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Killzone IGN review!


works for Gamestop (lol)

7.5 Presentation
Killzone offers a minimalist's menu but a fair amount of options. Progressive scan output would be nice, but that omission doesn't hurt the title and its cohesive feel, even if it does start abruptly.
8.0 Graphics
Killzone boasts incredible art direction. Every level is stylish and appropriate while every character and gun is meticulously detailed. Then again, it's also slow running and loaded with glitches.
9.0 Sound
Amazing music and some very crisp, very believable effects are brought down only by repetitive voices and bad dialogue. Brought down, but not by much. Terrific audio job, Guerilla.
7.0 Gameplay
Here's where it gets sticky. The AI is terrible and the scripted combat isn't very exhilarating. But then it looks and sounds so good it's often possible to get lost in the war.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Provided the technological deficiencies don't bother you, Killzone offers a solid multiplayer mode that happens to be plagued by the same problems as the singleplayer game.
(out of 10 / not an average)

"You're reading about a straightforward shooter limited by technology. All the hype built up to a decent game presented in an intriguing universe and with a stunning sense of style. Ironically though, it’s the audio and visual qualities (however faulted they may sometimes be) that save the actual underwhelming gameplay of this one from utter mediocrity.

Now even though playing Killzone is to be bombarded by bugs and glitches and technological inadequacies, the whole experience is definitely worth playing. Before you purchase it expecting Halo to spontaneously combust, just remember the profound words of our ratings guide and its 7.0 descriptor, "Killzone is a good game that has some obvious flaws.""


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The bailout button, where is it?


Junior Member

Kon Tiki

What is the the anti-hype speech? They hoping that other sites will not review games (i.e. Halo 2) based on hype? :lol Not gonna happen.


This is a shame they didnt fix the technological problems and shitty AI.

Why not delay and polish, redicluous to release it now anyways.

Oh well, I'll pass and pick it up later when it hits 20$


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
adelgary said:
Can we expect a 6.8 from GameSpot?

I won't be a jerk, there has been enough ownage. :p


Hype did not influence this review. It did not grab this reviewer by the throat and force out an absurdly low or obscenely high score. Hype is not the master of our judgment. If anything, the mysterious entity of extremely positive expectation that floats around the Internet contaminating children might have influenced a reader of this review (or one of our early previews). There's even a chance you have bought into the hype and are now glancing over this justification of a 7.5 rating and wondering why Killzone is not the greatest thing ever -- thinking that 7.5 is somehow synonymous with awful. Hype will do its evil to the best of us.

First, 7.5 is a statement of worth. It's a rating we assign to quality titles with a fair helping of problems. 7.5 describes a game that could be rented or bought, but should definitely be played by fans, enthusiasts, and casual gamers seeking more out of the genre. That's exactly what Killzone is -- a good game with problems that should be played.

This is how the review starts off! :lol


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Haha, "it's 5.8 actually." That SygnusKain dork should be banned. Doesn't even know wtf 6.8 is. What an ass.
"First, 7.5 is a statement of worth. It's a rating we assign to quality titles with a fair helping of problems."

When your site hands out 9 plus scores like candy, then no this statement is not correct.


hehe no surprise here..in that topic about predicting goty candidates I put this way last of the bunch, even after Jak 3.

Sony would have had to dish out more money hats than the combined costs to develop the PSP and PS3 to have gotten this game better scores than HL2, Halo 2 or MP2.


CrimsonSkies said:
"First, 7.5 is a statement of worth. It's a rating we assign to quality titles with a fair helping of problems."

When your site hands out 9 plus scores like candy, then no this statement is not correct.

We're not talking about IGNXbox here.

Musashi Wins!

Oh, no one go crazy. This was exactly the sane persons take from the demo. Shit AI, lukewarm gameplay and fantastic art. There's never been an iota of evidence that it's anything different than that and the only people this will hurt are those who have been blowing smoke up everyone's ass every time it comes up.

I'm going to rent to try the online at least.


MrparisSM said:
LOL! I was right I was right! Halo Killer MY ASS!

Love the line about the AI being as smart as "an orange rolling down a hill." Three years after Halo, with Halo 2 set to up the ante further on ememy and ally AI, and Killzone can't even seem to top Daikatana for AI. Laughable.


That's too bad. I honestly was hoping this game would be great. Not to be a "HALO killer" but just cause it looked good in screenshots, and I like good games.

On the plus side I was looking to get Ratchet and Clank, Halo 2, Killzone and DOA ultimate. I guess I can scratch this now and wait till it drops to 20.
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