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Killzone IGN review!


I wonder if the fact that they've already played through Halo 2 and had hours with the final multiplayer gave them a frame of reference....


Oh shit guys I could have sworn I saw this posted in the beginning of the GTA:SA review but it has been taken off!

Hype did not influence this review. It did not grab this reviewer by the throat and force out an absurdly low or obscenely high score. Hype is not the master of our judgment. If anything, the mysterious entity of extremely positive expectation that floats around the Internet contaminating children might have influenced a reader of this review (or one of our early previews). There's even a chance you have bought into the hype and are now glancing over this justification of a 9.9 rating and wondering why GTA:SA is not the greatest thing ever -- thinking that 9.9 is somehow synonymous with awful. Hype will do its evil to the best of us.

First, 9.9 is a statement of worth. It's a rating we assign to quality titles with a fair helping of problems. 9.9 describes a game that could be rented or bought, but should definitely be played by fans, enthusiasts, and casual gamers seeking more out of the genre. That's exactly what San Andreas is -- a good game with problems that should be played. Wait for the Xbox port.


Is the final game worse than the demo? I've played Killzone and I think it deserves a 9. It is a very good game actually.


Unconfirmed Member


Chili Con Carnage!
I love the way as soon as a bad review comes out 20 people pop up saying "OH i KNOW, i played it months ago and i knew it would be average at best"


"Com'on ya'll get on the Killz0wned wagon, we're gonna eat friiiied chicken! w000Eii! "


Still the KZ demo gave me more fun and "wow" moments then all the levels I played of Halo. (I bailed after that boring as flood chapter).

Im getting this game for sure.
me too forsete. halo was complete dog shit. killzone is the king baby! i would have played it at e3, but the game was so good that there was jizz all over the controllers from previous players wow and excitement with killzone.

killzone truly is the king of kings when it comes to first person shooters. sell your xbox or gamecube if you have to, but find a way to afford this game!

top 10 reasons why halo is probably the worst game ive ever played:

10. bs vehicle controls. hey am i controlling a truck or playing a grab-n-tilt board game? i cant tell!
09. crappy voice acting
08. lame story
07. lame weapons
06. bad graphics
05. did they ever explain what the hell halo is? clearly the answer is no. terrible
04. master chef? wtf? i'm all for feel good stories, but the odyssey of a lonely cook ascending to the heavens isn't my idea of a great backdrop for a videogame
03. do we ever find out who he is? no. lame. at least the metroid ending told us what was going on
02. levels are a joke
01. enemies are retards

dont bother with halo 2 ladies. much like madden before it, it is simply relying on name along to sell copies, no merit in that shitfest thats for sure

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Frenchcy I hope you are taking the piss because you didn’t explain much eg The levels are shit isn’t very constructive now is it?

Funky Papa

Killzone's LOD is truly fucking terrible.

PS: And please, stop with the Halo crap, this game is nothing like Halo aside from the FPS theme and some details.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
top 10 reasons why halo is probably the worst game ive ever played:

10. bs vehicle controls. hey am i controlling a truck or playing a grab-n-tilt board game? i cant tell!
09. crappy voice acting
08. lame story
07. lame weapons
06. bad graphics
05. did they ever explain what the hell halo is? clearly the answer is no. terrible
04. master chef? wtf? i'm all for feel good stories, but the odyssey of a lonely cook ascending to the heavens isn't my idea of a great backdrop for a videogame
03. do we ever find out who he is? no. lame. at least the metroid ending told us what was going on
02. levels are a joke
01. enemies are retards

dont bother with halo 2 ladies. much like madden before it, it is simply relying on name along to sell copies, no merit in that shitfest thats for sure



Isnt Ivan Sulic the same Ivan Sulic who wrote the Halo 2 feature on PS2.ign.com? Hmm? :)

*review goes down the drain*
It's silly to think any reviewer that attempts to critique Killzone won't want to compare it to Halo2. No matter how hard they try (or even state in the review), it'll find it's way into the review in some form. I have the opinion that if Halo2 didn't exist, this game would be receiving a better review and score.


To be fair, the impressions of Killzone have been mixed before this review. People who state otherwise are being ignorant. It's not like everyone suddenly went from "Killzone rocks" to "Killzone sucks" just because of an IGN review.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Forsete said:
Still the KZ demo gave me more fun and "wow" moments then all the levels I played of Halo. (I bailed after that boring as flood chapter).

Im getting this game for sure.

You've got to be joking...

Regardless of what you think of Halo, the Killzone demo was AWFUL. It was a scripted slowndown fest with problems everywhere. When did you actually have a "wow" moment? When the first flood of poorly animated, scripted Hellgast came rushing you? Or when you first died and noticed that your legs were the most malformed pieces of "something" that you'd ever seen? If you were "wow"ed by the KZ demo, perhaps you should go play some Scripts of Duty on the PC...

Oh, and I gotta admit, this line made me chuckle for some reason...

the AI is about as intelligent as an orange rolling down a hill.

That sounds about right.


dark10x said:
You've got to be joking...

Regardless of what you think of Halo, the Killzone demo was AWFUL. It was a scripted slowndown fest with problems everywhere. When did you actually have a "wow" moment? When the first flood of poorly animated, scripted Hellgast came rushing you? Or when you first died and noticed that your legs were the most malformed pieces of "something" that you'd ever seen? If you were "wow"ed by the KZ demo, perhaps you should go play some Scripts of Duty on the PC...

Why would I be joking?

What demo did you play, the older or the newer?
I played the one with the ragdoll physics implemented (PAL demo).

Some wow moments I got out of the KZ demo.

1. The trench map when the Helghast came storming out of the mist and when I opened fire with my rifle.. It brought my mind to the WW1 trench wars where the enemy came storming in large formations. The atmosphere in that trench was really present.

2. The drop ship coming down the slums, seeing the helghast lowering themselves with ropes. (Half Life 2 quality!)

3. The first stealth kill playing as Luger, slitting the helghasts throat, excellent animation.

Three more or less wow moments for me in a short 2 level demo.

I was also relieved that the game did not turn out to so much of a arcade shooter as I feared, from the very first videos (the leaked once) the game looked like a arcadish slaughter fest with the player funning around shooting down the emeny 2 meters away never letting go of the trigger. When I then played the game myself, I found it this wasn’t possible. I had to take cover every chance I got, I had to almost throw myself down while I reloaded.

I didn’t notice much slowdowns, except for a few in the trench map, and Im pretty picky about framerates.

Im sorry I dont go with the masses and get on me knees before Halo. :)
Oh and CoD is a pretty entertaining game, even if its scriped. :D


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I played the stand alone demo that was released at US EBs. It is quite recent.

I found the trench map to be absolute garbage in every way. Horrible HORRIBLE map that totally turned me off of the game.

The second map was a bit better, but the awful framerate and clunky combat really hurt the experience.

Those are some serious "WTF" wow moments, I must say. I was tempted to just turn off my PS2 upon seeing that first trench level.

You must not be too terribly picky about framerates, though, because the framerate is truly painful. It skips and jitters all over the place (and if IGN's review is to be trusted, that hasn't changed in the final game). I couldn't possibly enjoy the game if the framerate is going stay so low.

There were exactly two things that impressed me:

The reloading animation

The blurring effects used when rushing forward

Those are the two aspects that first impressed me when I first saw a video of the game. Sadly, it seems that those are still the only impressive aspects.


dark10x said:
You must not be too terribly picky about framerates, though, because the framerate is truly painful. It skips and jitters all over the place (and if IGN's review is to be trusted, that hasn't changed in the final game). I couldn't possibly enjoy the game if the framerate is going stay so low.

Is the framerate even worse than in Halo!? :(


dark10x said:
I played the stand alone demo that was released at US EBs. It is quite recent.

I found the trench map to be absolute garbage in every way. Horrible HORRIBLE map that totally turned me off of the game.

The second map was a bit better, but the awful framerate and clunky combat really hurt the experience.

The trench map is basically the tutorial map as you might have noticed, I agree the second map is much better.. But the atmosphere in the trench map really got to me.

Did your version have ragdoll physics? IIRC that was added later in the game, so its a way to determine if you have played the old or new demo.

You must not be too terribly picky about framerates, though, because the framerate is truly painful. It skips and jitters all over the place (and if IGN's review is to be trusted, that hasn't changed in the final game). I couldn't possibly enjoy the game if the framerate is going stay so low.

Perhpas the 60Hz conversion is bad? It runs pretty well in 50Hz (I'd say since GG are Dutch they are developing it for 50Hz first hand?).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Kiriku said:
Is the framerate even worse than in Halo!? :(

10x worse.

Halo was pretty decent in that regard. It would slowdown here and there, but all in all, it was a pretty solid 30 fps. Killzone rarely holds 30 fps. It constantly dips and skips all over the place. It makes aiming difficult and shatters any chance at polish it might have had. Killzone's framerate is worse than playing 2-player splitscreen CO-OP in Halo. Yes, it's THAT bad.

Ragdoll physics are present in this demo BTW.


Do what I want cause I can and if I don't
because I wanna be ignored by the stiff and the bored
because I'm gonna.
Spit and retrieve cause I give and receive
because I wanna gonna get through your head what the mystery man said
because I'm gonna.
Hate to say I told you so.
I do believe I told you so.
Now it's all out and you knew cause I wanted to.
Turn my back on the rot that's been planning the plot - because I'm gonna.
No need for me to wait - because I wanna.
No need two, three and too late - because I'm gonna.
Hate to say I told you so.
I do believe I told you so.
Do what I please gonna spread the disease
because I wanna gonna call all the shots for the "No"s and the "Not"s
because I wanna.
Ask me once I'll answer twice cause what I know I'll tell
because I wanna.
Sound device and lots of ice I'll spell my name out loud
because I wanna, oh yeah?

Musashi Wins!

haha jgar is too good for this board.

I like the "other" demo story too. There are weak ass rag-doll physics in the version released here too, sorry.

I want this game to be better than it is as well...but some people saw things in it that sober observation don't reveal.


he mocks scripting while praises Halo ? what a fucking idiot. :lol

makes MOHAA sound poor as well, this man clearly is up Master chiefs arse from the looks of it ? he needs to be moved to IGN xbox where he belongs.

I will buy Killzone, Halo 2, Half life 2 and love them all.


DSN2K said:
he mocks scripting while praises Halo ? what a fucking idiot. :lol

makes MOHAA sound poor as well, this man clearly is up Master chiefs arse from the looks of it ? he needs to be moved to IGN xbox where he belongs.

I will buy Killzone, Halo 2, Half life 2 and love them all.

wtf are you talking about.
DSN2K said:
he mocks scripting while praises Halo ? what a fucking idiot. :lol

makes MOHAA sound poor as well, this man clearly is up Master chiefs arse from the looks of it ? he needs to be moved to IGN xbox where he belongs.

I will buy Killzone, Halo 2, Half life 2 and love them all.

huh? you do realize barring some of the story line scenes none of the AI in halo was scripted. MOH:AA had HORRIBLE AI when compared to halo.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I'm getting mixed impressions of this game all over the place. Some people are saying this game is awesome and lives up to the hype. Some are saying it sucks and doesn't even come close to Halo in terms of quality. That IGN reviewer seems to be in the "it's ok but not great" crowd.

I guess the only way we'll know how good the game is is when more reviews trickle in, but so far it isn't looking too good.


Kabuki Waq said:
huh? you do realize barring some of the story line scenes none of the AI in halo was scripted. MOH:AA had HORRIBLE AI when compared to halo.

Halo has scripting.

their is not FPS out today what does not have some sort of scripting within the confines of the gameplay.

its not a bad thing, he makes it sound like its some sort of flaw well its not.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DSN2K said:
Halo has scripting.

their is not FPS out today what does not have some sort of scripting within the confines of the gameplay.

its not a bad thing, he makes it sound like its some sort of flaw well its not.

Halo had very minimal scripting. Most scenarios were handled by the AI routines.

Games like MOHAA and Call of Duty features battles that are almost entirely scripted. There is a massive difference between the two...

When you replay stuff like MOHAA, things happen in almost the same way every time. This is absolutely NOT true in Halo. I don't know where you got the idea that Halo is heavily scripted, but you're flat out wrong.
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