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Kinda Funny Brings Back PS I Love You XOXO (now co-hosted by Greg Miller and Blessing Adeoye Jr.)


At the end of their 2020 announcement video, video game/pop culture commentary group Kinda Funny announced the return of their formerly popular Playstation podcast, PS I Love You XOXO:

The show will be co-hosted by Greg Miller and new Kinda Funny hire Blessing Adeoye Jr.

PS I Love You XOXO was the continuation of IGN's Podcast Beyond, which was rebooted with a new cast and format soon after its longtime co-hosts Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty left to form Kinda Funny. PS I Love XOXO ended after Colin Moriarty left Kinda Funny, seemingly due to feelings of disrespect and unwelcomeness at Kinda Funny after Moriarty made a controversial joke Tweet which the company decided was as reprehensible as other gaming media figures on Twitter did.

Moriarty later formed his own company, Colin's Last Stand, which went on to house the Playstation-centric podcast Sacred Symbols, co-hosted by popular YouTuber Chris Ray Gun. The show was aimed to be a spiritual successor to Podcast Beyond! and PS I Love XOXO, with Moriarty even implying that he would be open to doing the show with Greg but the feeling was not reciprocal (see the below Tweet and Reddit post):

It seems now Sacred Symbols, Podcast Beyond, and PS I Love XOXO will all coexist, but it is subjective as to where the spirit of the original show lies.
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In my eyes, KF lost so much once Colin left/got booted. They lost their only dissenting opinion on the show. Now they’re just very vanilla and hold basically the same opinion.
I try every now and again to watch KF but it just doesn’t work for me. Shame because at its inception, I loved it. The chemistry between them all but especially Colin and Greg was brilliant. Greg without Colin is nothing. Too bad Greg doesn’t want to offend his “fans” and just disassociates himself from the “toxic” Colin.


Used to be a huge Kinda Funny fan. Straight up stopped consuming any of their content once Colin left. He left a huge gap that can never be filled for me.

I'm glad Colin is still around and Sacred Symbols is kicking ass. I might try listening to PS I Love You again, but I doubt that will stick either.


I've never understood the appeal of Greg Miller - always found him annoying as hell. I liked Colin and would OCCASIONALLY watch because I enjoyed his takes, but once they fully gave in to the woke mob about that Colin joke and dropped him on his ass I haven't watched a video of theirs since and have no desire to.

Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
Greg Miller?



Neighbours from Hell
Video game podcasts in general just aren’t for me. I like to play games, I don’t really like listening to people discus games very interesting sans reviews for new releases, I’ll listen to the opinions of games I haven’t played yet to get a feel about said game,

I listened to this a few times back when Colin was on it, but it wasn’t a regular listen for me, no chance I’d listen without Colin though.


Never liked Greg Miller. He always struck me as a stereotypical hysterical nerd. He also has an annoying voice.
I remember trying to listen to their PlayStation podcast with IGN. I had no idea who Colin or Greg were. Colin seemed like a nice, down to earth guy. Greg seemed so full of himself and so fake. It all sounded rehearsed from him and nothing seemed genuine. Once they moved to Kinda Funny I again listened and put up with Greg’s extreme fake nonsense just to hear Colin’s take. Once they dropped his ass over a joke, I was done. And yes, Tim is as phony as Greg. Nick seems genuine but stuck in a business he started.
I just can’t back people who dropped their “friend” just to get some woke points with a minority of fans. They aren’t real friends to Colin, or to us.


Gold Member
I know it's not him.... it's Mitch Dyer.... But this Greg Miller guy.... Every time I see him I remember this:


It looks like something he would say at any given moment.... also he reminds me of Mitch Dyer....:messenger_tears_of_joy:


Suffers from extreme PDS
imran khan is the worst addition to KF. can't stand that lisp of his. ugh.

blessing is ok though.

i need to start listening to sacred symbols though.
That guys horrible. He's so monotone, talks like he doesn't care what's going on and in general is out of touch with anything that isn't mainstream PlayStation.

On another note, the entire crew for the most part is extremely one dimensional. It's PlayStation fanboys and then Tim who is the only one who seems to know anything other than Sony(Nintendo games and products.) I forget the British guy who comes on randomly but he's the best of the bunch.


Clearly they've seen all of the money Sacred Symbols is raking in for Colin.

Not interested anyway. Fuck Greg.
That's just it, he had a huge post after he threw Colin under the bus explaining how he was crying at night cause he wasn't sure his company would survive.

Disgusting backstabbing.... Absolutely horrible individual.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
No thanks.

Greg Miller is a fake, phony blowhard who has no loyalty or honor whatsoever. He throws his friend Colin under the bus despite him helping him with chemo while he had cancer and for what? A fucking tweet? You've gotta be kidding me.

I did watch a few episodes of KF Daily after Colin left and the only one who seemed to know anything was Andrea Rene and even she was wrong most of the time. It's like none of them do any research at all. When a nobody like me knows more than them, yeah, it's time to stop watching and move on.

Colin's show is good but doesn't have the chemistry that Colin/Greg had. They simply worked great off each other. But I still listen to it because like him or not, Colin isn't a fake. He tells you straight out and if you don't like it, too bad. Plus, he doesn't apologize for no apparent reason. Will always respect someone like that over someone like Greg Miller.


I wanted to make the OP mostly objective but...Sacred Symbols is a great podcast. As good as Beyond! in the glory days? No. But a great show that I will listen to many more times before I would ever listen to this podcast built on a foundation of betrayal. Greg became such a fake person, it’s sad.


I wanted to make the OP mostly objective but...Sacred Symbols is a great podcast. As good as Beyond! in the glory days? No. But a great show that I will listen to many more times before I would ever listen to this podcast built on a foundation of betrayal. Greg became such a fake person, it’s sad.
Have you listened to Beyond recently? They have this weird Irish man now that just spouts some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard lol.


I see this lasting 3-4 episodes before the show's staff is left debilitated by critical youtube comments and tweets.


Fuck Greg Miller and Kinda Funny. They represent everything wrong with our SJW culture.

If you want a PlayStation podcast and aren't a SJW douchebag, I suggest Colin Moriarty's Sacred Symbols.
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Remember that time OMEGA CUCK Greg Miller was OWNED by his target audience at Resetera so hard that he had to give up any remnant of self respect by backpedaling so much he almost went around the globe ass first?

I do!
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I'll stick with sacred symbols. I dont always agree with Colin's takes, but he's fairly knowledgeable and speaks his mind honestly. That's more than I can say about most gaming "journalists ". The way he was thrown under the bus by his friends and colleagues was pure bullshit.


Have you listened to Beyond recently? They have this weird Irish man now that just spouts some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard lol.

lol maybe I’ll check out an episode to see how it is (I expect it to be pretty bad). Haven’t listened since Greg and Colin left.


Stopped watching KF after Colin left. It seems the situation wasn't one sided and there were faults to both parties.

The main reasons I watched KF were for the interesting debates on gaming trends and the off topic life/political/philosophy discussions that were mixed in.

All that was gone or greatly reduced with Colin's departure.

Ryu Kaiba

Stopped watching KF after Colin left. It seems the situation wasn't one sided and there were faults to both parties.

The main reasons I watched KF were for the interesting debates on gaming trends and the off topic life/political/philosophy discussions that were mixed in.

All that was gone or greatly reduced with Colin's departure.
You can get that in droves with EZA


I used to like Greg more than Colin. I felt Colin was a bit to negative too often. Colin also soured me with his meltdown over PS4Pro. His whole pro was more like Xbox One S than the X. Then the meltdown over the joke and throwing Colin under the bus happened. The only one that really seemed to care was Nick. Then I read the reddit post Greg made explaining his crying in his wife's arms over his business and his decision to dump his "friend". The guy that stood by him through his battle with cancer and everything. I just saw the real Greg in that post and was disgusted. Everything before that felt fake as fuck. Haven't watched Kinda Funny since.
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I'll Just Stick with the Easy Allies Best crew on the web.

Normies have only heard of IGN, Kotaku, and Kinda funny don't know what they're missing.

I used to listen to a lot of them and still occasionally will catch some of their stuff. I still like most of them generally but didn’t they all go to Era? That kind of made me question them a bit to be honest.
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