Imagine getting up in arms for a kid cartoon from the 80s. What's next, people making a big deal out of Transformers and My Little Pony ?![]()
That cartoon was in the 80's and had a good comic run that was recently redone and had a good following. understand all these people who were kids inlcuding me are now in their late 30's--early 40's. ANd also some have kids of their own, what better thing to sit down and watch this with them to show them how cartoons were back when you were a kid.
Only to have the message be butch looking women are drawn to be stronger and a better version of he-man than the main guy himself? What kind of message is that for young boys? That they cant be protectors of others? That being a man is bad?
Those are some of the things in the first episode with teela getting all pissy that made me roll my eyes. Also how the fuck did teela not find out long ago? Adam's mother knew?
It's forced carrying the torch storline is what bothers me. The whole" adam sacrificed himself knowing you would be here to protect eternia". Like I get it, it makes sense because thats what the champion of grayskull is suppose to do. But to say he" you are the new he-man now". It's kind of unwarranted because it happens in the first episode of a continuation/reboot of a series. Been nice if this was the end of episode 5, it would have had more buildup then having he-man sacrifice himself in the first episode. I totally know why they did this, and it's for shock, to make you want to sit through the rest of the female brigade.
Like there's stuff I like, alot, Evil-lyn is amazing, orcos was great. But part of me is regardless of what Mattel tried to pull with the licenese, you still were able to creat what ever you wanted without calling it he-man for the title. Dont know why you dont re-introduce heman do first 2-3 episodes about he-man/teela, have that shocker ending be episode 5 where she finds out.
I will watch the second part of this 10 episode, but im expecting more female he-man push. Which to me makes no sense.
It's forced carrying the torch storline is what bothers me. The whole" adam sacrificed himself knowing you would be here to protect eternia". Like I get it, it makes sense because thats what the champion of grayskull is suppose to do. But to say he" you are the new he-man now". It's kind of unwarranted because it happens in the first episode of a continuation/reboot of a series. Been nice if this was the end of episode 5, it would have had more buildup then having he-man sacrifice himself in the first episode. I totally know why they did this, and it's for shock, to make you want to sit through the rest of the female brigade.
Like there's stuff I like, alot, Evil-lyn is amazing, orcos was great. But part of me is regardless of what Mattel tried to pull with the licenese, you still were able to creat what ever you wanted without calling it he-man for the title. Dont know why you dont re-introduce heman do first 2-3 episodes about he-man/teela, have that shocker ending be episode 5 where she finds out.
I will watch the second part of this 10 episode, but im expecting more female he-man push. Which to me makes no sense.
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