Edit- Just restart the section. It worked for me.Well my first experience with this game is a bug that I apparently need to restart the chapter to fix, which I'm not doing. It wasn't that fun to get to the end of the first mission, or second chapter?
Soon as I get on the dropship and it cuts to a dark screen after the bridge blows, it comes back in and I fall through the dropship until I hit the ground and die. This happens after restarting the checkpoint, PS4 etc. Again I'm not going through the chapter again, so oh well.
Edit- Just restart the section. It worked for me.
Yeah, it was short. Although when I was falling through the map with the bug I took some nice pics of the city.I realized after posting it doesn't start the entire chapter over, that fixed it and only had to redo 10 mins of the armory.
All free fall and anti gravity sections are bad. Very bad. And boring..It has its moments, but its just ridiculous how poor many of levels are executed.
I think it ultimately helps knowing the objectives beforehand though. If there's one thing KZSF was criminally negligent with, it was clear objective markers/indications. There were frequent occurrences of a low volume audio conversation indicating your objective to you once and then never again, so I'd miss where I was supposed to go or why I was going there. This time, things seem much more cohesive but I'm sure there's an element of my pre-existing knowledge.
Interesting. Then the GPU is likely stalling while waiting for the buffer to switch, which would imply either double-buffering or a 3-frame render ahead pipeline (hopefully what they're doing is more akin to the former, since the latter would just add 33ms of input lag for not much benefit).My PS4's fan is almost silent with the 30fps lock option turned on. Big difference from the noise it makes with the fps unlocked.
My PS4's fan is almost silent with the 30fps lock option turned on. Big difference from the noise it makes with the fps unlocked. Not sure yet if I'll keep playing at 30fps, but options are good.
Help please, have reached chapter 7 - The handler (space section), but I seem to have no left stick control for movement, so keep dropping down until it says I'm out of the area. Anyone had this problem or is there a fix?
I am a new owner of PS4 / KZ, and I am experiencing a game-breaking bug in single-player.
It happens at the end of chapter 2, after you escape on the drop ship, and the closing cut-scene.
Afterwards, what is *supposed* to happen is another cut-scene, but what happens with my game is that, it cuts back to real-time, and I am doing what can only be described as floating from the skybox back down towards the ground. The graphics are slightly artifacted, and I have very minimal control over my character. I have tried restarting the level to no effect.
While there are moments where the game isn't clear on showing where the objective is this issues are overblown and it only happened an handful of times. It boils down to trial and error and trying to find the path that was overlooked.
i highly recommend playing through the game a second time, those problems mostly resolve, you get everything from the story and i had a lot more fun, because i knew all the mechanics better.
I just turned on my PS4 and I saw there is a patch downloading for killzone 334MB. Anybody knows whats new?
EDIT: 1595 challenges increased to 1682 after 1.10 patch
Two new maps
Also the factory icon looks new.
I'm replaying the game with the difficulty set to high, no HUD, no crosshair and 30 fps cap and wow it feels completely different from my first run. I just beat chapter 2 but I really was bored and sometimes was annoyed with the campaign on my first run. I didn't even enjoyed the graphics but now it's like a completely new game.
I'm hoping the game will still be awesome for the other chapters because I didn't enjoy an fps campaign as much since Crysis in 2008.
This game should have been 30 fps from the start.
sinclair kills the stunned guys at the start of the game
"you wanted my help? this is my help!"
so you're going to be the twist bad guy in the end, got it.
shoot out these windows so the sun can sizzle your enemies!
oh you've been ejected from the spacecraft altogether! but it's ok, the sun doesn't hurt you anymore!
I'm shooting guys in a vtol while hanging from a rope. ropes don't work like this
Tyran has a gun pointed straight at my head but i pressed the melee prompt in under 3 seconds, so now im going to slowly remove a knife from its pouch and the stab the foot of the slowest trigger finger to ever exist in games
Zeus: "do blah blah blah in my apartment, you owe me one!"
Zues: "hey, thanks for doing blah blah blah, i owe you one!"
and what am i, like half way through? oh well, good thing this game is gorgeous, but what a waste of amazingly talented artists.
Help, please. I'm currently at the end(I think) of the second mission, I need to evac the area by jumping on board of a dropship. Every time I do that the cutscene plays nicely, the AA turrets are blown up by the C4 you placed earlier, the giant statue is being blown up. After that the screen goes black, which I presume is normal, but after a few seconds the screen comes back again and I'm still in the level get kicked out of the dropship and fall down into an endless pit.
I've tried restarting the game and the entire system but nothing worked. Is there anything I can do to get around this, and get the game to proceed as it should without dropping me into the abyss? I don't really want to replay this level again.