Anyone who is capable of looking at things objectively know that companies are always going to do whatever they can to make their products look better than they actually are. I mean seriously, do you watch the trailers for the upcoming Assassin's Creed games and think that is what it is going to look like on either the PS4 or XBox One? Or do you have enough sense to know they are showing it on the highest end PC with everything maxed out and then touched up after the fact to look as good as it possibly can look?
This is literally no different than seeing an advertisement for a Big Mac, or hell even the picture on the menu as you are standing in line, and wanting to sue McDonalds as the real life Big Mac looks nothing like the one in the commercials.
This whole lawsuit is an absolute joke. Let's pretend for a second it actually does somehow win. What exactly does that gain the consumer? Trailers and screenshots that are an actual representation of the final product? Some text on the box that claims it is actually running at 900p but is upscaled to 1080p instead? Like none of that information is widely available as soon as the game is released, if not weeks before it is released?
Every single industry does "false advertising," every single one. If you are somehow gullible enough to fall for it, who exactly is to blame again? The company that is doing the same as every other company out there? Or the people that somehow think any marketing they see is going to be an actual representation of the final product.
Every single industry is doing false advertising, so by all means it should continue in the games industry, is that the logic? Come on....
So if I go to Ferrari to purchase a car, should I question that I'm going to purchase a Ferrari...uhhhhh....a real one? How long should these semantics persist? If it is that I bought a ferrarri 458 italia, but whilst driving on a day to day, I find it's not as smooth or venomous an engine as I'm used to in Ferrari. I mean I've bough many Ferrari cars before so I know the feel and quality inherent with a Ferrari product.
I then take this car back to Ferrari, I ask them to give me a breakdown, I ask them to strip it down, let me see the engine, it just doesn't feel right. The engineer comes in and reluctantly says to me "Sir", we've been trying to save cost, so we've uhhhh...reprojected
........uhhh..I mean uhh..retrofitted an engine of a Nissan almera only that we used the shell of a Ferrari 458. I mean technically it's still a car, is it a Ferrari? I mean it has the shell of one, I'll let you answer that one......NO, it's a façade.
As to your point, should I just accept that car and beat myself that I should have known better, that all businesses are shady, should I just accept this car and accept my fate. Clearly I was too stupid that I was sold on a nice Ferrari shell.
How detailed an explanation would you want to have in the box cover? Do you also want to know the resolution of texture assets and rendering resolution of shadows? What about occlusion culling, do you also want to know how the unseen surfaces are handled? What, to you, is an acceptable level of precision? What would you have wanted to see said in Killzone box?
Textures, shadows, effects (translucent et al.) and all other internal buffers I'll find on my own. All I want to know is if the traditional 1920*1080 native is in or not, I'm not interested in Guerilla's new method, Apparently many devs are not interested in Guerilla's method on the PS4 either.
The game came out in May 20th. I can't find any article before the launch stating the dynamical resolution. All of the articles say that the game runs 1080p60fps.
If you would have frequented beyond 3D you would have known, it's id tech 5, this happens to be a feature of that engine on consoles from last gen, the game never drops frames, it's built into the engine.
In any case, the analysis was published on eurogamer in quick order in a matter of days. The information was out there. Guerilla did not come clean about the quirks of it's engine till (5 months later) when more persons complained about mp's quality, which is the internet nowadays for what it's worth. A customer now have a medium in which to be heard, sadly some folk would prefer that the customer sew his tongue and stay his type as to not upset Guerilla Or Sony, sad times really.