Where has Team Mako gone?! Back me up, guys!

Don't mind me drawing terrible things.
Where has Team Mako gone?! Back me up, guys!
Who's Ryuko's seyuu? She's too perfect for the character.
I could see them killing off Mako and replacing her with Tsumugu as Ryuko's "sidekick".
Trigger pls
Him? But he's not even around the school
Anyway here goes a theory which I have absolutely no basis for thinking (but I've still done so anyway).
Personally I'm gunning for Satsuki getting killed off by some bigger bad before Ryuko fights her. Part of me doesn't feel that Satsuki is an endgame villain at all. Ryuko would still have a reason to pursue this new threat if she were offed before she would get any answers. (Also I'm not buying into the Mako is going to die next episode, everyone would see that coming)
Also if there's a "second act"there wouldn't be a better way than to start it by killing off who is essentially the strongest named character in the show atm. And then the Three Star Generals join Mako and Ryuko in a roaring rampage of revenge (while Ryuko still wants some answers), the story goes on etc. (I think I'd pretty much like this to happen just to have the Three Star Generals become part of the main group lol)like TTGL
Though when I think about it, they'd cover a five man band pretty well. Ryuko is the Leader, Sanageyama is the Lancer/Jobber, Ira is the Big Guy, Glasses is the Smart Guy and Jakuzure could be the Chick; Mako would just be the Team Mascot lol and maybe Tsugumu for the latecomer.
EDIT: I'm putting too much thought into this aren't I?
Ami Koshimizu.
I love her Ryuko VA, she's done a few others I've like too, Holo (Spice and Wolf), Yuumi(Kimi Kiss).
Gotta combine life fibers to make that grey senketsu, afterall.Satsuki surely isn't the final boss so either she will die as a sacrifice for Ryuko or she won't die at all.
Speaking of Jojo tie ins, the voice of Gyro in SBR is the voice of stupid sexy sensei.
Pizza mozzarella, pizza mozzarella, rella rella rella.Speaking of Jojo tie ins, the voice of Gyro in SBR is the voice of stupid sexy sensei.
I hate Mako and I wouldn't mind if they decide to kill her off.
Actually, I'd love to see EVERYONE die.
Stop beeing unfair. Not everyone died. Also it still got a lower kill count than 1.1 episodes of Bokurano.Hey Anno, stop milking Evangelion.
There's only one way for Kill La Kill to endHey Anno, stop milking Evangelion.
These weekly emails are great!
Is there such a thing as #TeamRyuko ?
Is there such a thing as #TeamRyuko ?
Is there such a thing as #TeamRyuko ?
I am #TeamRyuko.
Hmm? Is there a production newsletter or something?These weekly emails are great!
Hmm? Is there a production newsletter or something?
Thanks, wish I had known sooner.Make an account on Triggers store page http://trigger-global.ecq.sc/ and there is a tick box for receiving the newsletter.
Why they don't have a subscribe box or something, baffles me.
More makoxryuko is always welcome