I wonder if Iron Galaxy will be receptive to fan requests to give thunder an accurate KI1 costume.
My biggest concern with IG jumping on stuff like that... is that they're basically starting back where DH was last time;
Make what you can that's of a certain quality within the time allowed. If S2 was still worked on by them, they probably could have streamlined many things that prevented them from being 100% receptive in the past. They gained a lot of experience over the past 2 years of development.
But now we're starting again with a bunch of guys who need to get acclimated to the project (minus the Microsoft guys who have consistent experience under their belts now.) Would they really spend time redoing old work, or trying to raise up to the quality of work left by their forerunners?
I'd love to see them try a bunch of fan-favoring ways to be able to legitimately skip out on stuff if they had to (Such as offering only 1 costume / accessory set at a time, but putting it up to fan vote), because that'd probably endear them well to the fanbase, even if it does mean we get a bit less per bonus content release.