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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!



"Colin's Whiteboard" needs to be a new show.


Btw, as much as I hate Pokemon Go I think a let's play of Colin playing it walking around a park or something would be glorious


Man, I'm feeling down on the games discussion with Kinda Funny recently. I'm going to list some things here that have been bothering me, but I should not when I say "X happens" I mean "I think X generally happens" and it should not be taken as a factual universal statement.

- Gamescast continues to be poor, in my opinion. Conversations aren't that interesting or in-depth. And I think some of the other issues I'm gonna list affect it a lot.
- Greg and Colin feel very... predictable when it comes to their opinions and discussions. They don't seem to want to expand their tastes and try new things. They're increasingly caricatures of themselves in how they pick their sides in debates. (Greg is defending a publisher! Colin thinks the internet is overreacting to something!) It feels like they've just settled into a rut and don't challenge themselves or each other on that, which brings me to my next point...
- Disagreement leads to interesting discussions, and there's so little of it. Colin or Greg will say something that is questionable or should be dived into more, but no one talks about it further. No one challenges assertions. This leads to conversations feeling like a verbal journal entry.
- My man Colin feels particularly cynical as of late. Don't know if that's just me, a coincidence that this year is all games that he seems to be skeptical of, or what, but it feels like it and has kind of muddied the waters on some game discussions.
- Tim has clearly improved since he started the Gamescast, but I wish he would engage in the conversation more. I think more probing questions and challenging people's opinions could really help a lot on some of the points I mentioned, but he doesn't do that. Not sure if it's because he still feels like he can't hang with these guys in conversations, but he probably can more than he thinks. It might be a personality thing too, I don't know.

As far as possible fixes, I think bringing in other people more consistently to expose the crew to different viewpoints would help quite a bit. (Even having Nick on when it makes sense would be a welcome improvement!) Maybe call it a rotating fouth chair. I would also appreciate them reaching outside their comfort zone a bit with the guests, as they have a lot of repeats on when they do. As I mentioned, Tim could also try to prod the discussions to be a bit more meaty, but I realize that's not necessarily going to happen.

Anyway, thought I'd post my thoughts to see if any of you feel similarly or if I'm all alone on this. Been listening to Greg ramble for nearly a decade at this point and I don't intend on stopping soon. I'm still looking forward to the Alexa/Colin JRPGcast in a couple weeks! That seems ripe for KF goodness.
Man, I'm feeling down on the games discussion with Kinda Funny recently. I'm going to list some things here that have been bothering me, but I should not when I say "X happens" I mean "I think X generally happens" and it should not be taken as a factual universal statement.

- Gamescast continues to be poor, in my opinion. Conversations aren't that interesting or in-depth. And I think some of the other issues I'm gonna list affect it a lot.
- Greg and Colin feel very... predictable when it comes to their opinions and discussions. They don't seem to want to expand their tastes and try new things. They're increasingly caricatures of themselves in how they pick their sides in debates. (Greg is defending a publisher! Colin thinks the internet is overreacting to something!) It feels like they've just settled into a rut and don't challenge themselves or each other on that, which brings me to my next point...
- Disagreement leads to interesting discussions, and there's so little of it. Colin or Greg will say something that is questionable or should be dived into more, but no one talks about it further. No one challenges assertions. This leads to conversations feeling like a verbal journal entry.
- My man Colin feels particularly cynical as of late. Don't know if that's just me, a coincidence that this year is all games that he seems to be skeptical of, or what, but it feels like it and has kind of muddied the waters on some game discussions.
- Tim has clearly improved since he started the Gamescast, but I wish he would engage in the conversation more. I think more probing questions and challenging people's opinions could really help a lot on some of the points I mentioned, but he doesn't do that. Not sure if it's because he still feels like he can't hang with these guys in conversations, but he probably can more than he thinks. It might be a personality thing too, I don't know.

As far as possible fixes, I think bringing in other people more consistently to expose the crew to different viewpoints would help quite a bit. (Even having Nick on when it makes sense would be a welcome improvement!) Maybe call it a rotating fouth chair. I would also appreciate them reaching outside their comfort zone a bit with the guests, as they have a lot of repeats on when they do. As I mentioned, Tim could also try to prod the discussions to be a bit more meaty, but I realize that's not necessarily going to happen.

Anyway, thought I'd post my thoughts to see if any of you feel similarly or if I'm all alone on this. Been listening to Greg ramble for nearly a decade at this point and I don't intend on stopping soon. I'm still looking forward to the Alexa/Colin JRPGcast in a couple weeks! That seems ripe for KF goodness.

Do you think some of your complaints would be addressed if they made the show monthly, instead of weekly? As they have Colin and Greg Live, we can already get their instant reactions to breaking video game news. So if the Gamescast was pushed to monthly, that would allow things to percolate and allow for more in depth discussion of the news, as there would be more to talk about.


Do you think some of your complaints would be addressed if they made the show monthly, instead of weekly? As they have Colin and Greg Live, we can already get their instant reactions to breaking video game news. So if the Gamescast was pushed to monthly, that would allow things to percolate and allow for more in depth discussion of the news, as there would be more to talk about.

I think it could help. But it could also result in them feeling like they've already talked about it on C&GL or PSILY, causing them to gloss over or skip conversations, so it might not work out that way.

It'd also screw with their Patreon if they only had one show a month, and I doubt they can mess with that.
I think it could help. But it could also result in them feeling like they've already talked about it on C&GL or PSILY, causing them to gloss over or skip conversations, so it might not work out that way.

It'd also screw with their Patreon if they only had one show a month, and I doubt they can mess with that.

Okay, what if they still had it weekly, where most weeks they would have general discussions, but the first week of each month, they had an episode that was a deep dive into the most important news of the month.


Okay, what if they still had it weekly, where most weeks they would have general discussions, but the first week of each month, they had an episode that was a deep dive into the most important news of the month.

That could be cool, but it's hard to judge without having actual examples.

Honestly, I'd take virtually any change at this point.
And Colin is officially no longer a member of the GOP. Wonder if this'll affect the smearing he gets on the internet at all.

Nope. The internet seems to deal in blanket statements. There seems to be no place for subtleties on the internet unfortunately. For instance, I've seen people online accuse/blast Colin for being socially conservative simply because he is also conservative fiscally and conservative in terms of governmental power, yet, as we know, he is quite liberal when it comes to social issues (or as he calls it, basic human decency). I think that's part of the problem with politics today. People don't allow for those subtleties. If you associate with one political idealism in any way, shape, or form, you are labeled 100% as something you might not be. For instance, I'm sure some of the people that were at the benefit concert the other day were not bigots and do greatly appreciate science (like Colin), but the singer seemed to treat them as if they were all the same. So, until people stop dealing with absolutes ("Only Siths deal in absolutes!"*- Obi-Wan Kenobi), I don't think much will change.

*Which ironically, is an absolute in and of itself.
While I won't link them here, as they're unlisted on YouTube (Patreon exclusives!), the monthly episodes are up. The GameOverGreggy Show exclusive is the PAX East 2016 Panel and the Gamescast exclusive has a 1 on 1 with interview between Colin and GameSpot's Alexa Ray Corriea.


It's really unfortunate DC has bungled their movies. They've got some cool characters and if they put in the time and got the right talent, they could have something truly better than Marvel's stuff.

Instead, we get a cash-in that no one will like, but yet still will be profitable and they'll make more.

Oh well. Hope Telltale Batman gives us some DC goodness.


Finally got around to listening to the Jared Petty shows... Wow, incredible. Great insight and extremely well spoken, will check out his podcast for sure.


I think the team has come leaps and bounds from where they started and really grown into the show. I think the studio is going to bring a level of production value which will suit these guys.

I often think and this is no offence to Tim or Greg that Colin is on another level to these guys in terms of his historic gaming knowledge and attention to detail. I love hearing him talk about past games. I don't think I ever get sick of him talking about Megaman or Castlevania and often I feel he gets frustrated at the lack of soul in games today which comes off as if he is disinterested in modern gaming but it is clear his heart was was left in the mid 90s and he is more of an interested observer these days.
Stream schedule: https://kindafunnyforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=8950&p=157166#p157166

10:00a - Stream Kicks Off
10:30a - Kinda Funny Studios Debut
11:00a - Colin & Greg Live
12:30p - The GameOverGreggy Show
2:00p - Kinda Funny Plays Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
3:30p - Kinda Funny Gamescast
6:00p - PS I Love You XOXO
7:30p - Kinda Funny Plays Deus Ex Go

All of that won’t fill the entire 12 hours, of course, but… well… that’s just part of the fun.
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