Kaako said:
We need clan leaders for each division and I suggest that they jump online from day 1 so we can all secure the Gaf clans.
Here's a little rundown on the current candidates as clan leaders for the people who are skipping the OP:
[GAF] US East
Full Recovery | Full-Recovery (US Clan Leader)
[GAFm] US Central/Midwest
[GAFw] U.S. Pacific/West
BlacKMaRK | BlacKMaRK714 (Possible P/W Leader)
[GAFc] Canada GAF
[GAFe] Euro GAF
DunpealD | dunpeal-1 (EU Clan Leader)
FFObsessed | FFObsessed (Officer)
[GAFa] Asia/Australia GAF
There's still time before KZ2 hits the shelves. Also 100 points are mandatory for creating a clan.
EDIT: EU Clan leader has been decided.