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Kill la Kill |OT|

OMG I love this show!
Sculpt I made couple weeks ago. Planning to make lady Satsuki this weekend.

And my boyfriend made Tsumugu!

This is amazing! Good job to both!

also I found this on Reddit:

S1 (Season 1) I DIE


Fuck this shit

Poor trigger :( They are scratching the end of every penny they have.
OMG I love this show!
Sculpt I made couple weeks ago. Planning to make lady Satsuki this weekend.

And my boyfriend made Tsumugu!

wow Ryuko looks amazing!

now for discussion, does she look more "western" in 3D?

Man....this could pass off for a videogame model! YOU SHOULD PRESENT YOUR WARES!
Here's some SUPER AWESOME Cosplay sourced from here:https://www.facebook.com/pages/WCS-Team-Spain-2012/309797712401782

I don't think anyone necessarily likes seeing the main protagonist getting wailed upon. I will say though, I appreciate how much physicality this show lends to its female characters. So often women in fiction are the spellcasters, ranged fighters or if they ever take a hit are knocked out in one blow. I really appreciate that they let Ryuko really DISH out the pain but also TAKE it as well. It's something I've always liked about some American comic book super heroes like Wonder Woman and She-Hulk. They get their hands fucking DIRTY (which necessitates that you take some hard blows yourself) and the combat is so visceral. I feel its very anti-sexist in a way and that make me cool with it (assuming there is an appropriate give and take of course).



Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
OMG I love this show!
Sculpt I made couple weeks ago. Planning to make lady Satsuki this weekend.

And my boyfriend made Tsumugu!

Those are some amazing busts. Really looking forward to the Satsuki.

Finished Ryuko woop

Great work. Love the color. By the way, I also love your work in the Drawing-a-day thread.

Where/how did you guys learn to sculpt like this? I've been learning zbrush, but it's a steep hill for me to get to something of this quality.


GAF parliamentarian
Finished Ryuko woop

http://i.imgur.com/v8dUPld.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]That looks fantastic. Makes me want merchandise and models even more!

[quote="TheOGB, post: 90333926"]Also [URL="http://shinden9.tumblr.com/post/67347823605/guys-the-kennedy-assassination-happened-on"][I]what the fuck[/I][/URL][/QUOTE]
Man, these guys are [I]vicious[/I]. Don't do this to me, Trigger.
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