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Kevin O'Leary launches unofficial PM bid against Justin Trudeau

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Remeber the time he basically tried to bribe democracy by offering to donate a million to charity if the premier of Alberta stepped down? Priceless.


Sucks at poetry
How do elections work in Canada? My wife (who is from Canada) tells me that people can call for an election whenever. Don't they have to wait and give the incumbent a chance first?


The Liberals don't even have to hold an election in 2019.

How do elections work in Canada? My wife (who is from Canada) tells me that people can call for an election whenever. Don't they have to wait and give the incumbent a chance first?

The people don't directly call for elections. The Members of Parliament representing the various ridings can call for an election (edit: via votes of no confidence), but the Liberals have a majority, so no one is calling for an early election. Parliament terms aren't fixed length. However, a particular Parliament can only exist for a maximum of 5 years.



Canada is a parliamentary democracy. You don't "run for Prime Minister." This isn't America with WWE style light shows where 17 people smack talk each other for the most votes. You have to be appointed as party leader and then win the most seats. Why would the Conservatives appoint this blowhard as their party leader? Dude would pull an Ignatieff and not even win his own constituency. Even if his party did win, he would be sitting on the steps outside the parliament door watching the sessions on CPAC.
Yea, I don't get it.

He has no shot at being a legitimate CPC party leader candidate, let alone the fucking PMO, especially by 2019.

The only logical explanation here is that O'Leary isn't entirely familiar with the Canadian Parliamentary process.


Just remember before you vote that the only way a Conservative candidate wins is by splitting the left.

Btw: if you want to ensure that O'Leary/the evil lady doesn't win, go become a registered member of the Conservative Party and vote in their leadership race. You can influence this right now - don't just sit here on the internet and complain. We can prevent this.


How do elections work in Canada? My wife (who is from Canada) tells me that people can call for an election whenever. Don't they have to wait and give the incumbent a chance first?

When a majority government exists, like now, we have to have one every five years. The standing government may call for one sooner however.

In a minority government the oppositions can also vote against any vote that is a 'condfidence' vote like the budget for the year. This also causes dissolution of parliament and an election to be called.


listen to the mad man
How do elections work in Canada? My wife (who is from Canada) tells me that people can call for an election whenever. Don't they have to wait and give the incumbent a chance first?

Here are the circumstances under which an election would occur:

1. Ordinarily, elections must be held at least every five years, and by custom every 4-5 years, at the discretion of the Prime Minister
2. The previous government passed a fixed election date law to end this practice, but it has basically not been relevant because...
3. As with any parliamentary government, an election occurs if the governing party is defeated on important business in the House of Commons; this can occur either because the government does not have a majority (which can occur because there are more than two parties) or because the government engineers its own defeat by voluntarily tabling legislation it knows will lead to a collapse and daring parties to do it while its own members are absent. This could also occur if opposition members initiated a vote of no confidence and that vote suceeded.
4. In practice, the Prime Minister could dissolve government and request that an election be held. He requests this from the Governor General, who is equivalent to a Queen or King in other countries. The GG could deny the request or allow it.

In practice, Trudeau's government has a large majority and there is no reason they would call an election before the end of 2019. Depending on whether or not they pass a law to strike the fixed election date law, they may have more or less flexibility on this.
Would be funny if all those people that said they were moving actually did and then ended up getting Canadian Trump.

But seriously he won't win.
How do elections work in Canada? My wife (who is from Canada) tells me that people can call for an election whenever. Don't they have to wait and give the incumbent a chance first?

I think she is refering to the days before Harper's fixed date law went into effect.

Harper signed a Fixed Elections Date law (which handicapped himself last year) that the Government must hold an election every 4 years on a Monday on an October.

Prior that this Fixed Election Date law; a (majority) Government could call for a snap election whenever the time was convenient for them.

Jean Chrétien was a master of this

But, since the Fixed Date rule, it is October 2019 by law now (the next one)


in the case of a Minority Government; the opposition parties can make the Government fall with a Vote of No Confidence Motion; forcing an election regardless of the Fixed Date Rules.


I think she is refering to the days before Harper's fixed date law went into effect.

Harper signed a Fixed Elections Date law (which handicapped himself last year) that the Government must hold an election every 4 years on a Monday on an October.

Prior that this Fixed Election Date law; a (majority) Government could call for a snap election whenever the time was convenient for them.

Jean Chrétien was a master of this

But, since the Fixed Date rule, it is October 2019 by law now (the next one)

I somehow missed this happening.
How do elections work in Canada? My wife (who is from Canada) tells me that people can call for an election whenever. Don't they have to wait and give the incumbent a chance first?

Well, unlike the USA we have several political parties. Right now though the current ones are the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, Bloc-Quebecois, Green Party... plus a couple independents. This alone means that to win a seat you only need to secure something like 35% of the vote in your riding (We're working on fixing that with Electoral Reform but at the moment Trudeau seems content toying with the hearts of reform proponents)

Basically, unlike in the USA our equivalent role of your President is our Queen/King of Canada, or in actuality the Governor General which is appointed by the Prime Minister who actually controls government.

In Canada, our Prime Minister is just a regular Member of Parliament (Congress) with some fun extra capabilities that involve the spending of money. An election can be called anytime, but it is mandated that we have one every 4 years from the last... and currently elections are required to take place in October.

Come an Election, we don't have a single election, we have 338 Individual Elections (Ridings) each of which elects a single MP. When the election is over, all the MP's go to the House of Commons and "vote" on who the government of Canada is, though in actuality it is based off of who the leader of the party is that won the most seats. With that person chosen, the person then gets invited by the Governor General to try and form Government. This entire process is called "Confidence"

When trying to form government, the person who holds "Confidence" becomes the Prime Minister and he selects his ministers, they get sworn in, they come back to parliament and introduce the Throne Speech and if it passes they are officially government.

Now what you are mentioning is all around the concept of "Confidence". If the Government doesn't have a Majority of the seats (aka, a Minority Government) they either have to make deals with the Opposition to get Confidence, or they can coalition for favours or Minister spots. Any vote can effectively be a Confidence Vote, but in practice they are only on Budgets and Throne Speeches. Essentially, when a Government loses Confidence, the Governor General has two options. Either try to allow someone else to get Confidence to form a new government, or call an election.


He'll have to get past Doug Ford first.

edit: I hope the Liberals get rid of the fixed election date, it makes the whole thing a damn circus. No campaign season, everyone do your job and then BAM! Election in a month! The way it should be. Surprise everyone.



Canada is a parliamentary democracy. You don't "run for Prime Minister." This isn't America with WWE style light shows where 17 people smack talk each other for the most votes. You have to be appointed as party leader and then win the most seats. Why would the Conservatives appoint this blowhard as their party leader? Dude would pull an Ignatieff and not even win his own constituency. Even if his party did win, he would be sitting on the steps outside the parliament door watching the sessions on CPAC.

Technically, he wouldn't be appointed head of the CPC: The party is holding a leadership vote for members to choose among the, thus far, 15 candidates if we're including O'Leary via a ranked ballot. Given how what few polls we've seen have unbelievably small sample sizes and the lack of any clear leader (Leitch may be getting the most headlines but that doesn't automatically translate to her being more likely than Trost or Chong to be the leader), it's difficult to say how O'Leary would fare during said vote.


I doubt he'll come even close. He's definitely a smart guy but I've seen him on Shark Tank and what not. He doesn't have that likability that Trump had on people.
He'll have to get past Doug Ford first.

edit: I hope the Liberals get rid of the fixed election date, it makes the whole thing a damn circus. No campaign season, everyone do your job and then BAM! Election in a month! The way it should be. Surprise everyone.

Lol, Snap elections are definitely enjoyable from that aspect alone. No campaign season, just pure unadulterated confusion and scrambling as everyone rushes and starts pulling all nighters to get their ducks in order for Day 3.

That said, If they want to keep some sort of Fixed Dates I would want them to either put in place a fixed starting date to compliment the ending, or to replace them with Minimum and Maximum campaign period


I doubt he'll come even close. He's definitely a smart guy but I've seen him on Shark Tank and what not. He doesn't have that likability that Drumpf had on people.

Oh he's definitely smart. He is so smart that he sold Mattel the most intelligent investment they've made: A worthless company they disposed of shortly after its acquisition along with O'Leary via firing his ignorant arse from the company before suing him and settling for $112,000,000.

I know nothing about this guy. Is he a dick or something?



"playing" dumb? unpossible
Not at all. But how'd both of those PM's work out for you?

I never align myself with a party. Ignorant people do. I align myself with a person and their policies.

Everyone thinks that by voting Liberal you're voting for progressive reform. Instead we have Kathleen Wynn who wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on a cancelled hydro plant and now has sold off Hydro One which is going to love raping us all on hydro costs.

Yay Liberal.

You do know that the provincial and federal parties are not the same right? The NDP here in Alberta, are closer for example to 80s Conservatives, than they are to the Federal NDP.


I know nothing about this guy. Is he a dick or something?

He's a low rent Trump with less business acumen (though a lot less wavering on social issues as far as I know) and is even more disliked by the general public. He had a show (cohost) on the very network he'd see burn to the ground as wasted tax dollars.


I'm not a fan of Trudeau's but I'll definitely swallow my pride and vote Liberal if this clown is somehow given leadership of the Conservatives.

Like... seriously. The Shark Tank guy?! The guy can't even manage a business. I won't let a single "fiscal Conservative" live this down if he magically gets in somehow.


For all those who think this has no chance - I went to the grey cup and. Plus the year Trudeau's speech over the booing. If you are complacent, if you don't volunteer, if you don't vote you are underestimating how close this will be.

I say this as someone who fully acknowledges how Trudeau's government are a bit silly. Climate change alone is a critical issue, as are social rights. Go and vote. This will be close. Get your friends to vote.


never left the stone age
"O’Leary painted Trudeau as a “complete incompetent” who is mismanaging the Canadian economy and digging it into a dark hole."

So without "Celebrity Businessman" opinions, how is Canada's economy actually doing?
He's most famous business success is selling his company to Mattel only to have them immediately declare "wow this is the worst acquisition we've ever made, this company was incompetently run and we were duped during due diligence" and then liquidate all the assets later.

So he's exactly like Trump.

Yeah, you guys are fucked.


"O’Leary painted Trudeau as a “complete incompetent” who is mismanaging the Canadian economy and digging it into a dark hole."

So without "Celebrity Businessman" opinions, how is Canada's economy actually doing?

It's on relatively steady ground, with no holes.
Hopefully Quebec will block him at leadership race level.

I think the comparisons to Trump/Brexit are a bit much though. 'At least' he didn't start his campaign off with "Mexicans are rapists".
Well for one thing, O'Leary is entertaining and might actually make Canadian politics interesting for once; he's pretty witty.

Personally, I wouldn't want to be in a debate against him. Any politician who comes to the podium without facts and figures to back up their statements is going to get shredded.

Because that's what's important in politics... fucking entertainment...
I know you edited the post after, but this is EXACTLY what the Brits said about Brexit...
Nah dude, a lot of Brits saw Brexit coming a mile away. The media circus has been going at it for the past 20 years with literally no headlines highlighting the benefits of membership for individual workers as well as companies.

Guardian and Independent stories a week before the referendum wasn't going to undo the years of damage the Tories have inflicted on the one bit of civil rights out of their control.


O'Leary will lose interest way before 2019. It's cute that he thinks he'll be okay with his French just in time, though.


listen to the mad man
"O’Leary painted Trudeau as a “complete incompetent” who is mismanaging the Canadian economy and digging it into a dark hole."

So without "Celebrity Businessman" opinions, how is Canada's economy actually doing?

Oil is a huge industry for us so it's a bit of a rocky time, and we have housing asset bubbles in a few provinces, but nothing cataclysmic.


As a Canadian the first thing i thought of when i read this was "Uh oh..."

Hopefully 4chan and reddit don't meme this idiot into office.


A lot of gaffers have no idea how Canada works. They seem to think it can be compared to the US or even the UK for some reason.
I hope that many American people take some time to read up on the way our system works and what the trends are before running around saying "wow I though Canada was better than this" or "wow we're all screwed". There is nothing worse than uninformed Americans projecting on us.
Oh GOD this sack of fermented garbage juice. If this fucker gets even 100 feet of a parliamentary seat, I will gladly drop everything in my life on the spot to rally HARD against this fuck.


You're looking at his escalator moment. You're looking at the Canadian version of all those times you've thought, "How in the hell did Trump get elected President of the United States?"

I will not underestimate this.
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