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Killzone 3 Review Thread [Update: Reviews In OP]


wish there was an Earth Defense Force game with this engine.
love the explosion in the second pic, with the over all lighting...looks pretty life like


anyone know if where the Killzone 3 OT thread is? or a screens/video thread?
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Just watched the Gamespot review. Game looks like GOTY material to me. And there major complaint about the story seems to be just about the Helghast bickering with each other. It might just be me but that sounds exactly like what would happen if a fascist party had there leader removed from the picture.

Good to know I wasn't the only one who felt that way. Something about the military and industry mix reminded me (after no more KZ Emperor) of Imperial Japanese politics towards the end of the war.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I didn't miss your impressions did I Shurs?

Kind of a mess of text:

Bottom line:
Aside from the controls, the campaign plays similarly to KZ2, but with more variety in the environments and a more fleshed out story. It doesn't redefine the genre, but it succeeds in creating a wonderfully atmospheric experience that is, at times, diminished by some design decisions that will, occasionally, lead you by the hand a bit too much.
Shurs said:
Kind of a mess of text:

Bottom line:
Aside from the controls, the campaign plays similarly to KZ2, but with more variety in the environments and a more fleshed out story. It doesn't redefine the genre, but it succeeds in creating a wonderfully atmospheric experience that is, at times, diminished by some design decisions that will, occasionally, lead you by the hand a bit too much.
Awesome stuff man I really appreciate the time and energy you put into it. You commented on a lot I was interested in. Real excited to play it.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Awesome stuff man I really appreciate the time and energy you put into it. You commented on a lot I was interested in. Real excited to play it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Shurs said:
I'd be happy to answer any questions that I can about the campaign if anyone wants to know something more specific.

Does Rico die and if so, is it painful or humiliating?


valentine71 said:
is there a hardcore mode for multiplayer Shurs?

I'll expand on this and ask if there are any extra playlist options other than straight matchmaking into the 4 modes?


valentine71 said:
is there a hardcore mode for multiplayer Shurs?

I could not play multiplayer. Sony set up three hour multiplayer sessions over the course of multiple days, but my schedule didn't align.

I'm only reviewing the single player portion of the game until I can play the multiplayer for an extended period of time, like a week or two.

When I try to access the multiplayer modes on my review copy, which isn't a standard retail disc, I get a network error.

I do have access to Botzone, and there are no Hardcore modes.

I don't think there will be any in the final game.
Shurs said:
I could not play multiplayer. Sony set up three hour multiplayer sessions over the course of multiple days, but my schedule didn't align.

I'm only reviewing the single player portion of the game until I can play the multiplayer for an extended period of time, like a week or two.

When I try to access the multiplayer modes on my review copy, which isn't a standard retail disc, I get a network error.

I do have access to Botzone, and there are no Hardcore modes.

I don't think there will be any in the final game.

Thanks. So no multiplayer for me then:(


hmm, apparently GamesTM avoided reviewing the multiplayer as well. They didn't blame Sony UK for it though :\ Most of the UK reviews I've read spend half a paragraph on multiplayer and casually sweep it under the rug as if nobody will notice that they only had half an hour on it. Unless some of them are basing MP on the beta...

It's a shame there's so much pressure to review big games like this to align with an embargo being lifted, even moreso that, apparently, critics don't think their readers will understand their position.

And Edge reviews are so unreliable that I just read them for entertainment as opposed to information. Not at all surprised that this got a 7 from them.


The controls are PERFECT. They've removed the input lag and it feels great. I can't believe people are still complaining about them.

Heck, they've even dumbed down the recoil in this game.

The MP has more issues than the 'controls'.


Shurs said:
Right. The most clear example of this, in my mind is in Alan Wake.

Scattered manuscript pages which foreshadow upcoming events: Thumbs up.

Thermoses only serve the purpose of collecting towards an Achievement: Thumbs down.
DancingJesus said:
Getting agility orbs in Crackdown is literally the best part of the game.

Getting dog tags in Gears of War - dumb and pointless.

As you said, it really all depends on how it's handled.

Solving Riddler's puzzles in Batman: Arkham Asylum - immensely engaging

Searching & destroying Joker's teeth (which don't even show in the map) - tiresome


Played the first 3 levels of the kz 3 campaign. and for the people who are knocking this down as another generic cod clone. you guys have bad taste. simple as that.

the gunplay is visceral. the graphics are fricking mind blowing and the ai and death animations are incredible. the whole game sets out to achieve a cinematic war experience. what more do you fucking want?

yet cod gets praised as the best fps ever. fucking hypocrites.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Aaron said:
Aside from COD4, no one praises the single player portion of COD series.

Yet they don't complain about it either.

It seems like Killzone is an illuminating franchise to reviewers. Only when reviewing a Killzone game they realize shooters have shitty story and a linear progression.


Aaron said:
Aside from COD4, no one praises the single player portion of COD series.

Don't see the same complaints you see with KZ3's SP campaign either though do you? Add to that, most reviewers apparently barely had time with KZ3's MP before posting their reviews? That just makes it even worse.

Anyway, I'm hoping I get my copy sometime this week, maybe even tomorrow. Will be sure to post impressions.


Shurs said:
I do have access to Botzone, and there are no Hardcore modes.
Can you set time/score limits for any botzone modes? How bout more advanced options like custom numbers of teammate and enemy team AI?

In the open beta's guerrilla warfare (team deathmatch), there are no options, it's just a preset.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The most fashionable will always have unfair advantages in a commercial market because it has mind-share, because people know what to expect. When you present something different, but it varies only slightly, it feels uncomfortable, like moving into a house with a family that is like your own in every single way except they all have perms. Most people won't realise that that the perms actually make sense because the climate they live in makes their hair naturally frizzy. They'll just think it's bad hair.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Love those screenshots. I'm so excited to play the full game, especially after the MP demo. Absolutely in love with Move controls and Botzone.


TacticalFox88 said:
I like how IGN gave MW2 a 10 in graphics but not this, and didn't complain about the story the last time. >.>

Hooooooooooooooooly shit! they did?


And people look to reviews before they purchase.

Simple question: is online co-op in?

IGN review says no. But hey, it's IGN.

EDIT: Eurogamer and other reviews confirm it: no online co-op.

No dayone for me anymore.


I really wish they would show the impact war has on a soldier over time. Make it like Platoon mixed with Band of Brothers. Instances of soldiers breaking down, CO's getting fragged, suicides, etc. Just to get you to empathize with the ISA more to see in how hopeless of a situation they are really on that planet. Also make them realize that at one point they run into helghast that are about no older than 19. They realize that they've been fighting kids that have been tricked or forced into military service by a dictatorship that wants nothing else than genocide for anyone not helghast. Man, so much could be done to really make this a true personal war story in this franchise.
I really don't get this co-op bullshit. There's co-op, so why limiting it to offline play?

This isn't Bionic Commando. Really, really disappointing.


Rikyfree said:
I really wish they would show the impact war has on a soldier over time.
Afro's and full beards weren't enough? :p

Seriously though, there's obviously tension between Rico and Narville from what we've seen so far. Maybe they've played more on that.


Clinton514 said:
lol yeah, the colour of the Helghast flag will most def. give some people the wrong idea about the meaning of that tat.

"No, I'm not supporting the space Nazi, it's completely different!"


Well there were 2 things that stopped me from loving the previous game 100% and probably the previewers or reviewers can help me decide to get this game.

1 - Sony PS3 controller - I fucking hate that piece of shit. The 360 controller feels like a real controller, but is the Move a good way to play that game? I do not mind playing FPS that way as in the Wii remote way as I played RE 4 on the Wii and etc...

2 - Input lag, I was a defender for awhile. Then I played back the games like BFBC 2 , COD 4 , COD MW2 , halo and etc... the input lag and weight didn't agree with me, but since it's removed, it's awesome now yes? I can take abit of weight like in the Crysis 2 demo.


TTP said:
Yet they don't complain about it either.

It seems like Killzone is an illuminating franchise to reviewers. Only when reviewing a Killzone game they realize shooters have shitty story and a linear progression.

This is how I feel.

I honestly have no problem with reviewers giving more weight towards story telling in video games. So if KZ3 has a terrible story, then it should get 7.0s imo, but so should games like CoD and 99% of the other FPS on the market.

It's just blatant double standards
TTP said:
Yet they don't complain about it either.

It seems like Killzone is an illuminating franchise to reviewers. Only when reviewing a Killzone game they realize shooters have shitty story and a linear progression.

metareferential said:
I really don't get this co-op bullshit. There's co-op, so why limiting it to offline play?

This isn't Bionic Commando. Really, really disappointing.

I agree. I too canceled my pre-order over this bullshit.


TTP said:
Yet they don't complain about it either.

It seems like Killzone is an illuminating franchise to reviewers. Only when reviewing a Killzone game they realize shooters have shitty story and a linear progression.

I like this because it's true.
Melchiah said:
I like this because it's true.

It pretty much happens with every shooter that isn't Call of Duty.

Halo: Reach got the same treatment; it happened with Medal of Honor (which seems to have a better story than MW1-2, but still).

The fact that no reviewer ever complains about Cod graphics is beyond my understanding capabilities.


Junior Member
I've got some in-depth impressions in the show that's being posted tonight, and I hope to have a full review done next week. I'm on my 2nd play-through, as this time I'm only using PS Move controls to get through the campaign.
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