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Kill la Kill |OT|


I went back and watched the fight....she's very clearly
not wearing a bra during it, but one magically appears when she has to take the uniform off. What is this sorcery?

She lives in a family of peeping toms. You think she can't magically protect her modesty?


The most mainstream reference in KLK so far.


Disappointing episode, but
Makotaro was amazing.
The humor worked for me, but nothing else did.

e: forgot to add that episode eight is going to be amazing.
Ep 7

I hate to say it, but despite some cool elements, this was a weak episode. It was quite predictable and awkwardly paced, and despite things being achieved like the scrubs being cleaned up, things felt too slow. It was still amusing though and the time between Mako
donning her uniform and the end
was rad. Like was mentioned above, I also got a kick out of Satsuki's smirks, but overall I just didn't get what the previous episodes have given me at the same level.


Disappointing episode, but
Makotaro was amazing.
The humor worked for me, but nothing else did.

e: forgot to add that episode eight is going to be amazing.

I'm going to have to side with Dresden on this one. Everything was far too simplistic and on the nose for me, I never really bought any of it. This show is far better at silly comedy because it's drama (or even it's melodrama) holds no weight whatsoever.


ranking time:

episode 3 (i'm just really biased towards this one because Satsuki)
episode 6 (dat OST and dat RESOLVE)
episode 4 (great comedy and visual gags)
episode 5 (Tsugumu's introduction was pretty fun)
episode 1 (great introduction into the show)
episode 7 (still great but predictable and even a little underwhelming considering the hype)
episode 2 (not bad at all but also kinda forgettable compared to the other episodes)


1 is by far the best crafted episode of the show so far; and I'm sure it will remain that way until KLK gets its own Gurren-Lagann episode 8 (as far as I'm concerned, TTGL was in the same situation back in the days; Imaishi is just too good).
1 is by far the best crafted episode of the show so far; and I'm sure it will remain that way until KLK gets its own Gurren-Lagann episode 8 (as far as I'm concerned, TTGL was in the same situation back in the days; Imaishi is just too good).

Episode 1 certainly felt like a well crafted mission statement for the show. "This is what it is, and it's awesome". In that way it feels like the most focused and representative episode, but 5 is the one that stands out to me so far, perhaps because I enjoyed its writing the most(sorry Nakashima).


Episode 07

Goddamn, Mako
Goddaaaaaamn, Satsuki
Woo. A predictable episode in many ways, but still very enjoyable. And next week!

Honestly, the show reminds me more of Panty and Stocking than it does Gurren Lagann at this point.
I am okay with that.


3: Satsuki v Ryuko is too awesome.
5: Kinagase is too bad ass.
7: Mako is too cool.
6: Finally get a peak at what the Elite Four is capable of, but I didn't like the ending too much.
4: Most hilarious episode of the bunch.
1: Got the show off to a great start.
2: Kinda forgettable.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own


If Mako is some sort of sleeper agent or spy or whatever, she definitely didn't show any hint of that here. I know there were people hanging on brooms/she had a broom, but man, how do they do a "Mako is really a super badass" after this episode?

The preview for the next episode...so hype.

Oh and...one star
Mako is too classy to go bra-less. More stars means more clothing. GOTTA FIGHT THE CLOTHING MENACE; NUDIST BEACH BANZAI!!!!

they proved she really is a super badass by actually doing badass shit


Episode 7

I enjoyed this episode, but it's not one of my favorites. Even for a series with a lot of obvious writing, the writing in this episode was really obvious. For example, with the dinner scenes, it didn't require such a heavy touch to remind us what their purpose was.

It still had some fun stuff in it, especially
Mako's 2-Star Uniform


Gives all the fucks
A complete shame that
Mako in her 2-star uniform
will most likely never happen again, because I'd LOVE to see some battles with her & Ryuko teaming up to fight someone.


Mako's uniform was more than enough to make up for the rest of the episode. It was too perfect, god damn. I was physically shaking with joy throughout those last few minutes. How is this thread not overflowing with gifs?


All KLK episodes are trying so hard to be so completely different from each other that I won't really try to rank them in any way, shape or form; numbered rankings are for nerds, anyway. I'll just say the first episode is easily my favorite and that it still has the single best scene in the show so far; an scene that tells you everything you need to now about KLK and screams at the audience that it will be worth watching.
I actually really loved this episode even if it was more tame than previous episode solely cause Mako continues to be the best character,
That Goku uniform was badass.
. Also, rankings are for smhucks.


My one single problem with the episode (and the preview for next week) is that all the atmosphere and grittiness the had tried to built with the previous 2 episodes is gone; so there is the feeling that they're going to be an outlier in the story. It's not hard to think that as long as Mako is around, Ryuuko is just going to effortlessly one-shot everyone (be it Sanageyama or Satsuki) while fireworks explode in the background.
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