That would be a horrible cut, it would completely destroy the flow of the film.
You can't just
like that out of the blue. I mean
*shakes head*
All of a sudden it would be like
Yoda: "Oh, I talked to Qui Gon before, and he told me about the true nature of the Force"
Obi Wan: "Sweet deal"
Audience: *blink* Whaa?
Yoda: "Oh, I talked to Qui Gon before, and he told me about the true nature of the Force"
Obi Wan: "Sweet deal"
Audience: *blink* Whaa?
You can't just
reintroduce a DEAD character
it's not like he died in ROTS. He died in TPM, and then a WHOLE movie passed and people forgot about him, figuring he just had a minor role to play
*shakes head*