There was a patch that added on multiplayer and a 5th chapter to the campaign. However, the game fails when you try and update it. Cant make a connection to the now offline server. For the PSP you could just find the files online, dump them to your memory stick and then run the update patch from the games area. On the Vita you don't have access to the file system, so you can't manually place the patch and run the update.
So it comes down to, I've never seen anyone get the patch successfully applied on the Vita and really hate having an incomplete Killzone Liberation on my Vita. Does anyone have a trick to get it to patch?
There is no way of getting Chapter 5 on Vita, I asked Guerrilla about it.
Oh, that's a bit shite. I bought Liberation a few months back; I wouldn't have bothered if I'd known it was incomplete.