This Trump wannabe doesn't play here.

Canada is also very different than the UK or US in that we don't have a sizable population of disadvantaged lower-class people. Also, Canadians generally understand that they have to move to where the jobs are, which is why the urban vote is disproportionately strong.

He's most famous business success is selling his company to Mattel only to have them immediately declare "wow this is the worst acquisition we've ever made, this company was incompetently run and we were duped during due diligence" and then liquidate all the assets later.

Oh shit, I totally forgot about this too, haha!!


-He's been living in the US
-He doesn't speak French and is a complete unknown in Québec
-English Canada doesn't have a huge celebrity culture
-News industry is less of a circus than in US
-He can't blame illegals and blaming immigrants in general is still a dangerous game in Canada
-He'll be labeled as a second-rate Trump from the start.
-In 2-3 years, people will have learned their lesson from Brexit/Trump (well, probably not...)
-Trump is kinda likable in a strange way; O'Leary, not really.

So it's an uphill battle for him...

His only angle of attack so far is the deficit and the carbon tax and most people are okay with these things.
well let's see

1) you don't run for pm, you run for a party's leadership and have that party form government
2) “2019 is not an election, it is an exorcism,” "O’Leary painted Trudeau as a “complete incompetent” who is mismanaging the Canadian economy and digging it into a dark hole." Trudeau honestly hasn't done anything material at this point in his term from an economic standpoint; why not characterize him as inactive, unable to rise to the challenge, etc. This is a cartoonish caricature of even the worst case scenario under Trudeau.
3) "Will I learn French? You’re damn right I’m going to try. I have three years to do it.” you can't learn professional french through "three" years of part-time lessons (and he doesn't have three years--he has until he is leader of the official opposition, the idea that he doesn't need to speak until the election is so ridiculous)
4) “You can speak five languages and still not get anything done." right but you can't not speak the country's official languages and get things done
5) "“I don’t speak French. However, I was born in Montreal,” he told the small crowd, describing summers picking apples at his grandmother’s in Quebec and attending McGill University." okay so he'll have no problem learning french in three years but he couldn't learn it spending time every year growing up or going to university there -- granted that McGill is English and an anglophone can survive in Montreal, but it hardly speaks to someone's commitment to picking up the language if they don't bother to.
6) "They deserve all the credit for their policies and by chance the downside come 2019…." okay so now we're back to admitting that they haven't done anything wrong yet, they just are doing something that later has a chance of going wrong. very pointed criticism

Canadian conservatives who believe in basic human dignity and want strong leadership to make inroads in the country should choose:
1) Literally any candidate
2) A random conservative voter plucked out of a crowd
3) None of the above, leave the leader's role vacant going into the election
999) Kevin O'Leary
1000) Kellie Leitch

not knowing French is one thing, but being a Montrealer condescendingly refusing to speak French is a political death nail.

Quebecers are forgiving when a Western Canadian does an effort to try.
(Like when Stephen Harper improved his skills and was able to carry his own in a French debate.)

But Quebecers will crucify an Anglo Montrealer who refuses to speak French and then says "they understand the language of business"

LOL, good luck Kevin.


if he does win Conservative leadership I could see him winning to be honest

I think ya'll are underestimating this political trend/shift to more right wing

Mikey Jr.

Is he trying to be Trump? Canada ain't going to vote for him. Not one bit.

Sorry Kev. Unlike America, we don't vote for businessman, no matter how blunt they are.

EDIT: Using first post privilege to say "Hey fellow Canadians! We are in the right fucking track! Don't swerve off just because you hate winter. Climate change is real but weather magic ain't real, so enjoy the fucking weather cause its going to be a bumpy ride. Exercise your damn vote on 2019!"

I like O'leary. I'll give him a chance. I will vote in 2019, but not automatically for Trudeau. Sorry.
Reality of things of what will happen in the next 3 years.

1. Weed gets legalized.
2. Canada makes bank from tax money.
3. Canada applies that tax money towards universal income pilot projects, improve the already amazing health care system, improve schools and provide better services and facilities for the working class.
4. Canada continuing on this journey of becoming more awesome.
6. Housing market's unbreakable bubble continue to fuck shit up.
7. ?
8. Trudeau.


Is he trying to be Trump? Canada ain't going to vote for him. Not one bit.

Sorry Kev. Unlike America, we don't vote for businessman, no matter how blunt they are.

EDIT: Using first post privilege to say "Hey fellow Canadians! We are in the right fucking track! Don't swerve off just because you hate winter. Climate change is real but weather magic ain't real, so enjoy the fucking weather cause its going to be a bumpy ride. Exercise your damn vote on 2019!"

Most of the conservatives I know are very interested in voting for O'Leary. He should be treated as a legitimate threat.
Lol the CPC found an Ignatieff but even worse.

Trudeau would have to massively fuck up.

Even so with what happened in the US we are aware.


It is really pathetic to see Conservatives in Canada trying to take after Trump now that they see it as a pathway to victory. They could just not be terrible people instead.

While Trudeau is not perfect, and has made some dumb mistakes, I am very proud of his messaging, and how his election was a public rejection of the fear-mongering and prejudice Harper tried to bring into Canada during the election.

If anyone like Trump gets close to power in Canada, I will fight it tooth and nail.

This sort of people are always waiting in the wings of every society, watching for a moment that they believe safe to strike. O'Leary is already positioning to strike if things turn for the worse in the next few years, which could very well happen thanks to the U.S. alone now.

Trudeau for his part needs to help protect against this by implementing that voter reform.


O'Leary isn't really as bad as Trump and is not at all like him in terms of foreign policy. I remember listening to him in a radio interview where he straight up sympathizes with terrorists and says "we've done worse to them"... which was shocking to say the least. He's also half Lebanese and is very open to immigration.
You know, knowing any prospective pm needs to know French acts as a nice unintended intellectual barrier.

Frankly, I'm getting behind the idea any given head of government needs to do a basic political trivia contest in public.


Well for one thing, O'Leary is entertaining and might actually make Canadian politics interesting for once; he's pretty witty.

Personally, I wouldn't want to be in a debate against him. Any politician who comes to the podium without facts and figures to back up their statements is going to get shredded.


Canada in 2019:







Well for one thing, O'Leary is entertaining and might actually make Canadian politics interesting for once; he's pretty witty.

Personally, I wouldn't want to be in a debate against him. Any politician who comes to the podium without facts and figures to back up their statements is going to get shredded.

Where have you been for the past year or so?

I want him to lead the CPC just to see what he'll do for the french debates.

This is the first step to Prime Minister "Asshole who hasn't lived here for years but thinks he knows better than us because of his shit business decisions and embarrassing show". Nip this bloody weed in the bud, pull it out from the ground and burn it in a sealed bubble so its ashes don't spread anywhere. This should not be treated as a joke. This is not normal. This is seriously terrifying.

You will all be better off assuming he is going to win instead of dismissing it and talking about what supposed obstacles are going to stop him.
I want him to lead the CPC just to see what he'll do for the french debates.

he understands French but he refuses to speak it.

He has shown up on a Sunday night talk show without an ear piece and listened to all the French questions but answered them all in English
O'Leary isn't really as bad as Trump and is not at all like him in terms of foreign policy. I remember listening to him in a radio interview where he straight up sympathizes with terrorists and says "we've done worse to them"... which was shocking to say the least. He's also half Lebanese and is very open to immigration.

That's the thing. It's very easy to draw comparisons to Trump because of business, but they couldn't be any more different aside from their bombastic personalities. Problem with O'Leary is that he views things from an entirely business scope, as opposed to Trump who tends to view things with his own flawed moral compass and doesn't necessarily seem to care about business. For O'Leary, that's not going to bode well for issues that require a more complex state of mind, like jobs, welfare, schools, etc. At least O'Leary recognizes opportunity in progression:

In his interview with Clark, the former Dragon’s Den star said he believes the Conservatives will have to align their platform with the views many Canadians now hold on medically assisted death, marijuana and gay rights.

“Assisted suicide? Yes. Legalizing marijuana? Yes. Gay rights? Yes. All of these are going to be identical to the Liberal Party,” O’Leary predicted.

If he does go back on his word, that's not going to bode well either. That being said, I'd rather have Trudeau than O'Leary because I don't expect businessmen to understand what it means to run a country and not just its economy.
Sadly, my riding has been strongly conservative for the past 30+ years. I'll vote against them and do my best to spread the word, but I'm counting on you, major metropolitan cities, to not let us down.


Sadly, my riding has been strongly conservative for the past 30+ years. I'll vote against them and do my best to spread the word, but I'm counting on you, major metropolitan cities, to not let us down.

You could still make a difference before the 2019 election. If you register as a conservqative then you can vote against O'Leary and Leitch in the hopes that they won't become the party leader.
so, another Conservative candidate who wants to defund and/or privatize the CBC.

So far: Leitche, Bernier, O'Leary, Sheer.. who else? Trost too ?
-He's been living in the US
-He doesn't speak French and is a complete unknown in Québec
-English Canada doesn't have a huge celebrity culture
-News industry is less of a circus than in US
-He can't blame illegals and blaming immigrants in general is still a dangerous game in Canada
-He'll be labeled as a second-rate Trump from the start.
-In 2-3 years, people will have learned their lesson from Brexit/Trump (well, probably not...)
-Trump is kinda likable in a strange way; O'Leary, not really.

So it's an uphill battle for him...

His only angle of attack so far is the deficit and the carbon tax and most people are okay with these things.

Counterpoint: yo shark tank tho
-He's been living in the US
-He doesn't speak French and is a complete unknown in Québec
-English Canada doesn't have a huge celebrity culture
-News industry is less of a circus than in US
-He can't blame illegals and blaming immigrants in general is still a dangerous game in Canada
-He'll be labeled as a second-rate Trump from the start.
-In 2-3 years, people will have learned their lesson from Brexit/Trump (well, probably not...)
-Trump is kinda likable in a strange way; O'Leary, not really.

So it's an uphill battle for him...

His only angle of attack so far is the deficit and the carbon tax and most people are okay with these things.
What, i'd take O'Leary in a second over Trump.
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