Still trying to wrap up KZ1 and start Liberation before this drops. Man OG KZ is a real POS at times. Helghast start becoming noob tubers like bad, and your squadmates are completely useless. And the checkpoints make no damn sense. Its like GG literally forgot to insert them at times.
Yeah, I bought it on PSN for I think £5.40 a couple of months ago, and played it to completion. I had quite positive memories of it from the PS2 version, but I really didn't like it upon replaying. Technically it still felt like it needed a lot of work (I swear, it has
no improvements over the PS2 version), the controls were twitchy and imprecise and in the wide-open outdoor areas the draw distance is just horrible. On the other hand, I thought the level design was generally good, the AI was pretty good and I like the overall premise, the art and technological design. Overall it's not a great game, but I'm glad the series has improved since then.